Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1511: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 78)

As the school started getting closer and closer, the admission notice finally came down.

Moreover, Zhao Xiaoqing has also decided to go to the Medical University with Shi Niange.

My grandfather recently helped her greet her a lot because she was going to the university to report. It must be the best class, the best tutor, and the best everything.

Her real-time song chanting does not have high requirements for these, but if grandpa wants to help with the management, she doesn't care, she can do anything.

On the day when she officially got the admission notice, she thought of Qin Siting.

I don't know what the injuries on his back and neck are, or which school he decides to go to. After all, he will not go to S City in Beijing, or go abroad. He will definitely not stay in Haicheng.

She still did not contact him again, did not make a phone call, and no one took the initiative to send text messages.

On the interface of her mobile phone text message, the last three messages remained.

The first one was the one she asked if he kissed her, but he didn't reply.

The two items below are what she said to him when she came back that day, and an um back to him.

After that, never again.

In the past, when I missed Qin Si Ting, I would always open the SMS record to look through the messages Qin Si Ting had sent to me, and then slowly recall.

But now she didn't dare to open the text message interface of the two of them again, because the shining and unanswered text message record of the third from the bottom was like a joke, reminding her how absurd she was.

Five days before school started, Shi Niange was coaxed out of the country by his parents. After walking abroad for a few days, he returned to China the day before school started.

Zhao Xiaoqing said that she really envied her. After playing on the beach abroad for a few days, she didn't get a tan at all. On the contrary, Zhao Xiaoqing had very white skin because she was tanned a lot after going out for a few days this summer vacation.

She is about to go to the University of Medical Science soon, and officially approached in the direction of her dream.

She began to miss Qin Siting again.

Perhaps he is already in another city or another country now.

Will he choose Harvard or Polytechnic? Or is it Oxford Cambridge? Or another...well-known institution?

It has been so many days since I went to school last time, and I haven't sent a text message.

Shi Niange looked at the shit-green ugly frog on the side of his bed, picked it up and put it in his hand, patted it hard for a long time, and then put it back on the bedside carefully for fear that it would fall ashes or Dirty, just sitting and looking at the extremely ugly little frog, remembering how he looked when he used the last two coins to help himself with the doll that day.

I don't know how I suddenly got credits, even if I am about to part ways after graduation, I can still contact them.

Why did it happen suddenly?

She went abroad a few days ago and brought back a gift to Qin Siting. It was a pen with the abbreviation of Qin Siting’s name engraved on it. I just don’t know when I will see him again. There is no chance to give him this gift.

Suddenly her mobile phone rang, and she looked down at it. It was a text message from her mother.

Ms. Yang Zhenzhen: [Niannian, school starts tomorrow, have everything packed? ]

Shi Niange replied: [Well, it's all set, tomorrow Uncle Tai will send me to report on time. ]

[That's good, listen to your Aunt Xiang said that since you came back yesterday, you have been in a gloomy mood, what's wrong? When I was with us abroad a few days ago, I was uneasy. ]

[It’s okay, Mom, I’m just thinking about going to the Medical University in the future. ]

[Really? ]

[Ok. ]

[Come on, you, you tell me the truth, isn't it because of the little student you like? Come, show mom his picture. ]

Shi Niange really doesn’t have a photo of Qin Siting. He never took a photo. She did have a group photo of the whole class after graduating from high school, but there were too many people in the class. Everyone was small and couldn’t see clearly. what.

The only photo of Qin Siting in her hand was the photo of him on the electronic admission ticket she saw when she used the computer to check his college entrance examination results. It was very clean and handsome. It was just an ID photo. She looked good, so she took a picture with her mobile phone at the computer.

She hesitated and sent it to her mother.

Not long after, my mother called her directly: "It's really beautiful, but how come it's this kind of ID photo, you haven't taken him? You haven't taken a photo?"

Shi Niange: "I didn't make any strokes even after I said the eight characters. He has never been able to achieve a righteous result. Moreover, he doesn't take much pictures. It can also be said that he never takes pictures."

"That's a pity, such a beautiful boy doesn't like taking pictures." Ms. Yang Zhenzhen said with emotion.

In fact, for Shi Niange, it is not necessary to take photos to keep things.

After all, what Qin Siting looked like was deeply engraved in her mind.

Hearing that she still didn't speak much, Ms. Yang Zhenzhen chuckled: "What's the matter, because I can't go to school together in the future? Or is it because I didn't catch people?"

"No, it's just a little emotion. Just divert your attention when school starts tomorrow. Mom, don't worry about me. Your daughter has a sense of measure."

"Hmph, just think about it. You can think about what I said last time. Nowadays, there are many boys with good backgrounds who also go to study medicine. If you meet something suitable in college, you can have a formal relationship. Look, after all, you are all grown up, and your mother won't stop you, but you must be the other person with good character."

What boy from a good family background can compare with Qin Siting?

Shi Niange didn't say much, UU reading www. just hung up after chatting with mom for a few more words.

After hanging up the phone, Shi Niange stood at the window and looked outside, feeling heavy and breathless.

In fact, she and her mother have always been very frank about these things, but still retain a little content.

For example, when he went to the playground together, he held her hand for a long time, he held her to protect her, and more importantly... he kissed her.

She leaned her head on the window and closed her eyes. She didn't want to tell anyone about this. From now on, it might be the secret she kept in her heart.

It's even the candy in the pocket, not willing to eat.

On the day before the beginning of this medical school, Shi Niange almost couldn't help but send a text message to Qin Si Ting. She held her mobile phone and struggled for a long time. The screen read [Qin Si Ting, I’m starting school. I didn't ask others which school you went to, but I wish you all the best in the future. It sounds like an official way, but she dare not send it out anyway.

The previous comment about not kissing her but not getting a reply was very dazzling, and she was reluctant to delete it. After all, it could prove that everything happened.

She hesitated several times with her finger on the send button, and finally looked at the screen of the phone and deleted it one by one.

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