Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1518: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 85)

Shi Niange said thank you, took it and opened it.

Then this letter made her a little ashamed. It turned out to be a love letter. The key is that the content of this love letter is particularly idiot.

It's a kind of **** of a boy who gets up, sometimes inferior to a girl, the kind of fanatical.

Moreover, love letters are not very popular now. If you really know each other, you can call and send a text message. This person's letter is still very awkward, and the characters are not good-looking. The ending sign is a male classmate from the next class.

She was not very impressed with this male classmate. She remembered that in the medical laboratory class, she seemed to have helped a boy in the next class, but he was noticed afterwards.

Seeing those nasty and explicit words, Shi Niange didn't feel much, but his face blushed slightly. After all, the writing was too shameful...

The girl next to him suddenly smiled and said, "Shi Niange, are you so? You just received a love letter? Can you show you blushing? What's wrong? What level of confession is it? Look at your face..."

When the girl was talking, Qin Siting just walked in from behind. She was about to turn around to dispose of the love letter, and when she looked back, she saw a clean and upright boy standing not far away.

As soon as she raised her head, she met Qin Siting's gaze, and he was standing there looking at himself.

When Shi Niange tried to suppress and calm down for more than a month, her heart suddenly ached.

Qin Siting looked at her with a faint expression, but why did she feel so painful?

Qin Family...what happened?

Shi Niange smiled at him suddenly, his eyes were crooked, his smile was very friendly and sweet. It was not the kind of smile to male gods, it was just a simple smile that wanted each other to have a good mood. , She also knew Qin Siting would not care about herself, so she would definitely not ask herself to be bored.

Qin Siting directly looked away and returned to his seat.


Who said that after the college entrance examination, you can start the beauty vacation mode every day?

Studying medicine is not like that at all.

I learn more every day than when I was in the third year of high school, especially in various experiments, and even selected some outstanding students to watch the anatomy on the spot. In short, there is no free time at all.

There was a temporary event in the school in November. It was a rare three-day holiday, just in time for the weekend. Several high school friends said that they would have a party. They were so shy that they would also come. Shi Niange was taken by Zhao Xiaoqing.

When I arrived at KTV, I heard that several people were still talking about how Qin Shen suddenly went to study medicine. Did he really have anything to do with Shi Niange? Did he go to Shi Niange?

As a result, at this gathering, only Shi Niange came in.

Obviously Qin Shen came back last time...on someone's birthday.

This time, he went to the medical college, but he didn't go in and out with Shi Niange.

After sitting down, I was so shy and asked him: "Did Qin Shen come?"

"He didn't come, how could he come? He rarely participated in such gatherings before." Shi Niange shook his head and smiled.

When I was so shy, I was sitting behind Niange for more than a year, and when I understood her, I raised my eyebrows: "What happened to you and Qin Shen?"

"It's nothing, it's good."

Zhao Xiaoqing slapped him with his arm next to him. He was so shy that he said, "That's good."

After the vacation, I returned to school. Grandpa had a lecture at school today. Shi Niange went out for a meal with grandpa at noon. Because it was not far from school, he walked back.

When approaching the school gate, I suddenly saw a black car parked there. The reason why it attracted her attention was that the car was parked in a wrong place. It was clearly not a parking space. It seemed to be waiting for someone. .

In a blink of an eye, she suddenly saw a man coming down from the car. Even after so long, she noticed that the man looked a bit familiar, the one who followed her on the street last time!

Her complexion changed, and she quickly walked a few steps to the side in an instant, but the man had already spotted her, his eyes turned away from her, and he seemed to be coming over.

When Shi Niange was about to run forward, suddenly Qi Baobao called her on the other side: "Hey, Niannian, why did you come out? What's up? What are you running?"

When the man saw someone approaching her, he immediately stopped, turned and returned to the car.

Shi Niange and Qi Baobao walked into the school gate and looked back from time to time.

Baby Qi also looked back with a strange look, but he didn't see a thing, so he came: "What's wrong? You looked nervous just now. By the way, I saw God Qin outside the school just now, Zhao Xiaoqing called that. He’s right? Originally Qin Shen was standing on the other side of the road and talking to people. He turned around and saw you near the car. He suddenly swished and ran over there, heading straight towards you. Maybe it was not the right time for me to call you. He saw someone around you and suddenly stopped."

After hearing her words, Shi Niange suddenly turned around and looked outside the school gate, but did not see Qin Siting.

"I thought Qin Shen wanted to come over and do something. I saw his expression just now. It was cold as if he was about to eat people. It was too scary. But when I called you, he stopped. I know where it is, Qin Shen is usually so indifferent, I rarely see this expression on his face..." Qi Baobao said, and looked out curiously.

Shi Niange's heartbeat immediately picked up.

That car, those people.

It really has something to do with Qin Siting.

He thought those people were going to follow her again, didn't he?

Who are those people?

What is the relationship between Qin Siting and them?

Just now Qin Siting thought she was going to have something wrong, so he wanted to come in anxiously, right?

She looked at Baby Qi in a blink of an eye, with bright eyes: "Did he really come in my direction just now?"

"Yes, actually Qin Shen has crossed the road all the way just now, but left again." Qi Baobao said.

Shi Niange laughed at once.

"What are you laughing at?" Qi Baobao was inexplicably confused by her sudden smile.

"He cares about me. UU reading www.uukā" When I read the song, I was in a good mood. I verified and confirmed it time and time again. Qin Siting didn't really have her in his heart. He really had a reason.

Just now, he thought she was going to be bullied by the person who got off the car, so he was about to rush over.

He saw someone coming and calling her, and that person turned and left with fear, so he didn't come.

Shi Niange's heart, which had been left out for two or three months, suddenly became alive again, and now he feels brisk walking.

But what is Qin Siting doing out at noon? Who are you talking to outside? Obviously, Baby Qi didn't notice other people, and he probably didn't know him, otherwise he wouldn't miss other people's names.

She just turned around and hugged Baby Qi: "Thank you Baby Qi, thank you for seeing him just here, thank you for telling me!"

After speaking, he ran away happily.

Qi Baobao looked dazed. I want to talk to more like-minded people about "The Warm Wind Is Not As Deep as Your Feelings", WeChat follow "" to read novels, talk about life, and find friends~

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