Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1514: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 81)

"It looks like you are angry?" Qin Si Ting stared at her.

Shi Niange turned his eyes to look at him: "Is it obvious?"

Qingjun's good-looking boy raised his eyebrows: "It's all written on his face."

"Oh, maybe it is." Shi Niange still didn't care about him, but there were so many questions to ask, which was a bit tangled.

Qin Siting faintly curled her lips and continued to look at her: "There are many classes in the same department. I didn't expect to be another class. I decided to come to the Medical University temporarily. Since I didn't tell you in advance, I just saw it, so I came to call. Hello."

Also, just, pass, come, call, hello, hello?

Just come over to say hello?

Shi Niange felt that she was only a little angry at first, but now she was really angry. She stared at his eyes, "So you confiscated my text message?"

Qin Siting didn't answer, just looked at her.

"You received it, right?" Now that the topic has come to this, since he has also been sitting in the medical college, she once thought all the misses and impossibility, and all the emotions that had been suppressed for too long were finally amplified, she stared at him: "I received it, don't reply. In other words, you were just impulsive at the time and felt that you shouldn't kiss afterwards, so you just put it down as it had never happened?"

He still didn't answer, but his eyes fell on her already flushed eyes.

"You came to study medicine because you have read a few books on medicine, and you suddenly want to study medicine?" Or because of me?

After that, she didn't ask, nor dared to ask, for fear that it would only make herself more embarrassed.

He does not speak.

"Qin Siting." Shi Niange took a deep breath: "Do you know me? All along, you know what I think of you. You have been sitting on the sidelines for so long, since you always do your whole body well. As for the plan to retire, at the skating rink that day, I really shouldn’t kiss each other, so I at least treat it as my own wishful thinking, and in the end it’s not embarrassing even if I lose, but now, you embarrass me."

After speaking, she retracted her gaze and sat in her original seat without saying anything.

He didn't explain why he came to study medicine, nor why he didn't reply to her text messages that day. He didn't explain every word she said at this moment as if a sword was pointed at him.

When the class bell rang, Zhao Xiaoqing came back directly from outside, and the teacher came in after squeezing back into his seat.

After all, it was the first day of the formal class. Everyone was not familiar with it. It was very serious. The class was very quiet and no one whispered. So even if Zhao Xiaoqing found that Shi Niange was a little lingering at the moment, he did not dare to speak softly.

However, after this class, Zhao Xiaoqing turned his eyes, and when he saw Nian Ge, he just leaned on the table and looked down at the book, just hanging his head and reading, not knowing whether he had taken the class seriously just now.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Zhao Xiaoqing patted her shoulder.

Shi Niange did not attend the class very much just now. She had been thinking about Qin Siting all the time. He would not be like this for no reason. Based on what she knew about him, he was not a very emotional person, but he was in the scenic spot that day. It was fine when I was inside. After coming out, it seemed that he changed after seeing the person who got off the car. At that time, he blocked her behind, and then sent her into the car, and then?

After that, he never responded to the text messages she sent.

The source of the problem must not lie with him.

If he doesn't like her, he will not kiss her casually.

He likes her.

He didn't think this answer was in his heart when he wrote the volunteers. Later, after the college entrance examination was over for so long, she did not contact him.

There must be a reason for this.

He had been looking into her eyes just now, without explaining or saying anything, but he had been watching.

She planned to ask more questions after class, but she thought about the question too deeply, so Zhao Xiaoqing took a picture of her and she reflected it.

She raised her head suddenly, wanting to ask Qin Si Ting what happened, but she was stunned when she turned her eyes.

Qin Siting did not continue to sit in the seat next to her. She raised her eyes and saw only a back of Qin Siting getting up and walking out the back door.

Shi Niange's hand squeezed **** the corner of the book on the table, and it became cold from head to toe.

Qin Siting... As expected, he just came to say hello after school started. He didn't plan to be at the same table with her, nor did he want to say more to himself.

For five minutes in between, Shi Niange would lean against the table in his position and didn't want to say anything.

However, the 18-year-old girl still does not know how to digest her emotions, and is not very good at regulating all the ups and downs brought about by emotions. A huge sense of loss envelops her in a gray space, with dark clouds covering her head. .

This is more uncomfortable than not receiving a text message reply a few days ago, and more directly uncomfortable.

Zhao Xiaoqing was unclear on the side, so: "Niannian, what's wrong with you?"

Shi Niange looked at her, shook his head, and said nothing.

Zhao Xiaoqing turned his eyes to see that Qin Siting had really left. Although he didn't know what happened, he felt that it should be something that really affected Nian Nian's mood. He could only pat her shoulders, and then sat beside her quietly. At her, she didn't ask anything more.

With two minutes left to go to class, Qin Siting came back. He returned to the empty seat on the other side where there were few people.

Shi Niange squeezed his hand into a fist on the table, suddenly picked up the book on his table, got up and walked over.

As a result, as soon as he approached, Qin Siting picked up the shoulder bag hung on the chair and threw it at the seat next to him, which was the empty seat next to him where she originally wanted to sit.

Shi Niange held the book in her arms and froze stupidly.

She firmly believed that there must be some reason for him to suddenly lead to this attitude, but when he saw her coming, he directly put the bag in the empty seat next to it.

She whispered: "Qin Siting. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM"

Zhao Xiaoqing looked at them from a distance, a little worried that Shi Niange would suffer. After all, watching Shi Niange for so long, he has always been very careful about Qin Siting’s feelings and never did anything too rashly. It was a lot of courage to summon up, but obviously, she seemed to hit a wall. From the back standing there, she could see that she was at a loss and at a loss.

When Qin Siting raised his head and read the song, there was no expression on his face.

Shi Niange looked into his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Qin Siting, can't I do it at the same table?"

Qin Siting looked into her eyes for a few seconds, and then did not answer her words, but turned away from the window, facing the window, this autumn came very late, the leaves outside were still very green, not a bit golden, but The sky was dull, as if it was going to rain again.


(Said I want to take a break. I planned to stop the change today, but I think it’s not good to stop. Then I’ll take a little rest. Is it better to take two a day for the time being?) I want to talk to more like-minded people. "You are in love", WeChat follow "" to read novels, chat about life, and find friends~

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