Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1490: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 57)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Well." After he answered, he took her papers for inspection, then put down: "Yes, I'll go back first."

"Oh." She nodded dullly again.

Because the text message he sent last night made it clear that no matter how late he would definitely not stay at her girl ’s house easily, and it was all for her, she would not be so unconscious anymore Delusion of the others, but nodded and did not know what to say.

But she was still a little worried about writing so late today, before he went out to ask: "Are you still coming tomorrow night?"

Qin Shiting looked back at her.

"I mean, I wrote so late today, it's probably too late when you go home and pack up and go to bed. Coming to my house may affect your normal schedule. After all, my homework is too slow ..." She Stuck: "So ... are you still coming tomorrow?"

Qin Shiting didn't answer first, then raised his hand and looked at his bandaged hand, and shook it gently in the air: "Looking at the degree of healing, if you need to use medicine to bandage, it will come."

Shi Niange knew that he would come to his own home, of course, based on the fact that she helped him bandage. She nodded quickly: "Okay, then tomorrow I will ask Aunt Xiang to prepare dinner. What do you like to eat, tomorrow in Let me know. It's too late now. I'll call Aunt Xiang directly tomorrow. "

Qin Shiting smiled and didn't say more. He just waved his hand to leave, and then went out.

Shi Niange turned to look at the sofa not far away, remembering the scene when he leaned on the back of the sofa and flung himself on him.

She rushed to him!

What would Qin Shiting think of her then?

Although she explained it later, he always knew that she liked him. Would he think she was intentional, thinking she wanted to treat him ... what ...

She really didn't mean it!

Blame him for his height and legs, and suddenly straightened her legs forward, she did not expect it!

Shi Niange quickly raised her hands and held her cheeks, trying to reduce the heat, but her heartbeat was still banging, banging and banging.

The smell on him is really good.

Like a person, I feel that even every finger holding the pen seems to exude magic.

What's more, she flew on him.

When she was singing, she was a girl who had been in Qin Shiting's arms for a few seconds. Ah! Ahhhh!


The wound on Qin Shiting's hand healed fairly quickly, also because she really helped him bandage and apply medicine. After four days, she could no longer bandage, as long as you pay attention to disinfection and medicine, but Even if he didn't need to bandage anymore, it was just a reason to apply medicine for disinfection. He still went to her house for several days.

It's good that Qin Shiting accompanies her home every day and leaves home after finishing her homework. Such a relationship actually lasted for a week.

The time to get closer to the college entrance examination is getting closer. This week, the teacher began to pay close attention to late self-study, and the time for late self-study was adjusted from eight to ten.

Sure enough, even a senior in high school must listen to the arrangements of the teacher and school even if the dog is tired.

I was used to writing homework with Qin Shiting every day after school. Suddenly, I had to study for so long at school late, and Shi Niange resisted, but fortunately Qin Shiting was at the same table. You can sit next to him from morning till night.

But the atmosphere of being alone at home and at school is completely different.

On Wednesday morning, everyone came back after doing morning exercises. Shi Niange got up to pick up a glass of water. When he returned to the seat, the **** table at the front table turned back to her and said, "Lin Xu just put a few books on your table. I have a small bag for you. "

Before Shi Niange spoke, she saw a beautifully colored gift bag placed on her desk.

Zhao Xiaoqing opened her eyes and nodded at her in the back, meaning that something extraordinary had been discovered.

Shi Niange was a bit inexplicable. I looked at the books on the table that were recently used in senior 3 review books. I opened and glanced and found that the inside was actually painted with the key points. Obviously, it was the page leader Lin Xu himself Draw on one page.

She picked up the small bag again, and opened it to see a transparent white crystal doll that girls have recently liked, which is clean and clear and cute. The label on the bottom is a Hong Kong crystal brand flagship store.

What is this ...

She put down the little crystal doll, picked up the books and looked at them, and then saw a note paper falling out of it.

Just landed on the ground, Qin Shiting walked back at this time, the note paper just landed at his feet, saw her turn back, realized that the paper was her, and leaned over to help her pick it up , Naturally glanced at the content above.

Shi Niange didn't know what was written on it, but after seeing Qin Shiting's glance, he didn't say anything, but turned his eyes directly to the position of Lin Xu, the squad leader sitting in the front position.

Qin Shiting suddenly saw what he was doing?

Shi Niange blinked at Qin Shiting. He didn't speak and put the paper on the table.

She quickly picked it up, and saw that there were good-looking handwritings that belonged to the boys: [Nian Nian, knowing that you have been under pressure from the senior high school curriculum since you jumped up the grade. I drew many recent simulations on those books The key questions that are prone to mistakes in the test, you have to look more, I hope we can get to the same university. In addition, my cousin went to Hong Kong a few days ago and brought some small gifts to me when I came back. I see that the crystal doll is very cute and very suitable for you, so I sent it. I hope you will be happy every day. ——Lin Xu who hopes to meet you in the same university in a few months. ]

Shi Niange finished reading and put down the note paper in his hand.

This kind of confession looks like confession but is not completely confession. It does not seem to be confession, but it is clearly a confession letter. Should she return?

And so many books, at first glance, the class leader helped her draw it slowly and seriously. If the crystal doll can be returned, but she stayed up late to help her draw the key points in the book. She could not be seen as invisible. Everyone is very busy, and the time that can be squeezed out is reviewing. Even if she doesn't have that feeling for the monitor, she can't ignore it too much.

As she hesitated to resolve the matter, Qin Shiting's voice sounded in her ear: "Sit down."

She hurried back to God, only to notice that she was standing in his position, he was standing on the side, he said nothing just now, but the class bell has rang now, and she is not here yet Moved.

She hurried back to her place, goodbye Qin Shiting sat down, and she quickly crammed the note paper back to the books.

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