Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1492: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 59)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When her grandfather called to find her, Shi Niange was still sleeping in the villa in Lishui.

Although the usual biological clock has already been fixed, and it will definitely wake up at five or six o'clock, but it is a rare weekend after all, and it is rare to take a full day off on Sunday. After she woke up, she saw that Qin Shiting still did not return information. Close your eyes and continue to sleep.

As a result, he was woken up by his grandfather's phone.

Since she jumped to high school, her grandfather knew that she was under a lot of pressure now, so she rarely asked her to help her in the laboratory. She went twice during the winter vacation, but there was nothing in the laboratory that required her to intervene, so I went back and glanced.

Today grandpa let her pass.

She quickly got up to take a shower, changed her clothes, and went out to take out her mobile phone to see Qin Shiting still did not reply.

I don't know if he didn't see it or he saw it at night, but he was busy and forgot to reply.

It stands to reason that the chances of forgetting a reply are relatively large.

Shi Niange ate with his grandfather at noon. Later, the grandfather asked her to draw a few pictures in the laboratory, and stood by while watching her draw and asked, "Your parents didn't ask you to study business finance again?"

"No, they also know that I have followed you since I was a child. Many things are not what they can control, and I give up after a long time." Shi Nian did not lift his head, drew pictures seriously, and answered at the same time.

"Then go directly to the medical school to report after the college entrance examination. I have already said hello to the school leaders."


"You've been living outside by yourself recently?"


"What about those two people who usually follow you?"

"Uncle Tai and Aunt Xiang often also accompany me, but most of the time I am myself.

"A little girl, who usually goes home so late after school, no matter if it is a taxi or back, after all, it is not safe for me to be alone, no, I have to go back to you at night to see where you live."

Shi Niange had no objection, nodded and continued to keep her busy.

She was busy in the laboratory all day, and it was only after the evening that she remembered to look at her cell phone. When she took it out, she saw Qin Shiting and responded to her at noon.

[At home. ]

Then she did n’t hear and did n’t reply because her mobile phone was placed in the cabinet outside the laboratory in the afternoon. He sent another one after ten minutes: [something? ]

Shi Niange said that he had an inexplicable mood all day long, just because he didn't return his confidence. Now even if he misses the time to reply to the text message, but when he sees the reply, he feels that his whole heart is suddenly bright.

Grandpa was waiting to go home with her. She couldn't spare much time to look at her cell phone, and only hurriedly said: [It's all right, I miss you. ]

After returning, I didn't feel anything wrong, just bent her grandfather's arm and went back.

Opening the car outside, she showed the way. After arriving at the Villa in Lishui, the grandfather really walked a few times outside, carefully determined the conditions of the nearby security facilities, and just stopped when he entered the security room outside the front door. After a while, I carefully looked at the people inside, and then drove inside.

Shi Niange is his big baby, but he was brought up with him since he was a child. No matter what happens, she can't do anything.

She has always known that her grandpa hurts her. Now she sees her grandfather looking inside and out, she feels helpless, and feels warm in her heart. It ’s good. After going to the medical university, she can see her grandfather more often. He But the guest professor there.

When I finally entered the house, I was changing my shoes, and Sui Nian Ge suddenly remembered something, and suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute, Lao Yang! Don't move, wait for me to get you slippers!"

The grandfather's surname is Yang. Everyone respects him as a doctor or professor Yang. When he read the song, he called either his grandfather or his old Yang. Then suddenly he yelled, and he looked at her and looked back at her: "This Isn't it? "

Shi Nian Ge pointed to the pair on the side: "That, the one you wore when my dad came through, or there are new ones in the cabinet! Don't step on the right one!"

Her grandfather was baffled by her, but she still listened to her, wore the left one, and then asked her, "What happened to the pair on the right?"

"Nothing, just wear it on the left." Shi Niange finished, and he changed his shoes, too late to wear slippers on his own, and stepped forward to quickly pick up the pair of slippers Qin Shiting came through a few times before , Put it in the shoe cabinet, put it on the top, and then brought out a pair of other clothes for myself.

"What's wrong, I didn't see so many rules when I went home. You live by yourself, but there are more problems." Grandpa glared at her: "At first glance, a pair of slippers is rare."

When reading songs, she laughed, but didn't dare to talk much.

"Grandpa, you seem to have lost weight recently. Are you busy in the lab recently?" Shi Niange went out and changed out of comfortable home clothes. Seeing that Grandpa had already prepared dinner, he stood outside and looked at him and asked.

"Is it thin? I don't think so yet." Grandpa said as she looked at the small kitchen in her villa, and then asked her, "You usually can't make it yourself?"

"Occasionally, some simple ones are still a little bit, but they are not particularly delicious. Aunt Xiang often comes here. I have been relying on her for too long, and I am used to it."

The grandfather nodded: "I also said that I am thin. I think you have been quite thin recently. Do n’t think that you are a girl and you do n’t need to do fitness. Body, enhance immunity, and be good for the body, you have to know that now this world is not clean, everything is breeding bacteria. "

Shi Niange laughed, and did not refute the words that this old doctor bone used to hang around his mouth all day: "Well, I know, I have been too busy to review recently. I will do it after the college entrance examination."

"Perfunctory me. You are just like your mother. When she was young, I didn't urge her. Afterwards, I was always busy after going into Shanghai with your dad. Now it seems to be bright every day. Actually, the health of the body is not good at all. "

Shi Niange left his old man alone, anyway, as long as his grandfather was with him, he was very happy. His grandmother was really good at cutting vegetables and meat. After all, he was a doctor for decades. How many times do you know, let alone cut this thing.

She followed the scene in the kitchen and was always helping.

"Recently, the medical aid resources that are valued in a country are coming out of research results. After the end, I can rest for at least two months. Do you have any place you want to go, grandpa will accompany you?"

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