Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1510: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 77)

After half a month, the medical university had already passed her grandfather to inform Shi Niange of her admission and related matters, and the first academic year of the medical university had to go to classes more than ten days earlier than other universities. Medical treatment is difficult. I didn't expect the first step to be so difficult. Even the vacation after the college entrance examination is so much shorter than others.

There is only less than one month left until the beginning of the Medical University. Fortunately, the school is in Haicheng, and there is no need to pack too much luggage. In fact, if she doesn’t want to live on campus and wants to continue to live in Lishui Villa, even though that It takes at least half an hour to drive from the distance to the Medical University, but at least it is closer than Shijia. It takes longer to drive from Shijia to the main school of the Medical University.

But it seems that when the school first started, she had to live on campus, so she didn’t need to find a house nearby. As for whether she would continue to live in school or come out to live in Lishui Villa in the future, it would depend on the situation after the school started. .

Shi Niange and Zhao Xiaoqing made an appointment to go shopping. Zhao Xiaoqing's grades were also good, and her second choice was also written in the Medical University, but she was still considering whether to go.

The two were walking and chatting on the street. Shi Niange didn't really persuade her about choosing which school to go to. After all, it was about everyone's future life. She couldn't keep talking because she hoped that Zhao Xiaoqing could accompany her there. To coax her, these should still be her choice.

After shopping together to buy some small things, and drinking milk tea, it was already after four o'clock in the evening. Zhao Xiaoqing received a call from his parents and wanted to go to relatives’ house for dinner at night, so he had to leave first.

Shi Niange also returned to the square in front of the commercial street to take a taxi. Just as the crowd was passing through, he suddenly felt that the shoulder bag he was carrying was being pulled by someone.

She looked back and saw that she was a tall and tall strange man in black clothes.

Shi Niange frowned, and instantly moved away a little guardedly, and moved towards more people.

But the man was staring at her, and suddenly walked over, stepping forward and pressing one hand on her shoulder.

Shi Niange turned his eyes to him again. Before speaking, he heard the strange man staring at her with warning eyes, and said in a low voice, "Shi Niange, right? Would you like to go with your brother?"

"I don't know you!" Shi Niange suddenly yelled in the crowd, and instantly attracted the attention of the people around. She moved in with the man's paused expression and quickly took a step to the side and turned back. When I saw a tall uncle, he quickly hid behind the unfamiliar uncle, and shouted again: "Help me, everyone, I don't know this person!"

The uncle in front of him turned around and saw that it was a little girl, and then turned to look at the man. The man obviously did not expect that she, a young girl, was so defensive, and knew that she was so loud in the crowd to attract the attention of others. His face turned cold for a while. After hesitating, it seemed that he still wanted to approach, but Shi Niange hurriedly avoided the crowd again, until the strange crowds were all looking curiously here. For a while, that man She couldn't squeeze out smoothly, and saw that she quickly stopped a taxi on the side of the road and got into the car and ran away.

When I got into the car, Nian Ge didn't forget to hold up the phone through the window, and took a picture of the extraordinarily tall and fat man in the crowd, and then sent the picture to Uncle Tai.

Two minutes later, Uncle Tai called directly: "What's the matter? Who is this person?"

"I don’t know, but I suspect that he was following me. I was planning to take a taxi on the side of the road just now. He seemed to be about to force me away. Fortunately, there were so many people there. He couldn’t do anything. I ran away. Now I’m in a taxi with the license plate number Hai AR5943. I asked the driver to drive the car in the direction of Shi’s house. You can drive over to meet me. If I see you in the middle of the road, I will get off directly.” Shi After reading the song, he glanced at the taxi driver and saw that this driver should really be a taxi driver passing by. There were no other problems, but I still had to guard against it. I explained everything to Uncle Tai.

"Okay, be careful, don't hang up as soon as the call is connected directly, I will drive to pick you up now."

With that, Uncle Tai had already heard the movement of quickly picking up the car key and going out.

Shi Niange was very obedient and did not hang up. He only looked at the street passing by outside the car window: "I'm passing by Chenhai Road... Now I am turning to Dongyue Road... There is a traffic jam in front, but it is not too serious... Minglu..."

The taxi driver glanced at her through the rearview mirror while driving in front, smiled and said, "Little girl, you looked nervous when you got in the car just now. What's the matter, isn't you really encountering a bad person? "

"It's okay, the driver, you can drive normally." Shi Niange responded lightly.

The driver laughed: "But you have a strong sense of self-protection, and you know how to report road conditions. If there are really bad guys, I guess you can't escape too far."

Shi Niange didn't speak any more, only looked down at the time displayed on the phone that was connected to the call, and at the same time, looked back at the back of the car. The person probably didn't chase him.

Although Shi’s family is not a big family at the very top, but after all, in the business world, there is a name and a surname. She is the only daughter in the family, and her parents are not Since childhood, Uncle Tai taught her how to judge danger , How to protect herself, and Shi’s business is getting bigger and bigger, offending many people, her daughter of Shi’s is likely to become a target kidnapped, so she has always been indoctrinated. Self-safety awareness.

This is an instinct.

After the car drove forward for about ten minutes, Uncle Tai's car arrived. Shi Niange paid the fare. After saying thank you to the taxi driver, he got off and got into Uncle Tai's car.

Uncle Tai was sitting in the car holding her mobile phone and looking at the photo she had just sent: "This person, I called someone to check it. Since someone is following you suddenly, you should pay attention to it when you go out recently. People go out, especially to the Medical University in a few days, I'd better go outside your school and guard."

Shi Niange didn't speak when sitting in the car, but inexplicably flashed in her mind the car and the two people she and Qin Siting saw outside the scenic spot the day before the college entrance examination.


If she remembers correctly...

The tall man just now was one of those standing by the car that day.

Isn't it for Shi's family?

Could it be...what is it to do with Qin Siting?

Are those people targeting Qin Siting? I found that she was walking very close to him, so what do you want from her, or what to do?

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