Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1516: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 83)

On the weekend, Shi Niange returned to Lishui Villa, put down his bag after entering the door, changed shoes, took a bath, changed clothes, and took out a few clothes that he wanted to wear next week.

This process takes about an hour, and then I write a report at home that my grandpa told her on the weekend a few days ago.

In fact, it's like this every day. Going to school is always so boring, even on weekends.

But she never felt boring in the most difficult senior year of high school, because Qin Si Ting sat next to her during the process, because he could still send text messages to him, because at the time, she was just a very careful crush and didn't dare to think about anything.

Now I feel that time is slow as if it is still, and every night is particularly long.

After she was busy, she found a movie to watch, an early movie, which was a bit boring and meaningless. She planned to watch it later and sleep, but she heard the sound of a car outside, thinking it was someone in the villa community driving. When she came back, she didn't take it seriously, until she heard the doorbell ring, she got up from the sofa and put on her shoes to open the door.

Before opening the door, she glanced at the camera inside. After seeing that the people outside were sleeping, she was surprised and walked out directly.

I saw the black carved gate in front of the villa. Xiao Luye, who had not seen him for many years, parked his car under a tree outside the courtyard, holding a bunch of sports car keys in his hand, standing there with one hand in his trouser pocket, and seeing her coming out. , Directly raised his eyebrows.

"How do you know that I live here? Xiao Dalian told you this too? I never said that I live here..." Shi Niange said as he hurried forward and opened the door.

Xiao Luye walked in, and when he walked in front of her, he first glanced at her, then raised his eyes to look at the various scenery and decorations in the courtyard of her villa: "Want to know where you live is not difficult? Who is in the house? Don't know me? Just ask me something."

That's right. Although the Shi family and the Xiao family haven't been in contact much in recent years, they used to be family friends anyway, and she grew up with them, so even if he asked Aunt Xiang and Uncle Tai, they would answer truthfully.

He stepped directly in, and Shi Niange turned around and went in together: "I just came back this weekend, and everything I threw away is everywhere. Don't dislike it."

"I've seen you urinate everywhere in a crib, so why have you seen me?"


Can you still have a good chat?

Even if she was a few years younger than him, she had been hugged by his three or four-year-old brother when she was a baby, then she should save face, okay? Now that she is so old, she still mentions these! It's as shameless as Xiao Da!

The TV is showing the most boring movie. At this moment, there is a very scary plot, and a burst of weird music comes out of the TV.

Xiao Luye glanced at the front TV line: "What are you watching?"

"Ah, just find an old movie to watch."

"Watching horror movies at home alone?"


"Are you a woman?"


What's wrong with watching horror movies?

Although she usually doesn't look at it very much, she didn't find it scary after seeing it once. On the contrary, she felt that the scenery and the soundtrack in it were too exaggerated and made people sleepy.

Probably the background music was too weird. Hearing people's scalp numb, Xiao Luye picked up the remote control with a look of disgust and turned off the TV.

Shi Niange didn't say anything. He walked over and sat on the other single sofa next to him. After thinking about it, he asked, "Xiao Da didn't come with you? I'm not talking to him. I'll talk to you tomorrow afternoon. Eat? Why did you kill it today?"

"It's rare to come to Haicheng. Come and see if you have nothing to do. Why do you live outside by yourself? The temple of the Shi family is too small to hold your big Buddha. You have to be outside alone?"

"No, I'll grow up, live by myself and be comfortable." Shi Niange said while dragging his chin with one hand and leaning on the armrest of the sofa, looking at him: "Not in the city when your Xiao family prince is going to inherit Ling The throne of the Xiao Group, what are you doing here in Haicheng?"

"How do you inherit the throne without marrying the prince?" Xiao Luye looked at her and chuckled.

Shi Niange raised her eyebrows, took a pillow and put it in her arms, and then looked at him like this: "Ah, which girl do you have a fancy, Your Royal Highness?"

Xiao Luye scolded and stared at her deeply: "You."

Shi Niange chuckled: "Come on, I'm just a few years younger than you, otherwise I will grow up wearing the same pants. Don't make jokes about this kind of thing."

"No kidding, really." Xiao Luye still looked at her: "Remember every time you celebrated your birthday when you were a kid, the little rabbits I gave you?"

Shi Niange paused, remembering that when he had his birthday before, he really gave him rabbits, white rabbits, gray rabbits and black rabbits. There are also various beautiful and beautiful cages, but because she has no longevity. I am afraid that I will raise the rabbit to death, so I basically ask the aunts in the family to take the rabbits back to their rural homes after raising them for a few months. I heard that those rabbits are all raised. She's fat, but she has never seen it again.

When she was young, before she changed her teeth before the age of six or seven, although she was very cute and pretty, the two front teeth at the time looked a little bigger than the others. Xiao Da and Xiao Luye shouted She was a rabbit, and later called her a rabbit, and later called her an ugly rabbit, so Xiao Luye sent her a rabbit at that time. She always felt that he was deliberately mad at her. It was obvious that she lost her teeth after she was six or seven. When she had new teeth, her teeth were very neat, not at all like they were when she was a child. UU Reading

"Probably I was hooked by your rabbit since I was a child, so now I occasionally go out to pass the flower, bird and fish market and see a rabbit seller, I will instantly think of it." Xiao Luye got up and walked to the sofa on her side. , Sat down on the armrest of the wide leather sofa next to her sofa, and at the same time looked at her at close range with her low eyes: "Ugly rabbit, I won’t stop you if you want to study medicine, even if you feel tired in the future, don’t want to work, don’t want to go to work, I can also support you for the rest of my life, do you want to come to Xiao's house as a princess?"

At first, Shi Niange really felt that he was joking and teasing himself, but now this person suddenly sat over, the cold breath of the whole body almost surrounded him, and when he raised his eyes, he ran into his black eyes full of his own reflection. , Suddenly saw him raising her hand to caress her head, she suddenly jumped up from the sofa instinctively, turned around and stood aside, then opened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief: "You are not Right?"

Xiao Luye sat there calmly, raising his eyebrows: "What?"

"I... I took your brother, you actually want to soak me?" Shi Niange's eyes rounded.

Xiao Luye: "...Who the **** treats you as a brother?" I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Warm Wind Is Not As Deep as Your Love", follow on WeChat ""Read novels, talk about life, and find friends~

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