Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1528: : You are my little love song (Qin Ge 95)

When she woke up in the early morning of the next morning, she was in the hospital with a piece of medical tape on her hand, which should have been covered with saline or some antipyretic needle.

She was in a very quiet single room, there was no one in the room, only she was lying on the white hospital bed.

She felt a headache as soon as she moved, so she moved slowly, and then heard the sound of the door of the ward opening, carefully looked in that direction, and saw that Qin Siting had come in.

"Awake?" Qin Siting came over and touched her head: "The fever has gone down, the problem is not serious, and I can sleep again and it will be fine at dawn."

Shi Niange looked at him and felt as if he had delayed his going to class for another day. In order not to delay him, she really should sleep well so that she can go to school after dawn.

She nodded, and then asked: "When did you find that I was not awake yesterday..."

"In the morning, I saw that you didn't eat breakfast, so I just went over and took a look." Qin Si Ting's hand has been removed from her forehead: "The fever is very serious. The fever of 39 degrees does not go away for more than six hours. Didn’t wake up, I took you directly to the hospital."

"Yeah." It is estimated that the fever was really serious before. At the moment, she felt a little pain in her eyes. She closed her eyes and said: "It is estimated that it was too cold yesterday, and then sweated, and then got a little cold. ."

Qin Siting didn't say anything because of her words, but said calmly: "Sleep well."

She sweats because she was scared when he was driving yesterday and when she saw him going to fight.

But after sweating, it may be really frozen, and it will not be so severe suddenly.

She closed her eyes obediently, she was really tired now, and she fell asleep after only closing her eyes for a while.

When she woke up again, it was just in time to go to school. The doctor said that after her fever subsided, there would be no problem and she could go to school normally. Qin Siting allowed her to leave the hospital.

After arriving at school, Shi Niange entered the class with a bag. After all, many schools in the university do not have fixed seats. In fact, anyone who comes early can choose their own seat.

Seeing Qin Si Ting sitting in the position he is used to, Shi Nian Song didn't even think about it, went straight to put the bag there, and sat down next to him.

Qin Siting was about to pick up the book at the time, and when he felt her movement, he turned his head to look at her, only to see Shi Niange sitting beside him peacefully, and at the same time taking the books one by one from his bag. Come out and put it neatly on the table in front of her.

When Qin Si Ting looked at her, Shi Niange felt satisfied.

He didn't use a very repulsive look.

Ah, ah, you can sit next to him again, maybe you can do experiments with him if you have an experiment class later that can be grouped together.

"I just put a book, didn't disturb you?" Shi Niange smiled at him, sitting here, laughing naturally.

Zhao Xiaoqing, who had already arrived in the class and saw this scene, sent a congratulatory message with a text message: [You two took two days of sick leave at the same time. You just came back and went to Qin Shen. Is there anything wrong? Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! ]

Baby Qi arrived later, passing by with a shocked and puzzled expression, as if Shi Niange had the courage to sit beside Qin Shen.

Shi Niange blinked at Baby Qi without saying anything.

Qin Siting saw that she was receiving text messages and interacting with others, quietly did not speak, and continued to open the book in front of him.

Today’s weather is good, even though the outside is snowy, the classroom is very bright.

Moreover, the heating in the classroom was fully turned on. Shi Niange took the advantage of going to the bathroom after the first get out of class to take off his sweater, wearing only a thin pullover suitable for indoor wear, which was cool and comfortable.

When he sat back next to Qin Siting, he found that he didn't put the bag in her place after class, which means he didn't mean to drive her away again.

The morning experiment class really divided her and Qin Siting together. It happened that when they were in the hotel that day, they talked about the contents of the experiment class together. Although it was the first time to do an experiment together, they were the first to complete it. , And it was done very well. I got unanimous praise from several tutors and professors. Shi Niange used to be with my grandfather. In fact, these experiments have been done a lot, and I have long been numb, but today it is an inexplicable beauty. of.

It seemed that Qin Siting was in a good mood right now, and Shi Niange looked for a chance to talk to him.

In the whole semester, she and him hadn't said a few words. She seems to want to make up what she didn't say before. Since the end of the experimental class, she hasn't stopped her mouth, like a noisy little lark.

But Qin Siting was only doing what to do during the whole process. She spoke and he listened, and did not avoid it, but did not respond either.

Shi Niange didn't care very much either. He pulled it down if he didn't want to say it. If he didn't drive her away, he didn't leave her cold. He was listening anyway.

In this respect, Shi Nian Song is really getting more and more contented. Her only wish now is to see Qin Si Ting peacefully sitting next to her in class every day, like the drag racing behavior that day, no more .

No matter what happened to the Qin family, things shouldn't fall on him.

Don't be sad, don't get hurt.

"Qin Siting, why are you so tall?" Shi Niange was almost hit by something above when she came out of the experimental classroom. Qin Siting raised her hand to help her block her. She raised her head and looked up at him and asked.

I felt that he was very tall last year. It is reasonable to say that he is so tall. It shouldn't matter if he doesn't grow anymore, but he seems to be a lot taller. Looking at it now, it is really certain that he is past 18th Five-Year.

It's really high.

Qin Siting didn't turn his head as if he hadn't heard him.

Back in the class, in the afternoon everyone read the questions in the books, and they all had to do some medical knowledge questions. Shi Nian felt a little sleepy after writing half of the song. UU Reading www. saw Qin Siting still working on the question in a blink of an eye, and whispered: "I had a fever and slept for a day, and I don't know what happened. The man that day was a Japanese-speaking man. He has now been released. Do you still continue to be investigated at the police station?"

Qin Siting lowered his head to do the question, as if shielding her.

Shi Niange didn't know what he had made up in his brain beside him. Suddenly he blushed and stopped talking. He turned his head and continued to write the question. The whole day rarely stopped for a while.

In fact, she just remembered that Qin Siting had carried her to the bed after she fell asleep, and was held by him when he had a fever. Even after he took a shower that day, he almost pressed her to the wall...

For Qin Siting's character that is not close to strangers, these contacts that are not too close but are already very close are already very, very close.

Others, with him, can't even get an extra glance.

Shi Niange blushed on the table for a long time and couldn't get up. Qin Siting glanced at her. The hair on top of her head was soft, and the weak wind blew over and one of them swayed slightly. The warm wind is not as deep as you

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