Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1491: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 58)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing that she carefully inserted the piece of paper back into the book, Qin Shiting glanced at those extra books on her desk.

"Not to study medicine?" He asked suddenly.

Shi Nian Ge turned to look at him because he suddenly asked himself.

It seems that he rarely talks after class. He usually doesn't talk much.

Now that the teacher was standing on the podium, he suddenly asked himself, although the voice was not high, she should be the only one who could hear it.

"Lin Xu will not take a medical major. I am afraid that the agreement you met at the same university will not be fulfilled." He said blankly again.

Shi Niange: "..."

She did not agree to this agreement.

She glanced at him, wondering his expression, but seeing him still expressionless, then looked at the books on the table.

Shi Niange suddenly moved a little to his side and whispered beside him, "Qin Shen, the books I borrowed from the Provincial Library last time should be returned. Let's find time to return the books together in the past two days. It happens that you help me find a few review books. Even if I want to study medicine, this college entrance examination has to deal with it ... "

Qin Shiting first said nothing, and after a moment, he said, "Weekend."

"Okay, then go together on the weekend!" Shi Niange almost laughed out loud.

Did she think too much?

Shouldn't he mind just now?

If you mind, you can say it directly.

However, reading songs from time to time has nothing to play with other people's feelings. The squad leader is very good, very upright, and has a good personality. Many girls in the class also like him, and she ca n’t delay others ’good youth and love. Good time, I hurriedly returned the things after the next class.

Lin Xu, the monitor of the squad, saw that she had all returned, and did not need to know what attitude she was in. At that time, she looked at her and asked: "Because Qin Shiting?"

Shi Niange looked at him without nodding and shaking his head, but just smiled: "Squad leader, thank you, I didn't get your love, I'm sorry."

Seeing that she did not answer positively, Lin Xu also smiled: "Forget it, it has been seen for a long time that you have been keeping the ice, you must like him, and it seems to be true now."

Shi Niange didn't explain it, just looked at him: "Don't be angry, monitor, isn't your academic focus right now? Look, we are all single now ~!"

Lin Xu is not a person with low emotional intelligence, knowing that she is helping him find the steps: "Okay, okay, go back and keep your ice, I can't influence you, I just don't know when you can Melt that ice. "

After speaking, Lin Xu directly put those books and the small bag back on his desk. Obviously, he didn't want other people passing by to see it. He simply returned the gift and gave it a small gift. Dead man.

Shi Niange smiled and spoke to him for a long time, and the incident was finally passed without harming each other. She went straight back to her seat.

Qin Shiting just went out with the teacher, and now the seat is empty.

Behind it, shy and Zhao Xiaoqing seemed to be noisy.

"Don't talk to me!" Zhao Xiaoqing gave a very shy look, and then immediately saw that Niange returned, and said to her, "Near I tell you, if this dead fat man dare to stab your stool again, you Just squeeze him backwards and squeeze him into the corner. He takes up too much space. Sometimes I feel that the place is bigger and I ca n’t write on the chair! ”

"You can pull it down. When do I push the table so far away, it's obviously your own small arms are not long enough, it's eighteen and not even one meter and six, you dare to say I'm fat!" Hao Xiushe resigned Show weakness.

"Look at me just now, I wrote a word, how far has the chair been pushed back by you, you keep saying crowded, you don't even think about it, such a large distance can fill your body, how can I write! "

"I have lost five pounds since I was at the same table with you. What else do you want!"

You and me, each one of you, and your expression is full of anger, when you read the song, you will be happy.

The two men always quarreled, but today their expressions are so serious that they really seem to be in conflict.

But the bell was already ringing at this moment, and she couldn't ask anything. She sat down and looked back at Zhao Xiaoqing and the shy two people who turned their heads off without talking.

When Qin Shiting returned, Shi Niange whispered to him and whispered, "We just had a fight at the back table."

Qin Shiting didn't look backwards, just looked down at her because of her approaching posture.

She thought he wouldn't bother with such a boring topic, but he replied, "Well."

Shi Niange said, "Will the two of us fight?"

Qin Shiting replied: "No."

These two words made her extremely happy. She was so happy that she still wanted to say something, but after all, she was already in class. She quickly tidy up and sat in a good mood, but she was in a good mood all through the class.

Before going to self-study in the afternoon, Zhao Xiaoqing and shyness were not good, and they kept whispering to each other, one said that the other party was a short, thin bean curd, and one said that the other party was a strong and fat fat bear. Make each other.

Shi Niange turned back and tried to mediate, but after she said a few words, the two turned their heads directly and no one spoke.


It's hard.

What can be noisy.


The results of the half-month mock exams are good when reading the song. Anyway, if you want to study medicine, the score line will definitely pass.

Qin Shiting is still so stable. No one in grade 3 can hold him back in high school.

Maybe when Shi Niange chose to sit next to him, she really chose the right one. She jumped up as a senior sophomore. In such a junior high school, less than one year, the results really counted like a leap forward. Teacher Zhao I am also very satisfied, so when I saw Shi Ningge and Qin Shiting going to school together, I kept my eyes open and closed. Anyway, the background of these two ancestors was too big, so I'm sorry.

After returning home with the results of the mock exam, Shi Niange watched his scores soar over the past few months, and he was greatly satisfied.

Then I picked up the transcript and looked at Qin Shiting, the number one character, and I was even more satisfied.

How could she be so good at the same table.

Why is the person she likes so good?

She picked up her cell phone and suddenly wanted to send a text message to Qin Shiting.

It seems that the two have n’t sent text messages for a long time. After that, he came to her house for a week, and he did n’t come again after a hand injury. Although he still went to school together, he could talk in the class, but the text messages were rare. Send it again.

Suddenly miss him.

Shi Niange was lying on the sofa, writing and deleting on her mobile phone. It took me a long time to post: [Where are you? ]

Qin Shiting did not reply to this message.

After waiting for a long time without waiting for a reply, Shi Niange put the phone down, took a deep breath, and turned to look outside. In early May, it rained again.

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