Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1505: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 72)

"Qin Siting?" She quickly raised her hand and patted his face, her face full of tension and concern: "Hey, did you drop your head on the ground just now? Can you hear me?"

Is she playing big?

The college entrance examination is going to be tomorrow. If he breaks his head or other places, it will affect the performance of the exam tomorrow. She is afraid that she will become a sinner forever.

"Qin Siting!"

Seeing him still motionless, Shi Niange was really anxious: "Qin Siting, Qin Siting...what's the matter with you? Oh, I'm sorry I just made a joke, how do you hurt? Talk to Qin Siting , Don't ignore me..."

When her hand was about to pat his face again, the motionless boy also raised his hand at this moment and shook her hand down.

Shi Niange paused, looked at him, and saw him open his eyes, with a slightly teasing smile in his eyes.

At this moment, she didn't even think about anything. Fortunately, she was just frightening her. She didn't even have a complaint, but she was relieved in an instant.

Fortunately, fortunately, I was only teasing her!

She hurried to help him up, but she was wearing skating shoes and couldn't stand up. She could only ask him while holding his arm, "Can you still stand up?"

There are very few people in the skating rink at this time, and there are only two of them in this area. The lights on the skating rink are falling down and behind her. Qin Siting can’t see her face clearly, but he can see Shi Nian Song. Tensed shoulders and always trying to help me.

It seemed that if he didn't speak anymore, she would really cry.

Qin Siting until the light above turned to another direction at this time, her anxious red eyes fell completely and clearly into his eyes. He looked at her eyes, stretched out his hand, and held her head. Pulled her back directly.

Shi Niange staggered and fell on his lap again in embarrassment. He raised his head and didn't speak before he was kissed.

She was confused, the last impression and consciousness in her mind was the sudden closeness of Qin Siting's face and the hand he pressed behind her head, and the sudden warm touch on her lips made her feel shocked. Hu Du choked back instantly.

It's not just a gentle touch between lips, but a strong kiss.


Is this a dream?

Is this a dream today?


Otherwise, what is going on?

What happened?

Shi Niange didn't recover for a long time in a daze. Qin Siting stood up, arranged his skates and the metal pole that had just fallen on the ground, turned around, and stretched out his hand to her who was still sitting on the ground.

Shi Niange stretched out her hand blankly, watching Qin Siting's smooth movements, not knowing what was wrong with him.

Just now... Was it an illusion?

Did Qin Siting kiss her just now? The touch on her lips just now clearly could still be felt, and she clearly felt that he was kissing herself.

She stood up with Qin Siting, and now she didn't remember anything about the movements she had just learned. She just stood there, lowered her head, and was a little dazed not sure if what happened just now was true.

Is she...cough, she was hysterical because she was too nervous before the college entrance examination?

Qin Siting also picked up the metal rod she used to support and handed it to her. She is still stunned up to now. When she raised her hand to take it, she still stood in place and maintained her original state, just looking up at him. Do not move.

Qin Siting hugged her at this moment, and asked lowly in her ear: "What's wrong?"

His voice exploded like a sweet bomb in her ears, and when it sounded, it activated all the nerves of Shi Niange that had stagnated and calmed down. In an instant, everything, It's all exploded.

The waist that was hugged by him felt that it had begun to crumble from there, and it had been crimped for half of the body.

She turned her head to look at him, Qin Si Ting was watching her intently, Shi Niange bit his lip, as if it still had a soft and clear touch.

So, did he really kiss her just now?

Qin Siting kissed her?

He likes her?

Does he like her too...

Oh my god, if this is true...

Shi Niange's consciousness seemed to have finally awakened until now, his face started to flush rapidly for an instant, and he quickly raised his hand to touch his face, but his brain was still in a state of freezing, a bit unable to reflect.

"Qin, Qin...Qin God..."

"Qin Si Ting." He stood beside her, his voice gently corrected again.

"Ah, that...Qin Siting." Shi Niange called him again in a daze.

"Huh?" He still responded warmly.

Hearing his answer, Shi Niange suddenly didn’t know what to say. She was in a daze and couldn’t touch the ground. She felt her heartbeat coming out of her throat. She even knew him now. She didn't dare to look at her face, as if she was the one who had just reached out and hugged someone and kissed him. She wished to stick her entire face on the ice on the ground now.

Even Shi Niange remained skeptical about the incident just now, and couldn't believe it was true.

But she really didn’t have the thought of skating anymore. Later, she kept reminiscing about the kiss...Ah, it should be a kiss. She had never kissed before. She spent less time with Tang Shao, and at most she held hands. We ate dinner together, just like that...Is it a kiss?

She doesn't care whether she just constructed it or Anyway, she must take it as real now!

After that, she was completely unable to skate. Seeing that she had been wrestling, her eyes were so dreamy and blank, Qin Siting couldn't laugh or cry, so she took her out of the skating rink and took her to find a haunted house to calm down.

This kind of haunted house is nothing terrible to Shi Niange, especially she has been bubbling sweetly in her heart now, even if a figure covered with blood suddenly burst out in the dark, she felt that this ghost was painted on her body. It was sweet ketchup, and he smiled and greeted the ghost in front of him. The staff who played the ghost in front of him smiled boringly and had to continue to scare others.

After walking out, I saw a lot of claw machines in front. Shi Niange tried to catch it, but couldn't catch it. When there were two coins left, she looked at Qin Siting for help, and he motioned her to put the coins Go in, then reach out and operate.

But although Qin Siting did catch a doll, what she wanted was the little white rabbit inside, but what he caught was a big-mouthed frog with **** green.

Very ugly ugly frog, ugly makes people want to laugh at a glance, and want to laugh when they are caught in their hands.

Shi Niange held the only result of today's victory, an ugly frog, standing in the scenic spot laughing with a stomachache.

Qin Siting didn’t force to catch other frogs. He just glanced at the frog in her hand and said, “Some people have caught more than ninety yuan and haven’t caught one. I’ll give you two dollars to catch a frog. laugh?"

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