Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1506: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 73)

"What I obviously want is a little rabbit, hahahahahaha." Shi Niange couldn't help laughing, but in fact she still hugged the little frog in her arms like a baby, and even accidentally touched it when others passed by Not willing to be touched.

The two went around in the scenic spot again, making sure that all the interesting projects had been played, and it was already dark, and it was almost seven o'clock.

Before leaving the scenic area, I had to line up at the gate to sign and refund the deposit. Shi Niange felt that Qin Siting was with him all day today, and helped him with things. He felt that he didn't need to be the one being taken care of all the time, so he took the initiative to wait in line.

After arriving at her, she bowed her head and signed, took the deposit, turned and walked out, looking at the figure of Qin Siting at the doorway: "Alright, let's go."

Qin Siting stood there, not knowing which direction he was looking, but did not respond.

She leaned over: "What are you looking at?"

She also subconsciously looked in the direction of his gaze, and saw nothing but two cars parked there, one of which was a black Rolls Royce, and two very tall and strong. The person who didn't seem to be too hot stood there, his eyes were looking in this direction, as if he had seen Qin Siting.

They seemed to be looking at each other for two seconds. Shi Niange was about to ask who these people were, but before she could speak, Qin Siting suddenly pulled himself behind her. Suddenly, he was shocked with great strength. She jumped, but at the same time she blocked her with half of her shoulder, as if she didn't intend to be seen by anyone.

"What's the matter?" Shi Niange was a little inexplicable, but stood behind him obediently and did not rush out, but he could feel that the hand he was holding on his wrist seemed a little tight at this moment.

"It's okay, stand still." After he finished speaking, he pulled her back a bit, and she obediently stood behind him again.

A few minutes later, she turned her head and looked away quietly, and saw that the two people outside the car had gotten into the car. Those two cars only flashed a few headlights, then went off again, and continued to park there. .

There are a lot of people outside this scenic spot, but I don't know why, she always feels a little panicked looking at the headlight that flashed twice.

Qin Siting didn’t say anything any more, only after the headlights of the car went out, he suddenly pulled her around and walked in the opposite direction from those cars, and kept her in front of him without letting her face or figure. Seen by those people.

"What's the matter?" She wondered.

Qin Siting insisted not to speak.

"Do you know those people?" she asked again.

"Yeah." He responded, but didn't say much else.

This time they didn’t take the big scenic spot anymore. He walked quickly and stopped a taxi directly. She even felt that her wrist was hurt by him, but he didn’t say anything and pushed her into the car. , And then closed the door and reported her address to the driver.

When the taxi drove away, Shi Niange was sitting in the car. He clearly felt Qin Si Ting sitting next to him, but he felt that his mood at the moment was obviously very bad, and his eyes were not as gentle and gentle as before.

She stretched over and touched his hand. Qin Siting looked at her, and she smiled at him with a crooked mouth: "Tomorrow the college entrance examination, you have to come on!"

Qin Siting didn't move, just staring at the corner of her curved mouth.

Shi Niange was very sweet when she laughed, but it wasn't the sweetness that can bore people to death, but the sweetness that made people feel as if the sun of the whole world was shining brightly at this time.

Qin Siting raised his hand and lightly touched her cheek with his finger. His fingers were a bit cold at the moment, but Shi Niange was more awake because of the cold touch, and he was even more certain that everything that happened today must be. real.

She didn't avoid his hand, but just asked: "Will you stay with me to play outside for a whole day today, will it delay your review? You won't be tired tomorrow for the college entrance examination? Are you sleepy? Or let the driver let him Send you back. I can go back to Lishui Villa a little later. Our place is too far away. I'm afraid that you will go back too late and it will be too tired, which will affect your performance in the exam tomorrow."

Qin Siting didn't say a word, but stroked her face with fingertips, a little itchy, aroused a small tremor in her heart.

Until he withdrew his hand, Shi Niange still felt a little pity.

Actually, you can... caress for a while...

Qin Siting closed her eyes and leaned on the back seat to rest. Shi Niange simply closed her eyes as he did, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she could remember the kiss on the ice rink in the afternoon. .

She clearly felt the smell he left on her lips.

Qin Siting's body temperature is warm, occasionally a little bit cold, it seems that only the two people in the back seat of the car are left in the world, and only the scene of being kissed remains in his mind.

She raised her hand to her mouth, her face turned red again, and then secretly turned her eyes to look at Qin Siting. Seeing that he didn't look at herself, she quietly pursed her mouth and smiled, as if she was going to use such a squeeze. The way of mouth recalls the feeling of being kissed by him.

The taxi drove to Lishui Villa first, Qin Siting said goodbye to her in the car, did not get out of the car, and did not want to go in for a seat.

Tomorrow is the college entrance examination. No matter how reluctant Shi Niange can't let him stay and stay with him until midnight, even if he doesn't need to review, he must go back to pack up all kinds of things. The admission ticket and some materials are needed. sort out. UU reading

At night, she put her admission ticket and everything into her bag at home. Before going to bed, she remembered the kiss during the day and couldn't sleep anymore. So she sent a text message to Qin Siting: To school, right? Are you going to go early? What time shall I wait for you outside the school? ]

After sending it, there was no reply for a long time.

It may be that he was too tired during the day and was already asleep.

Shi Niange held the phone and waited for a while. He didn’t wait for the text message from him, so he took the phone aside to charge, and then lay down, closing his eyes and slowly reminiscing about the day, thinking about the kiss, and then again He laughed, raised his hand to cover his face and mouth, and got into the quilt and laughed excitedly.

Nian Ge got up early the next day. Although I didn’t go to the exam until 8 o’clock, I was afraid of missing Qin Siting. Fortunately, both he and Qin Siting depended on the original school, so I didn’t need to go to other schools. She rushed past the same way, waiting under the tree early.

But when there were a lot of parents who came to accompany the test outside, they didn't wait for him. There were more and more people here, and it was gradually getting stuck, so she had to go in alone.

Until she sat in her exam room class, she was a little worried, so she called Teacher Zhao to inquire about it. Teacher Zhao helped her ask the invigilator of Qin Siting's exam room class, and the answer was that he arrived. When she first arrived, she was already in the examination room, so she relaxed and concentrated on the exam.

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