Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 824: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (87)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing that Qin Shuke's car had been driven away, Nan Heng pressed the lighter with a "snap", directly opened the door and got out of the car. He threw the lighter in his hand back into the car and headed directly to the hospital door. The former teenager walked over.

Summer is almost over, and the autumn rain in Los Angeles is a bit cold, so today Li Nanheng is dressed differently than in the past. He has a pure black double-breasted trench coat outside his straight suit, which is full of coolness and coolness, and men are everywhere. The overbearing and expensive and overbearing face of the imperial nobles of the ancient Roman royal family attracted countless eyes outside the hospital in just a few seconds.

It ’s just that the group outside the hospital has n’t returned to God. The handsome man has risen up the stairs and walked up to the marble staircase in front of the hospital. He pulled the collar of the teenager wearing the light blue hospital clothes directly. , Said coldly and indifferently, "Forget what I said to you? The members of the base are forbidden to fall in love. Do you want to be kicked out by the base, or have you grown up at a young age that only loves and loves? ? "

Feng Ling's man pulled so suddenly that his collar was fastened to his head. The moment he looked back, he saw Li Nanheng's not so good-looking complexion, and could not help explaining: "Mrs. Feng came to the hospital for examination, and Miss Qin came with her. I met him in the hospital like this. "

"So clever?" Li Nanheng sniffed and continued to scold her inward.

Feng Ling was dragged by his collar in this way, and the pace when walking was not stable, and he was a little helpless: "It is true. Coincidentally, I also saw the boss your fiancee today."

Nan Heng's footsteps didn't stop for a while. He dragged people directly into the elevator, pressed the elevator door closing button and the floor of Fengling Ward, and glanced at her coldly: "What fiancee?"

Feng Ling quickly raised her hand to sort out the loose neckline that she was dragged, and said, "It is Mrs. Feng's daughter, who seems to be the name of Feng Mingzhu. They said it was Li Li, your fiancee. ,Is not it?"

Regarding Feng Mingzhu, Li Nanheng never took it to heart, but the so-called "fiancee" suddenly said from Feng Ling's mouth, he always felt that it was not very comfortable.

He glanced coldly at the boy who was one head shorter than himself: "What is it, isn't it?"

"It's nothing, just to say that it's their family who came to the hospital today, and I happened to meet him by accident, not the boss you think." Feng Ling's tone was as usual.

Li Nanheng gave her a cold look: "If I really want to marry Feng Mingzhu for another two years, what do you think?"

Feng Ling calmly answered after a while in silence: "What do I think? Of course, I wish the boss and you, the future wife Li, a hundred years old and have a precious child."

Feng Ling raised her head just as she was talking, her eyes were bright and beautiful: "But do you like Miss Feng or Miss Qin? Since I really want to get married, I think it's better from the beginning to the end, I Looks like you seem to mind Ms. Qin too, then what Ms. Feng said ... "

What the two said was not on the same channel at all!

The blue tendon on Li Nanheng's forehead jumped: "When did I say I care about Qin Shu?"

"Boss, don't you really dislike her being too close to me? Isn't it interesting to her that she just doesn't allow me to fall in love?"


Li Nanheng was angry and was immediately smirked, then glanced at Feng Ling with a sneer and walked out when the elevator stopped on the floor of the ward.

Feng Ling looked at the back of his back, and walked out.

As soon as he walked back to the ward, Li Nanheng looked back at her and saw her walking slowly, then reached out and grasped her wrist to directly drag people into the ward, and slammed the door of the ward with a bang. Before Ling came back, he was suddenly pressed by the man on the door panel, with a heavy weight on his shoulder, and the man's hand was firmly pressed down, unable to shake.

Feng Ling looked at the near man standing in front of him a little bit, trying to struggle but failed to move: "Boss?"

The man looked down at Bai Jing's teenager, glanced at the short hair that was slightly wet on his forehead because of the rain just now, and said with deep eyes: "In the future, don't listen to the wind is the rain. I do n’t have a fiancee. I do n’t have such unnecessary tags on, okay? "

Feng Ling: "... I didn't tag the boss, I just heard it."

"As long as I do n’t listen to my own words, everything I hear is nonsense, my own life and my marriage will not go according to those **** arrangements in the family, so modest, the lady like Feng Mingzhu is not my dish, I looked at it and lost my appetite, so don't mention the name in front of me again. "


"Remember what I said."

"Ah? What?"

"Whether it is now or many years later, whether at the base or elsewhere, as long as you do n’t hear what I said, I do n’t need to take it seriously. This matter is the same for anyone and everything, do n’t just trust any population "I heard". "

Feng Ling looked at the warning and seriousness in Li Nanheng's eyes, and nodded heartily after watching for a while: "I see."

See Feng Ling this is really remembered, Nan Heng immediately turned on the light switch on the wall next to the door, and the light in the room was instantly bright.

Feng Ling couldn't adapt to the sudden light for a while, and squinted his eyes a little while turning his head sideways. The man lowered his eyes to see the hairy broken hair in the teenager's ear, and the scratchy heart was itchy.

It's really a guy who can always tickle people with casual actions.

Nan Heng pulled his hands away from the door panel behind her with a cold face, ignoring the teenager's somewhat blank and innocent expression, and said lightly: "Xiao Xu is not going to the hospital today. I just went to Li's to attend a meeting in the morning and passed the hospital , Stay with you tonight. "

No wonder the boss wears it so formal today, it doesn't look like he just came from the base, it turned out to be Li's.

I don't seem to have seen the boss appear in a suit like this, just a quick glance at the orphanage many years ago.

However, when Li Nanheng wore a suit, he felt different from those of other social elites. He was still a tough and full-spirited suit, clearly a handsome man in a different way.

Feng Ling noticed when she was out of the elevator just now. When the nurses passing by looked towards Li Nanheng, each of them was blushing and shy.

But at the time, destroying this handsome feeling was the action that Li Nanheng suddenly carried her back to the ward, and still made her speechless!


(Mikan ~ Babies with monthly tickets vote for it ~)

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