Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1489: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 56)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Shi Niange walked over and knew each other for so long. It was not the first time that she felt the warmth and kindness, but in this one, she suddenly felt that her relationship with Qin Shiting was really close.

Close enough that he would fall asleep in her house.

She walked around the sofa, carefully looking at his sleeping face, and suddenly hoped that time would stop like this. Do not write homework tonight. He just slept like this and slept with her tomorrow morning. It ’s okay to go to school. It ’s a big time to start homework together.

She stood on the sofa and looked at him quietly.

Then he looked at his sleeping position again, thought about it, turned around and took a pillow. When she came back, she was still thinking whether she should put a pillow to make him more comfortable, but just in case So he woke up?

Qin Shiting should just wait for her to sit here and accidentally fall asleep. If she wakes up, she may not sleep anymore.

Shi Niange stood a little tangled, and looked at him for a long time, holding the pillow in his hand and gently pacing back and forth, and then turned back to see him sleeping on the sofa, this leather sofa is very soft Yes, she often leans on it to sleep, in fact, it doesn't matter if you put a pillow.

After tangling for a while, she set the pillow back aside, and then stood on the sofa watching Qin Shiting's face when she was asleep.

So lovely.

It seemed that every time she had such an opportunity to look at him intently, she was very poor, and she only had a good look in her mind. Ah, it was so good to read that these words were echoing repeatedly.

But if she saw him at first glance, she was just sinking into his face, and now it's been so long, she knows, it's not just because of the so-called good-looking.

Qin Shiting is really good.

She is real, really, really, really likes him, and has never liked a person like this.

In this way, his skin is also really good, very white, but not the very feminine white, but the white that is very healthy, sunny and clean. Take a closer look, step forward gently, step on the edge of the carpet under the sofa, this time close to the legs are directly attached to the edge of the sofa, and then leaned forward to get closer.

Just as she just leaned forward, Qin Shiting's legs, which curled up because of the sitting position on the sofa, suddenly stretched forward. She did not expect that his legs would suddenly flatten out, just her His leg was here, and he was directly hit by his leg. In the next moment, she was not stable because she was too careful. She rushed directly towards the person who slept on the back of the sofa. Go on.

When Shi Niange fluttered, Qin Shiting opened his eyes quickly, looked down slightly, and saw a head lying in his arms, then slowly raised his head awkwardly, yes Get in his sight.

"... I, I! ... I didn't do it on purpose." Shi Niange was so embarrassed that he couldn't wait for time to turn back. Seeing that he had been "smashed" by himself, he quickly put on a smiley face.

When she realized that both of her hands were still resting on his arm, she quickly retracted her hand again, quickly backed out of his arms, and then quickly backed up several steps, keeping A distance of at least three meters.

Qin Shiting didn't know if he fell asleep and was awakened suddenly and didn't recover. What happened? He still sat there with the same posture, but his eyes fell on her quickly retreating, and then she looked at her again. face.

"I didn't really wake you up on purpose." Shi Niange quickly pointed to another pillow on the other side of the sofa: "I saw you fall asleep and wanted to help you put the pillow behind you, but I was afraid of waking up You just stood beside and hesitated. Who knows why your well-laid leg suddenly stretched forward, I got tripped, I didn't stand up, so ... "

"What time is it?" He changed from the posture leaning on the back of the sofa to the normal sitting posture on the sofa, as if he hadn't asked anything.

Shi Niange quickly glanced at the time: "More than nine o'clock ..."

Qin Shiting also picked up the phone at this time and saw the time.

It's really nine o'clock.

Shi Niange was a little worried whether he would wake up now and decided to go straight away, and quickly changed the subject and said, "Do you have to do your homework now? I just called with my mother for too long, so you waited for so long, I knew If you are so tired, I will ... "

"It's okay, write." Qin Shiting stood up.

Because of his movement to get up, the distance between her and her was shortened by at least tens of centimeters, and Shi Nian subconsciously took another half step back.

He glanced at her because of her half step back: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing, write your homework," she said as she recovered her expression and quickly went to the small bar to get the papers.

If he asked like this, it means that he didn't take the matter she just slammed at him at all, which really made her less embarrassed, but after thinking about it, he felt ... he didn't feel at all ... ?

Is it possible to get along with her as a brother?

Anyway, she's still a girl, and flung on him, he really seems like nothing happened.

Although it really can not make her so embarrassing again.

This night she kept her head down to write the paper, but she was absent-minded. Several questions were answered incorrectly. When she raised her eyes, she saw that Qin Shiting was almost finished writing.

He really is true, not at all concerned.

The speed of the write job was not affected in any way.

Shi Niange shook his head, filled his mind with things, and wrote more and more chaotically, and finally put down his pen and stopped writing.

However, when she just put down her pen, Qin Shiting was still writing his paper, but said without looking up: "The third question on the first page, the seventh question, and all the questions on the left side of the second page. Re-do."

Shi Niange: "!!!"

She looked at him in surprise: "You saw me wrong ..."

He didn't answer, but still didn't look up and said, "Do it again and do it right."

"Oh." She responded dumbly and a little slyly, and obediently rushed to rewrite.

Because she was slow to write today, she wrote again many times. Although she worked hard, there were still some snacks. Qin Shiting did not urge her, and it was impossible to tell her the answer easily, but only occasionally mentioned a few ideas about the problem solving. The above things are not too small for today's homework. I finally wrote the right ones at the end. The time hand is already 11.50 in the night.

When Qin Shiting was here, she always felt that time was passing fast, she didn't realize it was so late, she was taken aback when she picked up her cell phone and watched the time.

"It's almost zero." She was surprised.

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