Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1504: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 71)

"Then we can come together often in the future, but I am actually a little scared of some high-altitude things, but I really want to try it. If it is too noisy when I scream later, you will take me to remind me. I will definitely not shout." Shi Niange thought for a while and said: "But I may not be able to control it."

Qin Siting smiled: "Scream, it's okay."

She looked at Qin Siting's perfect profile and chin, thinking in her heart. If I was too brave, you would definitely think I was not like a girl, but even though she had never played, she knew she would not be afraid. , But I still have to put a little bit of the girl I said, otherwise it would be too much, right?

Maybe Shi Nian Song is really innately bold. You can live alone at home and face the human skeleton without changing your face. You can bravely enter various extreme drifts on various roller coasters and cheer happily, just cheers, no Scream.

After playing a few projects, she was extremely excited, and Qin Si Ting could be regarded as seeing the side she was not afraid of, and listening to her cheers throughout the process.

After getting off the most exciting fast roller coaster, it may be that the speed was too fast just now. Although she was not afraid, but after playing these events for a whole afternoon, her legs were a little unstoppable. After going down, she suddenly staggered, just next to her. It was a piece of grass, and she immediately sat on the grass.

Then raised her head and saw Qin Siting standing in front of him against the light, she smiled, patted her clothes and stood up: "Are you tired? Do you want to take a break?"

Qin Siting looked down at her sparkling eyes: "Not tired."

"Then let's go skating over there, I saw an ice skating hall in front, I haven't skated yet!"

"it is good."

The two entered the skating hall, put on their shoes and protective gear, but as soon as they entered, Shi Niange fell.

This time she was not as brave as she was in those stimulating events just now. After a few unsteady falls, she could not get up directly on the ground.

Qin Siting thought she was arguing that she was going to ice skating. It should be okay. She had already skated a long way and then looked back at her and returned directly in her direction.

Seeing him walking on the ice as steady as possible, Shi Niange sat on the ground and looked up and watched him come back gradually.

A staff member next to her asked her: "Are you okay, girl?"

Shi Niange smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, thank you."

The staff originally wanted to help her up, but when he saw the young boy coming back in front, he knew that she was accompanied, so he waved his hand and motioned her to be careful, then turned around and continued to work.

Shi Niange looked at Qin Siting slowly until she was pulled up by him. She staggered, and a steady force suddenly came from her wrist, and he supported her before she fell down again.

"No?" he asked.

"Yes, I really haven't skated." Shi Niange followed him to slide in a crooked manner, and said: "Just sit on the top and scream for those events just now. I don't need me to do it, so I challenge you. It’s okay to circle around, but skating requires too much skill... I don’t know how."

"Did it break?" Qin Siting asked again.

"No, it's fun to fall a few times. Look at the entrance. Several people fell. Haha." Shi Niange was taken away by him, and he felt a lot more stable. He wanted to shake off his hand with the courage. Walk by yourself.

Qin Siting saw her intention and directly let go, but the next second she staggered forward, and the moment she thought she was about to fall again, the hand that had just left stretched out again. Come over and hold her firmly.

Shi Niange raised his eyes to look at him, and smiled at him: "How did you know that I was about to fall again."

Qin Siting didn't explain, and dragged her into a place with a little less people inside. Because skating was too difficult, many people didn't know how to do it, so there weren't as many people here as outside, and it could be considered a quiet place.

After finding a place with few people, he held her arm, motioned her to practice slowly in this area, and then motioned her to slide that foot forward first, and then raised his hand to help her adjust the upper body when skating. Posture so as not to fall again.

After only trying this time for a while, you can probably walk forward freely.

Shi Niange felt that he probably never played these things in his previous life, and he liked it so much. Even if he fell a few times in front, he still liked it.

She was really happy today because she played things that she hadn't played until she was a child, and the person who accompanied her to play here was her favorite Qin Siting. She felt that her life was fulfilled because of this day.

Even after the college entrance examination, the future life is uncertain whether there will be intersections, but at least her life is really fulfilled.

The two of them played and played, although Shi Niange was able to walk very steadily, but many people came in to experience it for a while and they fell at least several times, but Qin Siting was always stable, let alone wrestling, even I haven't staggered forward.

She felt the desire to throw him down, so she did it. When she slid forward, she deliberately screamed that she was about to fall. When he came to support herself in time, UU read www.uukanshu. com, she suddenly turned her head back and smiled slyly at him, and then pulled his arm forward hard, no matter how stable he stood, after all, there was ice and this kind of special shoes under her feet, because she clicked, Unable to fully support it, she staggered forward as she wished. The moment he was about to fall, he saw her triumphant smile, without saying a word, but he held her back in time. Arm, leading her down together.

"Ah----" I didn't expect that I would also fall with him, Shi Niange really screamed this time.

At the moment when he fell down, Qin Siting fell to the ground first, his arm was still on her wrist, and he pulled directly down, there was a muffled sound, and the two pairs of shoes touched together, and she was also heavy at the same time. Threw down on him.

Qin Siting lay on the ground and didn’t move, nor did he struggle because she was thrown on the ground. He only raised Ying’s pretty eyebrows, dropped the metal rod in his other hand that was supported on the ground, and looked down at the whole Singing while lying on his body.

Shi Niange couldn't hold back the strength she threw down just now. It was too big, and her entire face was buried on him, feeling that her nose was hurting in his arms.

She raised her face a little dizzy, feeling that the place where the fall hurt before started to faintly hurt, but still wanted to laugh, after all, she successfully dragged Qin Siting until she fell.

The moment she raised her face, she saw Qin Si Ting closing her eyes. She was taken aback, and after waiting for a while, seeing him still closed his eyes and didn't say to get up, she was silly on the spot.

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