Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1509: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 76)

As for Qin Siting.

Needless to think about it or know that Tsinghua, Peking University, Oxford, Harvard, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are waving to him cheerfully.

Everyone is very excited today, and there is no need to wear school uniforms. Everyone wears all kinds of clothes they like. There are even a few of them that even wear strange clothes. It is not even more exaggerated.

Shi Niange did not fit into this relaxed atmosphere today.

She has been blaming herself.

She felt that she had messed up the relationship between them.

The whole morning was lost in singing songs. When the teacher entered the class and talked to everyone about everyone’s grades and college entrance examination volunteers, she didn’t listen much, but she seemed to have heard that Teacher Zhao had specifically called Qin Si. Ting’s name, asked him if he really filled in his application for the college entrance examination? At that time Qin Siting only said no, and she didn't pay attention to anything else.

Shi Niange was very sad. Although she didn't write the loss on her face, she was still lying on the table before everyone left school at noon. Suddenly, she realized that she really didn't expect college entrance examination and graduation at all. In this way, sitting in the same class as Qin Siting faced the boring review every day, she didn't want to be separated.

There was a faint shadow under her eyes, because she knew that she was coming to school today and could see Qin Siting. She didn't sleep well last night.

Everyone was ready to leave, Shi Niange was still lying there, actually not asleep, but he was about to fall asleep.

Qin Siting turned to look at her: "If you are sleepy, go home and go to sleep. Don't sleep here, it's time to go."

Shi Niange sat up and didn't respond. He just picked up his bag and got up and followed him.

As usual, she left the class together as before. She could take the middle road on the way back to Shi's house. Uncle Tai didn't know the specific time of leaving for her temporary return to school today, so she didn't drive over to wait for her.

Shi Niange continued to follow him forward until the intersection where she should usually be separated, she didn't turn around and walked there, but continued forward.

Usually Qin Siting said few words, even Shi Niange was exceptionally silent today.

She didn't even say a word to him, saying that she was returning to Shi's house today, but just walked silently.

Until the other intersection in front, she actually didn't know where Qin Siting's home was, whether he lived alone or where, he didn't say it, and she didn't follow it so far.

She stopped when she reached this intersection. After all, she was far away from Shi's home. She had to take a taxi at home.

She turned her eyes to Qin Si Ting beside her, and the moment she raised her head to look at him, her eyes suddenly fell on the neck of his shirt collar, where she stopped for a moment.

Shi Niange paused and stared at Qin Siting's movements. The moment he turned his head and looked forward, he saw more obvious marks there. After staring like this for ten seconds, he suddenly walked to him. .

Qin Siting turned his eyes to see her suddenly leaning so close, did not avoid him, only asked, "What's wrong?"

Shi Niange didn't answer him, but suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling it down.

Qin Siting paused because of her action. He raised his hand to pull the neckline back up. Shi Niange looked at his eyes and stubbornly refused to let go. He held a stalemate for a long time until Qin Siting. Gradually loosened the strength of his own hands.

Shi Niange opened his neckline smoothly, and then his eyelids jumped fiercely.

There are traces of being hit by heavy objects on his shoulders and his back. There are congestion and bruising. There is even a cut mark on the side of his neck near the artery. As long as he goes deeper, he can cut the artery of the neck. It should have happened at least a few days ago, but Shi Niange still red eyes.

"How did it happen?" Her voice was dumb and trembling.

Qin Siting pushed down her hand, pulled the shirt collar back up, and straightened the collar again, covering all the injuries hidden under the clothes.

Shi Niange still stood there, looking up at Qin Siting.

Qin Siting didn't speak, but raised his hand, gently touched her head as if soothing, rubbed her soft hair into a mess, then helped her smooth it back, and then whispered, "It's okay. "

She remembered that he had been in a bad relationship with his mother before, remembered that time when he said he had crushed a glass, and remembered the person who was not like a good person standing outside the car outside the scenic spot that day.

She stood very close to him, and she could easily breathe the clean smell of him when she was in the scenic spot that day when he was very close to herself, she was only shy and happy, but now she is only sad.

"Did the Qin family offend someone? Or something happened? Even though various things threatening the safety of family members in the wealthy family are endless, aren't those things usually targeted at children? You are not a child, why? Someone will move your idea to your head? But if it weren't for these reasons, did you get it..."

Shi Niange was actually incoherent, she only knew that she was sad and distressed.

She sniffed after she spoke.

"It has nothing to do with those, I was injured by myself, don't think too much." Qin Siting didn't explain, but he just invited a car to let her sit in, and then asked her to tell the driver the address of her home, and then left. .

He actually knew that she wanted to go back to Shi's house, even though she hadn't said before and he hadn't asked.

Obviously such a smart and transparent person, what is there in his body that cannot be said? The Qin family is one of the four major families in Haicheng. Maybe things in the family are very complicated and cannot be told to an outsider, but the injuries on his body are so shocking, but he seems to have never seen a doctor before. Looking at the injury in his neck artery just now, he knew that he had not even taken medicine.

She sat in the car, feeling uneasy, lowered her head and picked up the phone to text him: [How many days has your neck hurt? Be careful, don't get infected. ]

Qin Siting replied: [Hmm. ]

He actually replied this text message.

Shi Niange looked forward and saw his own question before the two conversations, which he hadn't waited to reply many days ago.

So he really didn't plan to return.

She put down her mobile phone and looked out the window of the car. She suddenly felt that it was her own recklessness that made the situation like this. It was obvious that she and Qin Siting were very close a while ago.

But he seemed to be keeping a distance from her just now, although it seemed nothing unusual, she could feel it.

After Qin Siting read the text message, he stood by the side of the road for a while, and the taxi that Niange was sitting on when he saw Niange had walked away safely until he turned to another road on the ring road and disappeared.

After returning home, Shi Niange turned on the computer and rechecked the results of the college entrance examination. She silently wrote down Qin Siting's admission ticket number, and finally had the courage to check him easily.

The score was much higher than she expected.

It is indeed Qin Siting.

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