Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1507: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 74)

After taking the exam for three days, Shi Niange didn't expect that his parents would come back in these few days. They said that it was because of her college entrance examination. They felt too sorry for her when she was not in the country, so they suddenly went to school.

They didn't enter the school, they just called her and told her that they had arrived.

After Shi Niange went out after the first day of the exam, he saw his parents’ car parked outside, got in the car directly, and was taken back to Shi’s house by his father and mother, and found a seafood market to have a full seafood meal. I will continue the test tomorrow, and I will go back to Shijia to rest after dinner.

She was not sure if Qin Siting had time today, but he didn't call him or send any text messages. It was estimated that there was something to do, or he was too tired to rest, so she didn't bother him at all.

Let's wait until all the exams are finished.

The next day of the exam was still early in the morning. She came from Shi’s house and waited under the tree outside the school. Qin Siting did not show up, but later asked the teacher and learned that he was still entering the exam room with time.

It's good to not miss the exam.

Until the college entrance examination finally ended, parents said that after working in Haicheng for a few days before going back, she must be at Shi's house these few days and cannot go back to Lishui Villa by herself.

Grandpa also came, and the whole family discussed about her going to the Medical University. Although parents knew that she could not dispel the idea of ​​her wanting to study medicine, they still complained to Grandpa, saying that there is only one child in the family. I didn’t plan to inherit the family business, but I just wanted to study some medicine. For things like that, my grandfather had a calm expression and only said one sentence: "Nian-nian has lived in my laboratory since I was a child. I have never deliberately cultivated her. , Why is her own growth environment like this, you don’t have any points in your heart?"

With just such a sentence, her parents couldn't say a word.

Shi Niange is not without other people. The servants are there. No matter how busy they are, Shi Niange can still be taken care of at home.

But Shi Niange liked to follow Grandpa since he was a child, and that's how it is today.

"Forget it, study medicine and study medicine, but your youngest and most energetic years will soon be dedicated to the medical profession. Your parents just love you." Shifu sighed on the sofa.

"I can't say that. I heard that there are many young and good-looking boys who are studying medicine now. Maybe after Nian-nian goes to the medical college, he can meet a handsome boy with a good background and looks like a handsome boy. Then he studied medicine together after graduation. Let's be a doctor together." Yang Zhenzhen had already given up the idea of ​​stopping his daughters, and now he thought of this naively.

Shifu: "..."

Shi Niange: "..."

"By the way, Niannian, the one you liked last time..."

As soon as her mother spoke, Grandpa's eyes turned directly towards her, Shi Niange hurriedly gave her mother a few gazes, until Yang Zhenzhen suddenly thought that his father was still here, and then quickly moved again. Topic: "Ah, I mean, what kind of boy did you like last time? After going to the Medical University, I don’t know if I can meet the type you like, but don’t study medicine until you reach 25 or 16 I just graduated, and ended up being a single dog, so that your mother will lose face to me."

"Students should look like students, what kind of love you are in. In these days, it is not strange to get married when you have a career in your 30s. Besides, how old is Nian Nian now? Just after the college entrance examination, you were anxious to let her talk about friends? How can you be such a mother?" Grandpa scolded directly with dissatisfaction.

Yang Zhenzhen raised his eyebrows without saying a word, but looked at his daughter meaningfully.

Shi Niange opened a sincere smile: "Haha...what are you talking about... I don't understand..."

Yang Zhenzhen stretched his face instantly.

She really dared to betray her old mother's relatives.

Seeing that more than a week has passed since the college entrance examination, he chanted songs in real time and really wanted to ask Qin Siting how he took the exam in those few days.

Speaking of which, she is actually a bit lost.

Since she went to the playground with Qin Siting the day before the college entrance examination, they have not sent any text messages for a long time, and have not contacted again until now, and she has not seen anyone even during the exam days. .

She thought he was busy, so she didn't take the initiative to send him, and of course he didn't take the initiative to send her.

Shi Niange herself didn’t understand what was going on. She was completely messed up by that dreamy kiss, and she couldn’t tell why, but she just didn’t want to post it. It seems unnatural to ask or say anything.

She also doesn't know if it is normal for others to fall in love. Since he kisses, it means he likes her.

But I kissed her but didn’t text her. Is there anything wrong? Or... he didn't plan to post it?

She was also afraid that if she suddenly asked him about it, she would misunderstand him. Although she had always been proactive, but once she discovered that this relationship was a two-way arrow, she was not only acting on her own, she was afraid that she would leak it. Too much like him, afraid of putting him under pressure.

"What are you looking at?" Because my aunt returned to China a few days ago, my aunt's youngest son, a cousin who is one year younger than her, has also stayed at the house for a few days when he has been here for a few days. Holding her mobile phone.

Shi Niange quickly turned off the text message interface of the phone, put the phone back in his pocket, and said, "It's nothing, UU read back to a text message."

"Then why don't you go back? When I come, you won't go back." The cousin said with an "I understand" expression, and slammed her shoulder: "Sister, what is there to hide? Yes, when is there no object?"

"Did you?" Shi Niange remembered that this kid seemed to be only seventeen years old, and raised his eyebrows to look at him.

"Ah, yes." He nodded calmly, and took out his phone to read the photos of Shi Niange: "Look at it? School flowers, many boys robbed me, but I finally chased them."

Shi Niange smiled: "Are you still robbing a group of people?"

"What can't it? It's so beautiful, with a good personality, who doesn't like it." The cousin said as he talked, he came to her and sat down next to her: "It's not the first time, I I started my first love at the age of fourteen."

"Then you are too early."

"Is it early? When I was in elementary school, I saw boys and girls secretly kissing in the corridor in fifth grade. Is this still early?"

"..." Shi Niange seldom observes other people, but he never felt how innocent he was. But now that I listened to this, I suddenly wake up. Everyone is over for the college entrance examination and they are all adults. It seems that there is really no need for it to be so twitchy.

And Qin Siting kissed him, which means he didn't twitch at all. Could it be because she seemed to be frightened that day?

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