Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1493: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 60)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"There's nothing special I want to go to. I've been busy reviewing it recently. The mental stress is really not small. I will take a break if I can take a good rest after taking the vacation after the exam."

"You can go abroad to rest. Is there any country you want to go to?"

"... I haven't thought about it yet. I usually watch my parents fly around the world, and I don't have any interest in bringing back small gifts." Shi Niange held his chin with one hand.

In fact, after the college entrance examination, she should still have the opportunity to go out with Qin Shiting?

"Grandpa, you, my grandmother has died for more than ten years, and you still do n’t want to find another wife. My mother tells you about this every time you return to China. You really plan to stay so lonely until you are old. Ah? "Shi Niange asked with a wink and a smile.

"Get out of here, I'm not already old now, I'm in my sixties, what other wife are you looking for? You just want me to find you a grandmother?"

"Think, why don't you want to." Shi Niange helped put the meat cut by the grandfather in a small plate and pickled it, and then looked at him and said, "My parents have taken over this family's industry for so many years, these years It ’s really booming. You do n’t have to worry about anything in your family. You have never been thinking about yourself when you have been studying various medical experiments in recent years. What about getting older? Girl, you can also find a spiritual partner for yourself when you are older. Who said that you ca n’t meet true love at the age of sixty? If you wait any longer, you can only find a young and beautiful little aunt to map you when you are seventy. Money. "

She said that she couldn't help laughing and shaking her grandfather, and shook her head: "Little girl, what's in my mind every day? Now that I'm grown up, I'm getting rid of it, I dare to talk to an old man about true love or not, you know Love? "

"I didn't think of anything, just thinking that my grandpa is still so young, so handsome and so kind in his sixties. It's not that you have been so lonely." Shi Niange quickly shifted. Switching to the topic of love or not, I was afraid that my careful thought that touched my feelings recently would be discovered by my grandfather.

Her parents are very open and casual about her education, but her grandfather will be very strict. If he knows, he will not necessarily explain to Teacher Zhao. It is estimated that Teacher Zhao will strictly control her from now on, and may return Will separate her from Qin Shiting's seat.

My grandfather didn't like talking about these things. After cutting the food for a while, he said, "Let's say, I have no idea now."

Shi Niange no longer continued to talk, only helping him in the kitchen.

When it was finally time to eat at night, my grandfather asked her about her recent studies, and said that she had explained to Mr. Zhao that the class leader and some students with good academic performance would help her and ask her if any of her classmates usually She often helps her in her studies.

Lin Xu, the monitor of the class, is also in the top ten in the school year after all, but for Shi Niange, of course, the most affected is Qin Shiting.

"Yes, it's very good to me, and my grades are coming up quickly." She replied sincerely.

"Well, find another time for your little classmate to have a meal together. Before the college entrance examination, my grandfather would like to thank you and thank him."

"You do n’t have to, grandfather, we kids are snoring when we see each other ’s parents. You still have to see someone. Is this a reward or a scare?"

"What's wrong? Is it a boy?"

"... Who stipulates that it must be a girl who counsels me? Have you explained to Teacher Zhao specifically?"

My grandfather thought for a while and realized that he had missed this, but when she saw that she didn't seem to be in love with anyone, she nodded: "Yeah, forget it, you can raise the grades, just watching It ’s not long before the college entrance examination, and you will be able to come out after another two months. "

Shi Niange nodded, then Zhao Xiaoqing's text message came over.

She lowered her head to chat with Zhao Xiaoqing.

"Who is chatting with?" Grandpa asked with a smile.

"With my classmate, a girl sitting behind me, she will celebrate her birthday tomorrow and ask me if I have time to eat out at night." Shi Niange answered calmly.

Grandpa raised an eyebrow: "Girls? Not boys?"

"It's really a girl." Shi Niange held up her phone and showed him the contents of the text message: "You see."

Grandpa didn't say to watch, but she still glanced inadvertently, and she believed in her. She saw her "I'm really chatting with girls, no messy boys" look, chuckled. "If you have a situation with a young classmate, you must remember to tell me."

This so-called condition means that she loves something early.

"Um." She responded vaguely, then lowered her head and continued to text Xiao Zhaoqing.

"Have you prepared a gift?" Grandpa asked.

Shi Niange thought about it: "I will take a look at the shopping mall near the school tomorrow afternoon at noon."

She knew that Zhao Xiaoqing was about to celebrate her birthday. With so many students in a class, classmates will have birthdays every few days. However, she is usually a happy birthday at most, but she jumped to the third year of high school. His best friend is Zhao Xiaoqing, so in fact, he had already prepared a gift.

Zhao Xiaoqing has studied dance since he was a child. In high school in recent years, he has temporarily stopped all dance classes because of his heavy studies, but also said that he would like to go to the art school in the future and continue to learn ballet.

So Shi Nian Ge bought a small ballet swan skirt suitable for Zhao Xiaoqing's size. The price is not too expensive, but it also cost more than 3,000 yuan. This price is put on the ordinary high school students. In this matter, it is really a bit expensive. Even if she said that the clothes were only three hundred dollars, Zhao Xiaoqing would not believe it, and would not easily accept it.

So she was hesitating whether she would take the time to buy some other things tomorrow, but she didn't know what to buy.

I ca n’t buy any review questions to give her. Zhao Xiaoqing was afraid she would kill her.

Thinking of the crystal doll that Lin Xu was going to give her that time, it seems that Zhao Xiaoqing also likes these cute little things, Shi Niange kept silent in her heart, and I will go to see it tomorrow.

Grandpa still has a lot of things in the laboratory and hospital. After eating, she left. After reading the song the next day, she saw Uncle Tai arrived. Uncle Tai sent her to school, just like she went to school by herself. Just a little ahead of time, she turned around in some gift shops outside the school.

I bought a cute pair of pink blue bears, and there is a music box under the bear, worth more than one hundred dollars, very delicate.

Just give this, as for the little swan skirt, she plans to give Zhao Xiaoqing as a graduation gift after the college entrance examination.

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