Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 803: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (66)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Listen to the boss's arrangements all the way?

The boss will be with them all the way?

Therefore, this is equivalent to Feng Ling entering the base for so long, for the first time with Li boss to launch a mission.


Such a task would not give people too much rest time, Li Bo only let Feng Ling go back to his residence to prepare for a few hours.

Before the early hours of the morning and the day had not yet dawned, a collective alarm had sounded in the XI base.

Feng Ling had already changed her bulletproof suit and had a convenient black waterproof bag on her waist. After hearing the sound, she opened the door and walked out.

As soon as I went out, I saw that Nan Heng was already outside.

The walkie-talkie in Nan Heng's hand also turned on at this time. He only looked at her without speaking, took off the walkie-talkie, said a few words, put down, and then gestured to Feng Ling to follow, turned and left.

"Boss, go directly to the mission destination?" Feng Ling quickly followed.

"Gather first at the tarmac."

Nan Heng picked up the walkie-talkie again, and gave an order. All members who were dispatched along with this mission went to the tarmac together, including Feng Ling who was behind him. He didn't ask a word again, and calmly and calmly faced the same. Go in one direction.

Follow Li Nan Hengfeng at the same speed to bypass the training ground, then run across the road behind the conference room in front, and reach the tarmac with a wide view.

Although Feng Ling has a good coping ability, she has not directly participated in such an important and too dangerous task, so at this moment, she must obey the arrangements of the boss and other instructors and will not act rashly.

She also knows that it is not time to ask too much, but just follow the tasks of so many first-level members and instructors in the base, including the boss, and it is also the first time after coming to the base that the heart beats before the mission. Such as thunder.

But it wasn't because of fear, but what the heartbeat was, she couldn't express herself.

The apron is on the largest open space in the base, and it is close to the signal tower above the base.

Ten helicopters parked neatly in the middle of the open space.

Li Nanheng shouted, "Gather!"

The entire crew stopped in front of the aircraft at an extremely fast speed, standing in a standard and neat row.

At the same time, an instruction from the base hall came from the intercom, and the signal tower was five o'clock in the direction, and a direct flight of more than three hundred miles could directly reach the sky above the city of Foye. The mayor ’s family currently abducted is nearby and at any time. May be relocated and need to be moved quickly. "

The first helicopter leading the way had already dispatched to fly to the signal tower at five o'clock, and the second and third aircraft Lima followed, followed closely in the air, waiting for rescue operations.

After all, Feng Ling is a newcomer, and for the first time to perform such a task, in order to avoid any mistakes, he must be with the most familiar and superior person in all aspects, so he sat on the same plane with Han Jin Qiao Fei and Li Nanheng.

Nanheng said clearly to the walkie-talkie: "Are there any ambushes around the warehouse where the abducted personnel are currently located? How many people are there near the warehouse? How many cars? How long ago was someone nearby and check whether there is an ambush at any time underground. "

The personnel inside the base who used instruments to detect the enemy ’s position responded with a walkie-talkie in the hall: "Explosives are buried near the warehouse, which is not suitable for helicopter landing. Mr. Ritterd's family is still in the warehouse, but the target location has moved. There are a lot of people in the vicinity, it should have been prepared, and there is a nearer sea area near them, and they should choose to flee from the sea. "

"Roger that."

Nan Heng put down the walkie-talkie, and said in a deep voice: "Qiao Fei, Han Jin, in the pause zone in front of you, you go to rescue machine No. 1 to prepare, Han Jin takes the lead ..."

The personnel of ten consecutive rescue planes were rearranged into several groups, and the players who were spotted heard the boss's arrangement through the walkie-talkie and all responded.

Until the helicopter-defined suspension area, all members were reassigned to each aircraft according to his arrangement.

Nanheng was preparing to go to another helicopter. Just after it went down, he did not look back and gave the last command: "Feng Ling, follow me to rescue machine No. 1."

A moment ago, I was still wondering if the boss thought that she was not skilled enough and temporarily put her aside. Feng Ling was named, like a warrior who had tightened his clockwork, and suddenly raised his head toward him. He glanced in the direction and quickly got off the plane, striding to follow him.

She hasn't come into contact with those real violent forces. In addition to hearing the bragging and descriptions of the old base members who have been on mission in the base on weekdays, she said a few words about how much abomination was successfully solved by an operation. Of the violent forces and terrorists, how many people have been rescued, how many people have been destroyed, how many brothers have been killed, and the causes of the accident. It is audible to hear so many, but the real participation is nothing. Known, never touched.

Those old members who returned safely rarely mention the names of the sacrificed brothers. Although the members of the XI base are mostly good, the number of sacrifices for such dangerous tasks usually does not exceed one tenth. Everyone who can be sacrificed is his own brother, and no one is distressed.

In the description of those calm tones, no one knows how dangerous the real violence, the force, the terror, and the terror are. The chances of surviving in the rain with landmine bomb bullets and various firearms are very small.

Feng Ling followed Nan Heng with some excitement. In front of him, the tall figure jumped quickly and flew on the first helicopter with the highest risk factor. He quickly settled down, put on his headphones, and finished In order to command the combat and respond to the combat measures at any time, all actions were carried out in one go, without any trace of confusion.

This occasion is completely different from Feng Ling's feeling every time he and other newcomers go on a mission.

What is a hundred smelting steel.

This is.

Feng Ling had a dry mouth and felt that her adrenal hormones had soared. At the moment, she was excited and unstable. At this moment, she suddenly stabilized. She climbed the cabin door and jumped into the back seat steadily. band.

She looked at Han Jin in the driver's seat and Li Nanheng in the co-driver's seat. She looked at Qiao Fei, who was also wearing headphones and waiting at any time behind her. Then she turned to Li Nanheng's back and heard him speak to the person in the headset. In short, it is a short sentence about the formation and various considerations when the aircraft arrives over the mission site.

In the endless clear sky, ten helicopters once again took off.

The loud sound of the propeller drowned the cicada songbird, drowned the wind blowing the dense forest, and rushed to the mission site with dozens of top-ranking members of the XI base.

The XI base gradually became a small black dot in front of the eyes, and the plane flew farther and farther.

The huge wind screamed from the air.

At this moment, everyone seemed to be small, and the scorching sun in the air was intertwined with the voice of the person calmly commanding into the headset.

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