Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1477: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 44)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Tang Shao ’s grandpa ’s birthday?

Singing songs all the time.

Although the Tang family has some reputation in Haicheng, the business of the Shi family in recent years has been like a sky-high and a dark horse in Haicheng, which has been widely praised by the industry. There are countless partners who come to the fund. The reason why they can agree to cooperate with the Tang family is Because Tang Shao's grandfather had such a little affection for Shi's family at that time, when looking at this face, Shi Tang and the two would get closer.

Since Tang Shao moved out of his grandfather, Shi Niange no longer reluctantly could not directly turn her face on the spot, although she was already anxious to take this central air conditioner to the sky.

"Even if the Shi family was invited, but my parents are not in the country, it is impossible for me as a child to go to your grandfather's birthday banquet on behalf of my parents." Shi Niange said coldly, "I will go with my dad when I return home at night. Mom called and said that they should send some birthday gifts back. You can just tell my parents about this at home, there is no need to tell me. "

After speaking, she instantly saw that Qin Shiting was still standing there and had no intention of urging, but apparently she was standing there waiting for her.

Tang Shao also noticed this and turned to Qin Shiting.

He immediately felt even worse. This iceberg rarely dealt with people, but he just came out of the sixth class door a few times, and he could almost see Shi Niange walking with Qin Shiting.

Tang Shao suddenly felt that the sense of crisis was a little obvious, and suddenly held her wrist again: "You come out with me."

"I'm going to study in the morning soon, our class teacher is almost here, where am I going?" Shi Niange hurriedly flung him away again: "Once Tang Shao, you text me to tell you something, don't harm me Would you be late for self-study? "

Seeing that Qin Shiting still looked very pale and stood there silently waiting for her, Shi Niange was also very anxious to go to his side, Tang Shao frowned, lowered his voice and used only what she could hear. In a low tone, he asked, "What is going on between you and Qin Shiting? You have come so close?"

"He is at the same table with me, and it is normal for me to walk close, and I don't seem to have any need to explain to you." Shi Niange really can't stand his entanglement: "Tang Shao, you have to let me say the most Terrible? How did you and I start to get together? You do n’t know? How did you end? You do n’t know? There is no emotional basis at all, it is over when you are over, you have been entangled in this way It's really boring. "

"I'm not entangled, I really like you, miss." Tang Shao also wanted to come and hold her hand.

Shi Niange suddenly fled away from him, took two steps directly to the side, and went directly to Qin Shiting. Although he did not grab his arm or drag his sleeve, the whole person Instinctively hid behind him.

Brother, you like me, does not mean I have to like you.

Just like you like to take your class to spend the afternoon in the infirmary and take care of people for one afternoon, it does not mean that I also want the White Lotus to clap your hands for your kindness.

People and people are different, especially when they have different views, they can't be together any more, it will only be torture each other.

Shi Niange was too lazy to say, but the expression on his face was full of the distance to Tang Shao.

Qin Shiting stood still. Tang Shaogang took two steps in this direction, and suddenly saw Qin Shiting reaching out his hand, holding the hand of Shi Nian, and turning his head, as if there were no other people here. Say like, "May I go in?"

Shi Niange was also stunned by the temperature of the palm of his hand, and looked at him with a blank expression: "Huh ..."

Qin Shiting retracted her hand, but at this time put her hand on her back. It was not a hug, but it seemed to be extra close. So she covered her back with one hand in a protective attitude and protected her. Entered the door of the class.

When they entered, they didn't look back, but Tang Shao's face was black outside and became the bottom of the pot.

Mom. Is he green by Qin Shiting?

What was the expression of Shi Niange just now? Is she actually shocked and shy?

She never had that expression when she was with him! Obviously she is a calm and rational young lady in front of him. It is hard to hide her lively and lovely personality, but at least she has never been as shy as before!

She actually likes Qin Shiting? !!

Tang Shao was frustrated, but noticed that the teacher from class 6 came over from the office. When he saw a teacher coming over, he turned black and turned to his phone while walking in the direction of his class. phone.

"Sorry, the call you dialed is temporarily unavailable. Please redial later ..."

Hit again, and still be.

Tang Shao put his phone down with a black face.

He really had been blackened by her, and he hasn't released him so far.


After Qin Shiting put her hand on her back and walked into the class with him, there were already a lot of students in the class. After entering the door, his hand was put down without any traces, and he only gestured to her to hurry and sit down Don't waste time in front of the door.

Shi Niange was still a little muddled in his mind until he sat down and turned to look at him.

Qin Shiting looked at her again, and the look seemed to be asking: Have something to say?

She banned her voice without asking anything, but her heart was fluttering.

She didn't want to be too self-righteous, but how did she feel that Qin Shiting treated herself ... as if ...

However, she did not have the opportunity to think too much. The teacher in charge of the class had already come in. After entering, she named a few students who had a fight in the playground after school last night.

After being given a lesson by the teacher, several students were called to the office by the teacher with a cold face, and instructed the monitor to watch the morning self-study. Although the teacher was not here, the atmosphere in the entire class was Rigorous makes people dare not breathe.

Fortunately, Qin Shiting was not affected in any way. Shi Niange was sitting inside him. The left-hand side was him and the right-hand side was the wall. There was always a sense of security that was not disturbed by any outside atmosphere.

Because she was sent home last night, she was so happy that she didn't sleep well all night. Now he was by his side, and he felt inexplicably relaxed, only to feel sleepy.

Everyone was very quiet in the morning self-study. She bowed her head and wrote the paper for a while. She couldn't stand it. She wanted to lie down on the table for a few minutes, but she unknowingly fell asleep.

This sleep fell to the end of the morning self-study. The bell rang and she was awakened suddenly. She opened her eyes and raised her head to see that everyone was out. It should be the class time, or I want to continue to sleep for another ten minutes. Then he lay on the table again, really sleepy and sleepy, closed his eyes and went to sleep directly.

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