Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1526: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge Ninety-three)

The room was so quiet, I was actually a little sleepy when I was singing songs at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

But in order not to disturb him, she was too embarrassed to play on her mobile phone or turn on the TV. She simply sat on the sofa with a book in her arms, propped her head with one hand, and closed her eyes for a while.

Originally, she just wanted to squint for a few minutes, but in the end she really fell asleep.

Sleeping in a daze, she suddenly felt that her feet and under her body seemed to be in the air. She hadn't reflected what was going on. She was still immersed in her sleep until she was suddenly put on the bed. Then she opened her eyes instinctively and vigilantly. .

The moment he opened it, Qin Si Ting's quiet black eyes met.

She had just been awakened, her eyes were still a bit hazy, and she stared blankly at the person who suddenly hugged herself from the sofa and was about to hug her to the bed and lay down, probably because she suddenly opened her eyes, Qin Si Ting's movements also paused for a second or two, and then put her down.

Shi Niange lay there, blinking his eyes, and then realized that he was lying down. He was leaning over on the side of the bed at the moment, and his face suddenly became hot. He should have just looked at her. I fell asleep on the sofa, and I wanted to hug her over and let her sleep well. From the look in his eyes, he had no other thoughts.

However, her face was still hot uncontrollably, and he found that he blushed in random thoughts. Shi Niange hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover her body, and then pulled up again, trying to cover her face under her eyes.

Although she didn't see the blushing, the emotion in her eyes was still too obvious. Qin Siting looked at her and straightened up by the bed: "Hold it when you are asleep, don't think too much."

Shi Niange hadn't dared to think too much before. With his sentence, she instantly thought about it, and directly continued to pull the quilt up, covering her entire head.

Qin Siting: "..."

She calmed down in the quilt for a while, then pulled down the quilt, showing her eyes, seeing that he was still standing by the bed, looking at her with low eyes.

It's still afternoon, and it's not dark yet.

Shi Niange said that she would leave when it was dark, but her heart rate accelerated when she lay down like this, and she was so stiff that she didn't dare to move. If she was still here after dark, she was afraid that she would not be there all night. May be able to sleep.

Moreover, she does not need to stay here after dark.

"Well, I'll wait a minute. I'll leave after five o'clock and six o'clock, and then leave after dinner together, okay?" She hid in the quilt and asked for a topic.

"Yeah." Qin Siting replied lightly, his eyes fell on her obviously shy eyes, and then turned and walked away from the bed.

Seeing him walking away, Shi Niange took a deep breath under the quilt, then turned over, only to find that he couldn't sleep at all.

After a while, she heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom, not like the sound of a shower head, but rather like the sound of a faucet on the washbasin.

Not long after Qin Siting came out, she stared at him from the quilt. She looked at him as if he had just washed his face. There was a little wet water on the side of his hair, and even drops of water dripped down his temple. .

His face is so clean, what did he wash his face suddenly?

Shi Niange sat up and said, "I can't sleep anymore, or let's talk about tomorrow's experimental class. In the previous semester, you didn't talk to me very much. Once we were grouped together in the experimental class. Yes, but I heard later that you and the professor asked to change groups, so in the past few months, neither of us have experimented together."

Shi Niange stared at him when she said this: "Qin Siting, the reason you are hiding from me, if you don't like me, then forget it, but you obviously..."

He suddenly turned his head to look at her, and stared at her directly, his eyes were inexplicably deep and sharp, which made her choked to the throat in an instant.

Then he picked up the book she had read before, bookmarked the last page she saw, and said: "The road is slippery in snowy days, and the days in winter are short. It was already dark outside at five or six o'clock. If you don’t plan to leave now, there is no need to leave at night."

Shi Niange thought he had heard it wrong: "Ah..."

Then I heard him say: "I will go to the next room to open another room after dark."


What is going on with her inexplicably and a little disappointed?

How old is she? Still a student, could she really plan to sleep with him all night?

No, no, but after thinking about it, she felt that she would hide in the bathroom and could not come out, and Qin Siting was obviously not such a person, he was a gentleman.

Yes, he is not that kind of person.

Since he is not that kind of person, the bed is so big and there is such a big sofa in the room, enough to lie down alone, is it necessary to waste money to open another room?

"Actually, you don't need to open the room again." She didn't know if it was water in her head, she suddenly said her idea, then paused, and quickly said: "I mean, I believe you."

Qin Siting glanced at her, and only said, "Come and read the book, don't you want to talk about tomorrow's experimental class?"

Sure enough, the way he changed the subject was not as blunt as hers, she died abruptly every time.

Shi Niange hurriedly got out of bed, returned to the sofa and picked up the book, and then entered the infinite loop of reading and secretly watching him.

At night, I simply ordered some food in the hotel. After eating in the room, it was already 7:30 in the evening.

Shi Niange didn't mention going home, anyway, Qin Siting didn't let her go, so she didn't rush to go back anyway. Qin Siting didn't say to open another room, and took her after eating. The book talked about some of the manual operations in the laboratory class tomorrow, and there are still a lot of written medical knowledge. Probably he did not check the time when he was talking about these business affairs. When he picked up the phone to check the time again It's already eight o'clock.

" You got up so early today, and you were racing and... fighting, you must have sweat on your body, you should go take a shower. I applied medicine on my shoulder, so I won’t wash it today. Go wash.” Shi Niange said while lowering his head to read the book. In fact, he couldn't read those words at all.

Qin Siting glanced at her, got up and went into the bathroom.

Seeing that he actually went to take a shower, there was a sound of water inside not long after, Shi Niange felt that his throat was hot, and it took a long time to reflect that, so he called the front desk and asked them to warm up two glasses of milk. It can help sleep and soothe the nerves. She hopes that Qin Siting can have a good night's sleep after taking a bath and drinking milk after this day's calm.

Later, the front desk called and said that the milk was hot, but now there was not enough staff to let her take it by herself, so she hurried out.

When I came back with two glasses of milk, I opened the door and just walked in. I suddenly saw Qin Siting, who had just taken a shower, opened the bathroom door. He was wearing pants, his upper body was not worn, and his hair had not yet been wiped. Water dripped on the body.

Shi Niange stayed in place directly-I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Warm Wind Is Not As Deep as Your Love", WeChat pays attention to ""Read novels, talk about life, and find friends~

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