Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1494: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 61)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

In the evening, Zhao Xiaoqing asked everyone to go to the KTV near the school together. Although Zhao Xiaoqing was very docile and simple, he was always sitting in the back because he was too quiet. So there were not many friends with good relationships. When I was singing, I was so shy about arguing with Zhao Xiaoqing all day, so I went to KTV with a lot of people.

"Why didn't you see Qin Shen today? I missed that you were not very close to Qin Shen some time ago?" Jin Xue, who had a good relationship with Zhao Xiaoqing, entered the KTV, and the waiter was helping when he saw him. Divided fruit plate, suddenly said such a sentence.

Obviously it sounds like a normal interrogation, but I don't know how, when I read the song, I heard a strange yin and yang.

She looked up directly at Jin Xue.

Zhao Xiaoqing heard it by the side, and hurried over to round the field: "Xiao Xue, don't talk nonsense, Nian Nian and Qin Shen are at the same table, usually the communication is normal, both of them are single, don't say anything that makes people misunderstand . "

"Ah, it was my misunderstanding." Jin Xue's face seemed very surprised: "I thought Nian Nian and Qin Shen were together, after all, I saw her going to and from school with Qin Shen several times after all However, I have seen her several times behind Qin Shen. I guess so, the person of Qin Shen's character should not have planned to fall in love in high school at all. Also, I remember thinking that I was going to study medicine. Yes, and Qin Shen is indeed not the same person. "

Shi Niange directly put down the fruit plate in his hand.

Zhao Xiaoqing knew Shi Niange's temperament, or she didn't bother to pay attention to everything, but if it involved Qin Shiting, she would listen to it, would she not be angry or not, but always put an end to the contradiction, and quickly held her: "Let's go and sing a song!"

While talking, I took the song and turned away, and whispered, "Do n’t be angry, read, I have a few relationships in the class, but I never talked to you about Qin Shen. These people have said. "

"I know, I don't blame you." Shi Niange wasn't particularly concerned, but Jin Xue's tone was a bit out of order. She would pick up when she should, but not when she shouldn't. It's easy to skip that.

It can be seen from these few sentences that Jin Xue's little sisters should have not talked about their gossip.

She doesn't mind being talked about, but it doesn't work if she is involved with Qin Shiting.

So shy and still eating there, I didn't notice that there was some dispute on the girl's side. When Shi Niange was pulled away, she didn't keep her mind anymore and went to the other side.

However, the girl who just sat with Jin Xue took the opportunity to sing a song and came over again: "Niann, do you like Qin Shen? Do you need us to help you as a staff and staff? See how we can pursue Chasing the male god? "

Shi Niange glanced at her: "Isn't Xiaoqing's birthday today? What do you care about me for?"

"Aren't you all classmates in class six? Usually you and Xiaoqing walked lately and had little contact with other girls in our school. This is a rare opportunity to come out and sing K together, as if we knew each other." He said he grabbed a handful of sunflower seeds and ate in front of her.

Shi Niange smiled lukewarmly: "Well, I know, at least after tonight I will definitely remember your two names, and I wo n’t even remember the last name like before."

The girl holding the melon seeds was stunned by Shi Niange's innocent attitude that never put them in his eyes. Seeing Shi Niange's eyes was not a good gossip and provoked feeling. Without saying a word for a long time, he turned to Jin Xue again with the seeds.

"Qin Shen is usually loved by the girls in our school, you know, many girls in our class have a crush on him, and seeing that since you sat next to him, many people have panic acid in their hearts, even if you haven't done anything, But for them, you are already the intangible opposite, don't take it too seriously. "Zhao Xiaoqing had only been out on his birthday, but don't want these friends to be unhappy together.

"Rest assured, it's okay, I didn't warn you, as long as they don't have anything to run in front of me to brush up the sense of presence, don't be okay to talk about some of them here, I will forget about this after leaving KTV." He waved his hand and stood up and said, "Come and come, I order a song."

I was so shy that when I was singing, I wanted to sing, and I hurriedly came over, insisting that I sing with her, and was dragged aside by Zhao Xiaoqing.

"It's probably not too early when I go back. Does Qin Shen know that you are coming out with us tonight?" Zhao Xiaoqing asked.

"Did he not go with the principal to the Provincial Department of Education for a meeting today? The only student in the city has the qualifications. He was not in the school all day today, and I did not tell him." Shi Yan continued to use his fingers without raising his head. Poke the screen in front of me.

"The Provincial Department of Education is in Haicheng, and it is not far away. Now it must have been over. You can ask him to pick you up." Zhao Xiaoqing knew how much Shi Niange cherished Qin Shiting's feelings. How careful, kindly suggest: "You can also use him for my birthday and say let him come here to lively and lively, anyway, he will definitely not give this face if I come forward, but if you say let him come, I think Qin Shen will come. "

"It's still impossible. He went out with the principal during the day. I am sure that the principal and the people in the Education Department want to have a meal together. It's considered entertainment. Even if it's not too early to return, if you get tired, go back to rest. Don't come to school. Here it is. "Shi Niange already ordered the song, and took the microphone after speaking.

She is more relaxed in front of her friends. Although singing is not a professional music player, it is certainly not unpleasant. After singing a song, she also counted as Zhao Xiaoqing's face, and sat back on the sofa. While holding a glass of juice in one hand, holding a mobile phone in one hand, I suddenly saw a text message from Qin Shiting.

Qin Shiting: [Did not go home? ]

Shi Niange's eyes brightened, and suddenly he turned to look at the shyness sitting next to him who was sipping watermelon: "Did you send Zhao Xiaoqing's birthday to us in KTV?"

"Yeah." She was so shy and asked suddenly, looking at her strangely: "Aren't you in the group?"

"I blocked the group news and didn't see it." She responded and looked down at the short message, which was sent two minutes ago.

She hurriedly responded: [Well, go back soon, did you go to the Education Department today? went well? Can I go back to school directly tomorrow? ]

After sending it, Qin Shiting did not reply immediately. Until ten minutes later, her mobile phone vibrated again. She picked it up and saw a text message from Qin Shiting: [I'm at KTV, at the door. ]

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