Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1508: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 75)

"Hey, what do you look like? Show me quickly." The cousin moved his head towards her again.

Shi Niange's face was a little hot when he was yelled by one of his counterparts. She held her pocket to prevent him from touching the phone inside: "Really not, don't guess or talk nonsense."

"Isn't it right, you still hold it so tightly?"

"It's really I really like someone...but I haven't been together yet." Shi Niange felt a little embarrassed on her face when she said this, and was coaxed a little later by her cousin. Sentence, he blushed and drove the person out, then found a reason to tell the servant that he wanted to rest for a while, then went back to the room by himself and slammed the door.

She stood by the bed, holding a mobile phone in her hand, and she didn't know what Qin Siting thought.

Is it really because after being kissed that day, she behaved too unnaturally, he thought she was scared?

So he didn't contact her these few days, thinking she was afraid?

But this is just a guess.

Shi Niange remembered the scene where they were holding hands in the playground. Qin Siting's hands were very warm. Later, when they separated, she always felt that something was missing.

She put her hand on her face and forcibly cooled her burning face.

Shi Niange hesitated several times, and finally he was reminded of something by his cousin, but he still couldn't hold it back.

She sat on the bed, bit her lip and edited a text message, and quickly sent it to Qin Siting. She poked on the phone very quickly, and she was afraid that she would hesitate, afraid that she would not dare to ask if it was slower. , And finally clicked to send.

She looked at the sentence she had sent out, and her heart began to beat violently.

——[Qin Siting, did you kiss me last time? ]

How will he reply to her?

Shi Niange felt that his brain burned hard enough, and he was too embarrassed to think about these issues again.

If he admits, what should he say next?

But what if he denies it?

If this is really just a fantasy... just a fantasy in her mind at the time? Although it's impossible... but she still feels that Qin Siting kissed her is really untrue.

It seemed that no matter how he answered, she didn't know how to respond.

How to do.

When she obviously tried to date Tang Shao before, she was quite natural and relaxed, but now she has to consider every word, so carefully.

She held the phone tightly, waiting for Qin Siting's response.

Shi Niange waited from two o'clock in the afternoon until nine o'clock in the evening, changing from sitting to lying down, from lying down to lying down, lying down to squatting out of bed, and then went back to lie down and shut himself in In the room all day, when it gets dark, when it's time to take a bath and sleep, her heart sinks completely.

Like falling leaves spinning in the cold wind, they flipped and struggled several times, and finally landed on the ground.

Qin Siting didn't reply to her at all.

After waiting for so long, her parents, grandfather, and cousin came to call her to eat several times. She said that she was not hungry, and that she wanted to sleep longer when she was sleepy.

At this moment Aunt Xiang also came to pat the door, saying that she hadn't eaten anything in the afternoon and evening, and told her to go downstairs to eat. She said that she would go after a while, and then heard Aunt Xiang's footsteps go away, her face was only slightly A little bit of loss.

Why... I didn't reply?

Didn't see it?

Didn’t bring your phone with you?

Shi Niange hugged a pillow and pouted a little unhappy. Shouldn't she ask this kind of seemingly stupid question? Normally, she kisses her, maybe just a temporary boy The impulse of the girl.

Moreover, the college entrance examination had just been taken, and they were about to part ways completely, so Qin Siting actually... knew that there was no result between the two of them.

Obviously, I texted him a while ago, and he will reply quickly. If he said that his cell phone was not around in the afternoon, wouldn't he be around all day?

In the past few days, he hasn't contacted her since the day of the college entrance examination.

Shi Niange sat up, feeling that his fingertips were a little bit cold at the moment, a little regretful, and he seemed to be too reckless.

At one o'clock in the night, Shi Niange was lying on the bed, still editing his mobile phone.

Up to this time, the reason and hope she had given Qin Si Ting to go out without a cell phone was gone. Even if he did not bring his cell phone out, he should go home at this time.

Qin Siting just didn't want to return.

Shi Niange rolled over and rubbed his face on the pillow uncomfortably.

She shouldn't have sent this kind of text message, maybe she was overwhelmed by missing and emotional impulse, she felt that she had done something wrong and messed up.

Up to now, it is impossible to save it. If there is no name, she can send another one, saying that she sent it to the wrong person.

But she just wrote his name at the time, saying, Qin Siting, did you kiss me last time?

She was asking him, and she couldn't find any other reason. She was asking Qin Siting.

Shi Niange stuffed his phone under the pillow and closed his eyes.

Qin Siting didn't reply to this short message until the college entrance examination results were obtained.

My parents have gone abroad again, but they didn’t have to go to school a few days ago, so Shi Niange lives at Shi’s house, and my cousin has always been at Shi’s house, pestering her to go out smoothly every day, and she hardly buys anything by herself~www I bought a new mobile phone for my cousin, and also bought a few One Piece and various Japanese comic figures that boys like, and this time I’m going back to school and I’m going to say goodbye to high school life. She didn't need to go back to Lishui Villa right away.

It was around nine o'clock in the morning when she arrived at the school. When she passed the tree outside the school gate, she glanced over there and saw that the tree was empty, so she pursed her lips and continued walking into the school gate without stopping.

After entering the class and sitting for a while, I saw Qin Siting coming.

She suddenly felt a little embarrassed because of the text message he didn't reply to.

But she had to speak, she said to him when he came to sit next to him: "Good morning."

Qin Siting looked at her, his eyes still calm and gentle, and he also said, "Good morning."

This should be the last career at the same table.

Shi Niange nodded, never said a word, just sat there quietly, she didn't even move ashamed to poke her back, nor did she find any topics to talk to him. , She actually wanted to ask what she wanted to say, but she felt she couldn't say it.

She had checked the college entrance examination results on the Internet.

She passed the admission threshold of the Medical University and her grades were pretty good. There was no need for her grandpa to find someone in the school to arrange her in. She was admitted by herself, and grandpa was very happy.

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