Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1527: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 94)

Seeing her expression, Qin Siting turned around and picked up the shirt that had been splashed with some water in the bathroom and put it on.

Shi Niange was still stunned, looking at him with round eyes, feeling as if he had lost his voice.

She quickly recovered, and walked in with the milk glass, and saw that some water was splashed on his shirt. No wonder he just came out without clothes, and quickly said: "It's okay, boy...cough that...boy It’s not a strange thing to have no clothes on the upper body... the shirt is uncomfortable to wear like this..."

She put the milk aside, turned around and stretched out her hand and gently pulled his clothes: "It's all splashed with water here..."

Probably he did not expect that she would pull his clothes suddenly. Originally, the shirt had just been put on, and the buttons had not been fully buttoned. When she was so inadvertently pulled, the hem of the clothes was slightly slanted forward, revealing another piece of Qin. Sting's waist.

Qin Siting moved for a while and looked down at her. Shi Niange also instantly felt that the corners of the shirt were a bit hot and quickly put her hands back.

But every nerve in her body was jumping excitedly.

"Well, have a glass of milk, you should... drink some milk at night and get a good night's sleep. We will go to school together tomorrow morning." She said, holding the milk to him.

The button of Qin Siting's shirt was buttoned up halfway up. He didn't look at the milk in her hand and only stared at her.

Shi Niange's expression on his eyes didn't know what to pose for a while.

"Drink some milk and go to bed early..." she said.

"Shi Niange, you are still a girl, do you know what danger is?" Qin Siting said calmly.

Shi Niange looked up at him.

Qin Siting looked into her eyes and continued to say: "It's so late, sure I don't need me to open another room?"

As he said, he put down his hand that he was going to continue buttoning up, and took a step closer to her. Shi Niange felt inexplicably trembling in his heart, and subconsciously took a step back. Qin Siting's speech was not fast, she knew Hear the warning in his words.

She retreated and he entered until she leaned back against the wall abruptly, and the milk glass in her hand almost fell off. Qin Siting was very close to her, with the smell of hotel shower gel and the dampness after the shower. Then she suddenly saw him starting to unbutton.

Although Shi Niange dared to think wildly in his heart, he couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath when he saw Qin Siting's move to undress. He suddenly dropped his hand on the wall behind her and approached him. She felt the breath between his mouth and nose almost touched the tip of her nose.

Qin Siting slowly removed her hand from the wall behind her under her completely stunned eyes, and continued to buckle the buttons upwards, and said faintly, "Do you still know you are afraid?"

After he finished speaking these words, his clothes had been buttoned up, he arranged the sleeves of his shirt, and then looked back at her deeply, opened the door and left.

Shi Niange had been frightened by his sudden act of pressing her against the wall just now, and she still stood there.

Until not long later, he really opened another room next door. She heard the room service staff talking to him outside. She quickly opened the door and saw Qin Siting in front of the door of the next room. She had already opened the door to enter. She opened the door. The door just closed in an instant.

She looked at the door over there, and it took a long time to come back to her senses. After thinking about it, she closed the door again, picked up the phone and wanted to send him something, but she didn't know how to send it.

Originally, she thought she wanted to live with him, so she didn’t want to take a bath, but now she is here alone, even if she wants to wash, she really can’t lift her arms, so the night time becomes extraordinarily difficult. .

And now it's less than nine o'clock, at least more than an hour before she usually sleeps.

could not fall asleep.

Especially the scene just now was repeatedly shown in my mind.

She has officially confessed to him today, she said, she likes him.

Shi Niange picked up the phone, looked at Qin Siting’s name, and sent a text message: [I’m not afraid, I like you. ]

After that was another article: [The kind of like that I want to be with you for a lifetime. ]

He didn't say more. Now she only wanted to say these two sentences to Qin Siting. Maybe she would regret coming together tomorrow morning. Why is she so thick-skinned today, she will definitely regret her impulse, but she has always been scrupulous. Too much, starting today, since she has already started this, she doesn't want to stop.

She just likes him.

He knows.

The song that night really didn't sleep all night, thinking that he was next door to him, so close, he would definitely be able to sleep, but in the end, she didn't even close her eyes.

Later, she couldn’t fall asleep, so she got up and sat on the sofa thinking about what to say when she saw Qin Siting’s first sentence when she got up tomorrow morning. Would Qin Siting think she received the two text messages from her? Too entangled?

When Qin Siting left, the shirt on his body was still wet. It would be fine if he opened a room next door, at least he didn't need to wear wet clothes.


The next morning she was ready to say what Qin Siting should say at first sight, but she couldn't tell.

Around four or five o'clock in the morning, the winter day began to light up a little, and Shi Niange didn't know when he fell asleep. This sleep lasted all day.

In my impression, the last time she caught a cold and fever was a year ago. It was probably because of shoulder pain and a bit serious ankle twist. I don’t know why she had a fever. I didn’t sleep well at I was disappointed. It really burned up.

The rest of the day she slept in a dazed state, even if she knew that she was going to take another day off, she couldn't help it, she couldn't hear anything vaguely, and the only time she woke up was when she opened her eyes. I still saw the chandelier in the hotel room, but I only took a look and went back to sleep.

Just a fever, just a few more hours of sleep, she thought.

But when she fell asleep, she felt a bit of coolness on her forehead, and after a while, she felt like she was being picked up again.

She opened her eyes in a daze, and saw Qin Siting's face very close to her. She thought she was dreaming, and closed her eyes and leaned her head directly into his arms: "Qin Siting...I'm not afraid... …I like you."

Qin Siting looked at the burnt and unconscious girl who had just been picked up by him. She was hot from the high fever. Subconsciously, the whole person was nestled in his arms, with her red face pressed against his chest, as if He felt very comfortable because of the coolness on his clothes, and rubbed his face. The whole person seemed to have some unexpected softness and tenderness, as well as a pair of dimly opened eyes, which made people feel soft. The warm wind is not as deep as you

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