Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 804: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (67)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng kept communicating with the people in the headset.

The headset connected the base's command hall with several other helicopters. When new instructions came from the base, he needed to make an accurate judgment immediately and give orders to the rest of the aircraft.

Everyone on the plane was serious and calm at the moment. No one paid attention to who was new or who was an instructor.

Feng Ling found that he couldn't help at all.

But she was still sitting with her back straight, listening to Li Nanheng's voice in her ears intently, attentively.

The roaring sea breeze swept across her ears, blowing her short, broken hair. She raised her hand and pulled it on her hair. She thought that the short hair would be the cleanest, otherwise the hair would definitely be like a helicopter. Affects many movements and sight conditions.

Sitting in the back seat, the huge sound of the propeller was almost all Feng Feng could hear. She had to lean forward, and it took a lot of effort to capture all the orders Li Nanheng gave to the headset.

Both Han Jin and Qiao Fei in the front wear headsets, are soundproof, and can talk freely.

Nan Heng glanced at the upcoming mission destination in the south, looked back at Feng Ling who had been sitting at the back, turned his head to Qiao Fei, and said something to Qiao Fei, Qiao Fei looked back at Feng Ling and pointed to the headset on his finger. Feng Ling shouted, "Put on your headset!"

Feng Ling had never participated in such an operation. She thought that the headsets on the plane were limited. Without her, she heard Qiao Fei's words and looked back behind her seat for a while. She saw hanging headsets on the back wall of the seat. Pull it over and put it on.

Finally, the soundproof headset blocked the huge noise of the propellers outside, and her world finally quieted down instantly.

Only the faint sound of electric current left in the headset.

"During the conversation with the scouts at the base lobby, Mr. Riede's family of three has been quickly relocated and taken forcibly into a large private cruise ship near the seaside of the mission point. The cruise ship has been launched to the sea and requires a batch People siege the enemy at the task point, and then divide into a group of people to save people on the cruise ship, otherwise the Ridede family is likely to be completely killed on the cruise ship. The base rescue team located on the fifth aircraft, please report your current location. "

Han Jin's voice came from the headset.

"The rescue team received that the US military has arranged a rescue boat in the sea area near the mission site in advance, but it was only late in order not to fight the grass and scare the snake. We immediately arranged the rescue boat to arrive quickly. At o'clock, the landing time is expected to be delayed by three minutes compared to the first. "

The head of the rescue team answered in the plane behind.

Sure enough, everything was clear when I put on the headphones.

On weekdays, Han Jin is a serious instructor in a team, but he is very approachable in private.

Feng Ling has been away from the team for some time, staying in the sniper team for such a long time, I have never heard Han Jin speak in such a serious tone for a long time.

"Number seven reports the progress of the tracking signals around." After another minute of silence in the headset, Nanheng's voice came again.

Feng Ling's breath paused slightly, raising his eyes to the man sitting in the front passenger seat.

Li Nan Heng'an sat down, looking straight ahead, while manipulating the position tracker specially installed by the base in the co-pilot position, and steadily speaking according to the short answer of No. 7: "The target task position has appeared in the field of vision. No. 7 went to rescue at sea, and No. 7 and No. 8 hovered on standby in situ. The rest of the people hovered at the target location at 3:30, with a radius of 7 meters and a height of 10 meters. "

The terrorists below had detected a dangerous approach, and transferred Mayor Ritterde's family of three to the sea. From this direction, you can see a huge white private cruise ship that has gone to the center of the sea.

The seven helicopters approached the most dangerous explosive-filled mission point and started to descend. On the way down, the rescue team of the fifth aircraft had already flown to the sea.

Looking at it from afar, I suddenly saw a large number of dark rooms starting to emerge from the distant cruise ship, the smoke spread upward, and a faint fire gradually appeared on the cruise ship.

At first, there was only a white cruise ship in sight. After the helicopter descended to a certain height, the fire on the cruise ship over there became more and more obvious, and the fire light above was clearly visible.

The Riedd family of three, still a three-year-old ignorant child, was abducted in this way for many days, and now on the way to be transferred away, those violent, terrorist and terrorist elements intend to throw them directly at sea and let them Die on a cruise ship on fire?

Looking at that direction, Nanheng suddenly raised his hand to signal Han Jin to park the aircraft to the rear of the other side. After landing on the ground, he took off the headset and looked back at Feng Ling: "You and Qiao Fei have the most water in the base. OK, there are any problems with the family of three on the cruise ship. I am afraid that people cannot be rescued only by the approach of the rescue team. They have children around them and they need to board the cruise ship to take them down. You and Qiao Fei will cooperate with the sea rescue. Here, leave it to us. "

"But Boss, there are so many ambushes, force points, and ambushes in the dark. There are not many people sent from our base, but now I have Feng and me divided over there ..." Qiao Fei wrinkled Frown.

"It's urgent, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense, just listen to my arrangements." Nan Heng said indifferently: "Our first purpose today is to rescue the Ridede family, don't forget who Ritede is the younger brother, and secondly It is to face those violent, powerful points, sons, there are so many people, not bad for the two of you, hurry up. "

Feng Ling heard about the landmines and ambush around the mission in the conference room of the base last night. Although the elites in the base were dispatched this time, it was so dangerous that they are now transferred away. Many people, she felt that she should help at the front line, rather than go to the cruise ship.

She took off her headset and was about to speak, but Qiao Fei got up directly and opened the hatch. At the same time, she said: "The boss's words are orders. In any critical moment, he must give priority to the boss's arrangements, Feng Ling, come down with me."

Feng Ling paused, and then turned to look at Nanheng, but the latter directly threw the two life jackets under the seat to her, and said coldly: "Knowing that you have good water, you don't need this kind of thing, put it on first, in case From time to time. "

Feng Ling didn't speak, picked up the life jacket and caught it in the arm, and saw that Qiao Fei had already jumped down, and followed the jump to the ground, only two minutes before and after. After she and Qiao Fei stepped back a few meters, the helicopter in front of them again Fly up and fly straight to the target location of the mission only two or three hundred meters away.

"It ’s important to save people. Do n’t delay. If the Riedd family really has three strengths and two weaknesses, the president must have something to say. When we get to the United Nations, the reputation of our base will be affected. The boss is very rational. The priorities of the tasks are clear and we must cooperate. "

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