Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1513: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 80)

Shi Niange's hand that was poking on the phone screen suddenly paused, and his fingertips stopped moving on the phone.

She took a hard breath and turned her head.

In the sixth row in the middle of the classroom, which is the empty seat on her left hand, stood a tall, tall, clean boy.

——He wore a white shirt, and time seemed to go back to the autumn of a year ago, when school just started.

Why is he so good-looking.

Shi Niange's heart suddenly and fiercely lifted up, there was the excitement of seeing Qin Si Ting suddenly, and some kind of anxiety and grievance suddenly appeared when he saw the person who had not been in contact for a long time.

Qin Si Ting's gaze was straight to meet her, and the two of them looked at each other for ten seconds after a short distance.

When Shi Niange abruptly turned his head back, his eyes were already red.

She really missed Qin Siting too much.

Unprepared, seeing this person suddenly appeared in her sight, she couldn't help feeling sore.

Zhao Xiaoqing, who was sitting on her right hand, was surprised. She thought Shi Niange hadn't seen it, so she quickly raised her hand and shook her arm, lowered her voice and said, "Hurry up, look, my goodness, Qin ...Qin...Qin God is here!"

Shi Niange saw it, and it wasn't her sorrow, but now she really found that she couldn't say a word, even a hello.

"Niannian, it's God Qin!" Zhao Xiaoqing didn't know why Shi Niange didn't respond at the moment, so he quickly patted her again.

Qin Siting didn't wait for the time to read the song, and sat down on her left.

The classroom here is not like in high school where there are two people at a table, but a whole row. Actually, there are not many students in the class. You can sit in this row more scattered, but she and Zhao Xiaoqing have a good relationship because they know each other. , So I was sitting very close in front of the window on the right. Qin Si Ting is now sitting on the other side of her. Although he didn't intentionally come over and get close, the sixth row of the position adds up to four. Of the five people, three are leaning on this side.

On her left is Qin Siting, and on her right is Zhao Xiaoqing. She is in the middle, and she didn't speak during a class.

But in this whole class, she didn't even listen to a word. She followed the teacher's knowledge and turned the pages of the book mechanically. But because it was the first class of school, it was not a related knowledge class, just some self-introduction by the teacher. There is also a description of some situations of the Medical University, and then the teacher and the students know each other. In such a simple process, the teacher familiarizes everyone with the content of the new book. In the impression, she only remembers what the teacher said. It’s not here to study medicine and to memorize textbooks by rote. Everything is usually done by medical experiments. The first year is better, and the second year will begin to face various human organs, including observation and analysis. Many children who are just learning medicine are not comfortable with surgery.

Shi Niange has been around her grandfather since she was a child, and she has seen a lot of things in the laboratory, but it's okay. Other newcomers in the class, some are brave and have no expressions, and some have exaggerated. Disgusting and afraid of trembling application.

She looked down at the book in front of her. Although she didn't look at the people around her, she would inevitably crash into him from the corner of her eye.

She saw him writing with a pen, but she didn't raise her eyes to look at his face. She could only see the handwriting on the book with his clean and beautiful hand from the corner of the eye, but she couldn't see clearly what was written, she should be writing the teacher's request What kind of notes? She saw that Zhao Xiaoqing was also writing and others were writing, so she had to take a pen and write and draw on the book, but she didn't know what to write.

After class alive, I stood up when the bell rang and chanted.

Zhao Xiaoqing next to her looked up at her: "Are you going out?"

Shi Niange nodded, and in the blink of an eye, she saw Qin Si Ting. She must get up and let her go.

Seeing Qin Siting calmly stacking the books in front of him at random, she was about to say what she wanted, Zhao Xiaoqing also hurriedly sorted the books and said: "I'm going out with you, just because I want to go. ......" She paused, considering that there are boys around here, she lowered her voice and said, "I'm just about to go to the toilet. If you want to buy things or go to the toilet, walk around, together."

So Zhao Xiaoqing stood up, bowed his head and said to Qin Siting who was still sitting, "Hey, Qin Shen, I didn't dare to say hello in class just now! Let Niannian and I go out first!"

Qin Siting turned his eyes to look at them, his eyes first fell on Shi Niange's face, and then turned to Zhao Xiaoqing: "Is something going out?"

"Uh, just go to a wc..." Zhao Xiaoqing was a little embarrassed. She clearly remembered that Qin Shen never talked a lot and didn't talk nonsense. He could still ask such obvious questions. Is this a sudden change in sex? Or did she think she didn't know enough about Qin Shen?

"So are you?" He then looked at Shi Chanting again.

Shi Niange pursed her mouth and said, "I am not, I will go shopping, but I can go with her."

"Okay, you go out." He glanced at Zhao Xiaoqing, then chanted to Shi: "Don't go."

Zhao Xiaoqing: "???"

Shi Niange: "..."

Zhao Xiaoqing looked at Nian Song when he looked at Qin Si Ting again, and instantly understood something, so he simply pushed Shi Nian Song's shoulder: "Qin Shen said let me go out, you let me go. , I will start class after a while."

Shi Niange moved away subconsciously until Zhao Xiaoqing left quickly, and when she recovered, she saw that Qin Siting was still sitting there peacefully and had no plans to let her go out. .

She stood there staring at him: "Why can't I go out?"

Qin Siting raised his chin, UU Read pointed to her seat and motioned her to sit down: "Let's talk."

After kissing her, she suddenly changed herself. She didn't reply to the text message during the whole vacation, and the medical university did not tell her when she volunteered. It suddenly appeared when her heart sank to the bottom. Is it necessary to talk? If he could chat, wouldn't he be able to send messages or call to chat as early as the holidays? What does it mean to block her here now?

Shi Niange didn't know why she was angry. It was definitely a surprise for her that Qin Siting would come to study medicine.

So she stood there looking at him, just looking at him, even staring at him, glaring at him, she thought it was a long time, but in fact it was only twenty seconds.

She just sat down.

Let's talk.

Anyway, she also wanted to ask him what happened recently, why didn’t he reply her text messages, why everything seemed to happen after the kiss, if it was after the kiss, I regretted it, didn’t want to admit it, wanted to be everything It never happened, ok, she accepted, but he suddenly came to study medicine, why? I want to talk to more like-minded people about "The Warm Wind Is Not As Deep as Your Feelings", WeChat follow "" to read novels, talk about life, and find friends~

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