Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1519: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 86)

When Shi Niange returned to the classroom, a familiar classmate next to her saw her and came to greet her and ask where she had been at noon. She just laughed and said something was wrong, and went back to the class with a good expression on her face.

Classmates thought she was crazy.

However, Shi Niange did not forget to go to the supermarket downstairs to buy some food and milk before returning to the class. After packing, he took it back to the classroom. Sure enough, Qin Siting was back when she came back. He was sitting in his own. Look out the window from the seat.

Shi Niange took the food and sat directly beside him.

Qin Si Ting suddenly turned his eyes and saw Shi Nian Song, the coldness in his eyes that was not close to strangers for a moment, and then his eyes faded again.

"You didn't eat, right?" Shi Niange asked with a smile.

She was a little anxious when she ran back. There was a small layer of sweat on the hairline of her forehead. She didn't care much. She just said to him, "You can eat a little bit. There will be experiments in the afternoon. It is too late to go home at night.

With that, she put the sandwich and milk she bought on his table.

Shi Niange opened a sandwich for him at the same time, and then put it there under the protective film outside, and said in a low voice: "You eat, eat quickly, I also put the milk, you Remember to drink after eating, you can rest assured that I will not sit here and bother you, you eat by yourself."

Shi Niange smiled at him again after speaking, then picked up his share and got up and returned to his seat.

Qin Siting should still worry about her.

When she was sitting there eating, she kept holding back and did not look in his direction until she went out to throw something after eating, and he passed by his table and saw those things that he didn’t move, and she left them intact. , And did not drink a sip of milk.

Shi Niange's original mood sank again.

Qin Siting didn't take a bite of that meal until the end of the experiment in the evening.

Shi Niange rubbed his stomach. He ate a little eagerly at noon. In the afternoon, he had been running around the classroom and the laboratory. Now I don't know what happened, and suddenly I have a stomachache.


Maybe Qin Siting didn't go for him at all. Maybe Qi Baobao just saw him walking here, maybe he thought too much...

Shi Nian Singer sticks to his stomach and laughs at himself, Shi Nian Ge, why are you so stupid.

I haven’t seen Qin Siting again in the afternoon. Qin Siting left after the experimental class. Today he didn’t give her the opportunity to follow him to say anything. Maybe he didn’t want to let himself follow, so he changed to leave. Time and route.

When school was over, Zhao Xiaoqing and Baby Qi asked her out for dinner. The three girls left together. Finally, they went home happily. When they got home, Nian Ge raised their hands and rubbed their stomachs and lay down. I put a pillow under my stomach on the sofa, and just stopped there.

In fact, she should live in school tonight, but she was a little confused and annoyed, and she was afraid that her emotions would affect Zhao Xiaoqing, who lives with her, so she simply took a taxi back to Lishui Villa.

Now lying here alone, it feels so empty and quiet all around.

The sad thoughts in her heart couldn’t be hidden. She closed her eyes and buried her face in her arms. Fortunately, nothing happened to make herself too uncomfortable, so she couldn’t cry either, but Even the heart is heavy and the stomach hurts obviously.

When my mother called at night, she was lying on the sofa to answer them. After the answer, she was a little sleepy. It was impossible to sleep with her eyes closed. After all, she hadn't taken a shower or returned to the bedroom.

And now that she closes her eyes, Qin Siting is still in her mind.

Qin Siting didn’t eat the sandwiches and milk he bought. This was another uncomfortable blow to Shi Niange. When the two of them were sitting together last year, Qin Siting would still touch her arm. She went to eat and drink. Although he didn't pay much attention to it, she always sat next to her. He gave a little bit of face and occasionally at least tasted it.

It may be annoying to even look at yourself more now.

She couldn't think that because Qin Siting came to study medicine, she must have come for her.

Shi Niange buried his face in his arms again, and his eyes were sore. In fact, she wanted to go back to this time last year, at least when she was still sitting next to him. How can time go back, how can I go back... if To be able to go back, she would love to be cautious, and no longer be so calm and fair to be found in his mind, maybe... it wouldn't be so embarrassing and uncomfortable.

Shi Niange now wakes up very punctually every day. She wakes up in the morning to see the time, she warms herself bread and milk, and goes out after breakfast.

Uncle Tai said before that she could take the driver's license test at her age. She hasn't made time to take the test. She probably has to wait for the winter vacation. Now she doesn't want to trouble Uncle Tai to send herself off. Usually choose to take a taxi to school.

When she got outside the school, she wandered outside for a while, until Qin Siting appeared on the road ahead, but she didn't go there. After a while, she saw him in before she walked in.

After entering the class, she saw another letter on her desk. This time it was a blue envelope. The color and style of the envelope were very straight and straightforward. When she thought of the love letter she read last time, She subconsciously took the envelope and opened it to the desk below, turned her eyes to Qin Si-Juan, and saw that he was looking down at the book. She might have felt the gaze she suddenly passed over. He raised his eyes, but did not. beginning.

When Zhao Xiaoqing was in high school, he was quite shy, and there were no friends who were too worthy of his heart. UU read www.uukanshu. com, so I don’t talk much, but since I was with Shi Niange, my personality has become more and more cheerful, and all the characters of those little girls hidden in their nature are also present. For example, I see Shi Niange every day because of Qin Siting’s affairs. While depressed, she felt that she was bullied by Qin Siting coldly and violently, and she was so angry that she didn't want to call Qin Shen anymore, but Qin Zhazha.

Shi Niange said that she shouldn't call him that, and he didn't do anything. If he did something, she would be scumbag, but it was a pity that he just didn't do anything excessive.

Even that kiss was just a perfect end to her secret love for her whole year in high school.

People have to learn to be content, right? At least I got a kiss, so what else can I ask for?

After another month, Qin Siting’s academic performance and performance at the Medical University once again shocked everyone, including the teachers and professors above, and even some senior medical-related people have noticed that Qin Siting is a medical student. The good seedling of, planning to let him go directly to the hospital to observe and study after sophomore and junior year.

Shi Nian hadn't spoken to him for a long time, just thinking in his heart that Qin Siting was still so good. I want to talk to more like-minded people about "The Warm Wind Is Not As Deep as Your Feelings", WeChat follow "" to read novels, talk about life, and find friends~

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