Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 825: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (88)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng turned back to speak, but suddenly he glanced at Feng Ling as if he was looking at his clothes.

He expressionlessly took off his trench coat and threw it onto the sofa, and then ripped the neckline of his shirt.

However, it was a simple and casual action to quickly take off the clothes, but a little wildness was added inexplicably in the man's taste, and Feng Ling's eyes froze.

"What are you looking at?" Nan Heng scanned her coldly again.

Feng Ling quickly looked away and walked quickly away from the door. She was about to return to the hospital bed, but suddenly he heard the man say, "What? Look at you, are you unconvinced?"

"No." Feng Ling said while sorting her neckline that was just a bit messed up, "But the boss, you really don't need to be unhappy because of the things between me and Miss Qin, I am so innocent about Miss Qin The girl didn't feel anything, but she didn't have any bad thoughts, and I couldn't hurt the little girl too much. "

"Hurt the little girl's heart?" Nan Heng raised an eyebrow at the young man who had sorted out his sick clothes. The young man's face was obviously a very pleasing look, but he was too indifferent on weekdays, but he was right. A little girl showed a little patience.

He laughed coldly, and at the same time untied the expensive and expensive buttons on the shirt cuffs: "In the end, the opposite **** attracts you, and you rarely have a soft heart."

Feng Ling just hooked his lips, and the short black hair just wet by the raindrops fell on his forehead: "If the boss has to be so crooked, I can't help it. I always remember the rules and regulations of the base, no Transgression. "

"Well, remember what you said." Li Nanheng no longer continued to look at this matter. After looking at Feng Ling, he unbuttoned his shirt, took it off again, and went straight in with his bare upper body. Up the bathroom.

Since the last time I saw Li Boss **** here directly, Feng Ling has seen no strangeness, but his eyes still avoided it.

Not long after, Li Nanheng changed clothes and came back. She noticed that he had just changed the suit and shirt on her body. There was the one he changed in the bathroom in her ward last time. After taking out the clothes and washing them, I sent them back here. Feng Ling didn't know where to put them, so he just threw them in the closet in the bathroom.

But it was just a suit of clothes. He remembered that there was ...

Should I say that the boss has a very good memory, or has he never taken it away just because he has other plans?

But what else could he do if he had something else?

Feng Ling didn't understand what was going on in his mind.

After Li Nanheng came out, he approached directly, ignoring the unknown emotion that flashed in Feng Ling's eyes, and said lightly: "Have you done today's fog?"

Feng Ling knew he was dissipated, and did not continue to care about Qin Shuke's affairs. He turned his eyes to look at the rain outside the window and avoided a small step to the side. He instinctively maintained a certain degree with him. It seemed a safer distance, and answered, "Well, I did it. I did it twice in the morning until just now. The doctor said that I recovered well."

When Nan Heng was about to say something, the door of the ward was suddenly knocked, and then came into a young little nurse. When the nurse saw a man standing tall and thin, both of whom had a strong face and could fight, Although it was not the first time she saw it, she blushed without holding back. After all, she had followed the chief doctor in the previous few times, and today she came in alone.

"That ... Mr. Feng, Feng, the doctor told you to go to his consulting room, and I will give you another check of your lungs and wounds." The little nurse whispered, and looked quietly from time to time. To them.

Obviously, they are two rare and rare men, but even though they look completely different in aura, their bones seem to reveal something more indifferent than indifference.

Moreover, although the tall man looked at her, though there was nothing impolite, the coldness of the ice and rain really made her whole body cold, so cold that she wanted to say that If you do n’t dare to speak rashly, you close your mouth, turn around, and walk out quickly.

"Are you hostile to all the girls in the world?" Feng Ling couldn't help asking: "The little nurse came to inform me to go to the consultation room. Where did I offend you, you are so glaring?"

Li Nanheng regained his cold gaze toward the doorway and said indifferently, "Am I glared?"

"You're not glaring, can a little nurse be as scared as running away with her tail?"

"I guess she read it wrong." The man's face did not change.

Feng Ling: "..."

Unable to stand the uncle in front of him, Feng Ling turned and went straight out.

Just turned around and stepped out two steps, the back collar was dragged again.

Li Nanheng put one hand in the black pants pocket, and the other hand dragged her collar, like a goblin who could reach out his claws at any time. As long as he didn't like his heart, he would never let go of his puppet easily. Man's His expression was cold and arrogant: "I will accompany you to the consultation room. It is very cold in the hallway, and I wear a coat before passing by."

Feng Ling thought, even if she was to accompany her to the consultation room, she would not have to pull her collar again and again.

Fortunately, there is still a loose vest in her, otherwise she will be torn like this. It is estimated that sooner or later he will find the chest wrap inside her.

The corner of her mouth was ripped, and she turned quietly to pick up the coat that Xiao Xu had bought for her before. When she wore it on her body, Li Nanheng's eyes seemed satisfied, and she was finally able to go out.

In the corridor when I went out, I was inevitably baptized by the eyes of a group of nurse girls, Feng Ling walked forward with no expression, Li Nanheng walked by himself, and his eyes did not miss an inch, apparently two men walk Together, the blushing heart that made a group of nurse girls look inexplicable always seemed to be very suitable ...

Is it because of height and body problems?

No, usually the most adorable height difference in everyone's eyes should be the height of a man, the girl is petite and exquisite, but the little flesh that is a little shorter and thinner must certainly be more than one six five. Definitely not the type of Meng Mengda.

But really inexplicable match ...

"Boss, can you keep a little distance when you walk with me in the future?" Feng Ling suddenly said lowly when he walked to the consultation room.

Li Nanheng glanced down at her: "What distance?"

Feng Ling glanced at the man's arm almost against his shoulder: "It's not appropriate for two big men to stand so close when walking."

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