Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1515: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 82)

This was the only conversation between the two people in a long period of time, and it was only unilateral on her side.

Shi Niange was unable to sit next to Qin Siting, and no one would go with her when she left the classroom after class, and would not wait for her anymore. Qin Siting left at the end of several compulsory courses every day. Nian Ge met him just outside the school gate and followed him all the way, but Qin Siting didn't look back.

Shi Niange looked at Qin Siting’s back and looked satisfied all the way. At first, she was wronged. She didn’t know why the two people were so well, but suddenly became like this. She attributed everything to her own hair. That stupid text message, he must have done this for some reason, and she was sending text messages at that kind of gate.

At the beginning, I was aggrieved and disappointed, and then I got used to it.

Unrequited love is inherently bitter, and she has been in this state throughout her senior year in high school, which is normal.

Whoever said that if you like someone, you must get married. At least Qin Siting has given her some good things, and he has not responded at all... He must, there is a reason.

Shi Niange is comforting herself every day. In fact, as long as he is not in a different school, there is no end of the world, it is good, at least now that he can be seen every day, better than not being seen.

Without Qin Siting, Shi Niange simply didn't find any chance to go home from school together or go back to Lishui Villa, and simply lived with Zhao Xiaoqing in the double bedroom of the school.

Occasionally seeing Qin Siting in the corridor of the school, Qin Si's cold face made Shi Niange afraid to come forward and speak.

It seemed that everything went back to when she just jumped to the third year of high school a year ago. She looked at Qin Siting, who was indifferent and speechless, walking by him.

"Hey!" Shi Niange was walking on the road when she felt someone tap her shoulder.

She looked back and saw that she was an acquaintance. She smiled and said, "It's such a coincidence."

"I heard that you came to the medical school a long time ago. Why didn't you say hello to me in advance on the day you came so that I can report your situation to my elder nephew." This person is Xiao Da, now a senior, because studying medicine is better than Others are two years old, so he has to wait two years before he can graduate. He is considered to be Shi Niange's childhood, but he often played together when he was young. Later, the Xiao family moved to the next province, and the Lingxiao Group had been Very powerful, and now it is rapidly developing into a top domestic financial group. She has not contacted the Xiao family for several years.

Shi Niange said, "Did you ask me when my grandfather came to the school for lectures? Otherwise, how did you know that I really came to study medicine?"

"Didn't you dream of studying medicine since you were young? You don't have to guess at all." Xiao Da raised his hand and patted her head: "But you and my eldest nephew have not seen each other for many years. When I was young, my eldest nephew He always protects you. He still misses you even now. I think you will be able to get married in two years, so you can just be my nephew."

"You come less." Shi Niange laughed: "You are one year younger than Xiao Luye. It is because of your seniority problem. From childhood to most of your cousin's advantage, when you were a child, you called others big Don't worry about my nephew, now that he is so old, what kind of nephew do you still need to call? Xiao Luye is afraid that he will blow your dog's head."

Xiao Da chuckled: "He is waiting for me to report on your situation before it's too late, so how can he be willing to beat me."

Shi Niange’s impression of Xiao Da’s boys still remained when they were young. When they were young, they played together. Although she was a girl, she was never the one who was bullied. On the contrary, there were other girls among the friends who played together. Being bullied, she still wants to support other girls. Only a few times when she caused a little misfortune outside, she was punished by her grandpa to stand outside the laboratory for one night. As a result, Xiao Da and Xiao Luye early in the morning He climbed the wall and entered the laboratory, took her away, and took her to eat delicious food.

When I was young, I was really happy together, full of happy memories, so now seeing Xiao Da, and then hearing him mention Xiao Luye, Shi Niange actually missed the carefreeness of childhood.

Xiao Da asked her to go out for dinner in the evening, saying that Xiao Luye would come to Haicheng in the afternoon, but Shi Niange promised Zhao Xiaoqing and Qi Baobao. This afternoon he went to the dean to ask questions about the distribution laboratory, so he had to decline. .

However, I had an appointment with them for the weekend, and I hadn't seen Xiao Luye again for at least a few years. If there was nothing wrong with her, she would rather see him.

Although he didn't go out together at night, Xiao Da ran to their class in the afternoon and talked to her on purpose. Shi Niange was distracted by him and turned his head to stare at him from time to time. At a glance, Zhao Xiaoqing next to him turned his eyes to see Xiao Da from time to time, and Xiao Da frowned on how his elder nephew Xiao Luye was infatuated with Shi Niange. For so many years, he has never placed any other girl besides her. After seeing this, she persuaded her to see Xiao Luye early, and hurry up and have a good relationship.

Shi Niange only thinks he is joking. Everyone is a kid, good friend, so familiar, talking about a ghostly love.

While talking, Xiao Da sometimes winked at Zhao Xiaoqing.

Zhao Xiaoqing: "..." Silently turned his head and continued to listen to the class, but because he heard what he had been saying that Xiao Ye Ye people like to chant songs, I couldn't help but curiously **** up my ears to listen, listening while listening from time to time Looking in the direction of Qin Siting who is sitting in the distance, I miss Nian Nian so popular, Qin God, do you like Nian Nian, don't wait until someone is snatched away and regret it.

Here, Xiao Da was sitting next to Nian Song and grumbled for the entire class. After class, she quickly pulled him up and pushed him outward. Finally, Xiao Da pushed him outside the classroom. After taking a sigh of relief, she turned around and paused. She raised her head and glanced, Qin Siting was already standing behind her...

Or he was about to go out because she blocked the door.

She looked at him, he said nothing and left.

Another day without any communication.

It has been many days.

Zhao Xiaoqing and Bao Bao Qi came over at this time, and they have to go out. Bao Bao Qi did not understand Qin Siting and Shi Niange's past, and instinctively stood behind Qin Siting and blushed, saying: "Student Qin, please let me Do you want to go down, I, Nian Nian and Xiao Qing want to go out."

Qin Siting heard it, but did not seem to have heard it. When the three girls looked at him at the same time, they walked directly in front of the door with no expression.

He passed by her, but still kept a certain distance.

But when he walked by, the clean smell of his body still brushed her nose, Shi Niange's heart became sore, and his eyes drooped. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Warm Wind Is Not As Deep as Your Feelings", follow WeChat "" to read novels, talk about life, and find friends~

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