Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 832: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (95)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling simply didn't wait for Li Boss to speak, turned around and walked upstairs.

Li Nanheng looked at the guy who didn't put him in his eyes at all. Looking at her back, her eyes fell into an unprecedented depth.

In just two minutes, Qiao Fei felt like he had been under Li Li ’s eyelids for a century, and when he heard the footsteps that had gradually risen and gone upstairs, he immediately laughed: "Boss, you know my temper I usually treat everyone in the base. Feng Ling is now my okay. I watch them train every day and I have feelings more or less, but the boss is usually not close to anyone. Why is Feng Ling so special ... ... "

Li Nanheng put his hand in his trousers pocket and asked coldly, "Where is it special?"

"Although the boy Feng Ling really looks like a girl, but he is also a man after all, you must not put your pity and compassion on your mind, usually everyone is a vegetarian in the base. Now, I can understand the loneliness of your boss, but the boy Feng Ling is straight at first glance. Even if you have a mind that you want to bend, others may not follow you. "

Li Nanheng's cold lips opened slightly, no more than four words: "You think more."

"That's good, after all, you are the only heir of Li's family. Several grandfathers are waiting for you to marry a daughter-in-law and go back to have a great-grandson or great-granddaughter. If the boss is bent ..." Qiao The Fei dialect did not finish, but it was a point-and-stop expression, only a meaningful smile.

Li Nanheng didn't look at him anymore, he turned and went straight upstairs, striding towards the upstairs.

Boss Li and a member of the sniper team lived in this building. Qiao Fei didn't live here, and naturally there was no reason to go up. Ling was indifferent in front of Li Bo.

She is a woman, the boss should really not know.

But who is Li Nanheng?

An indifferent cold onlooker who seems to be standing outside the world, even if the time spent with Feng Ling is not too much, but with the sharpness of Li Nanheng, it is impossible to find nothing or doubt anything.

After thinking about it, Qiao Fei still picked up the phone, turned around and went out.

Feng Ling had just returned to the room, because the windows and doors could not be locked. Only the bathroom had a lock, so she went directly into the bathroom, just took off her clothes, and she was exposed to the air like white, so she unbuttoned her body. Wrapping the chest cloth, he looked at himself in the floor-to-ceiling mirror, untied his chest, and was about to turn to put hot water, and suddenly he heard the phone on the side of the phone ringing.

When I looked back and picked up the phone, I saw a text message from Qiao Fei: [Feng Xiaoling, does Li Li know your secret? ]

Feng Ling looked at the boy he had specially added in the middle of her name. He looked at the screen of the mobile phone for a while, and replied: [He doesn't know. ]

Qiao Fei: [Well, girls live in a group of men. Remember to protect yourself, especially if you live next to Li Bo. If you really find it inconvenient, you can apply to move out. My house also has Several empty rooms, you can move out to live in. ]

Feng Ling: [No, the boss doesn't usually enter my room. ]

In addition to drinking too much ...

Qiao Fei: [Are you sure it's safe to live next to Li Boss? ]

Why does he always have an inexplicable feeling that he has eaten Feng Ling anytime, anywhere?

Feng Ling: [It's safe. My personal privacy has not been threatened or violated. Thank you, Assistant Instructor Qiao for your concern. I'm going to take a bath. See you tomorrow on the training ground. ]

After answering this sentence, Feng Ling set the phone aside and turned to take a shower.

After getting such a reply, Qiao Fei is really not good enough to say more. I wanted to say good night again, but when I saw Feng Ling ’s phrase "Thank you, Assistant Instructor Qiao for his concern", he did n’t even call his name directly. Such a distant and clear identity and distance, it can be seen that although Feng Ling is young, it is clear that she has a special understanding of everything and will maintain a good degree and will not easily cross.

The bathing sound next door continued. Li Nanheng was standing slender on the balcony of his room. He faintly heard the movement from the next bathroom. The man's long legs stood backlit, his left hand was in his trousers pocket, and his body was still covered Taking off, but temporarily found some cold and re-dressed uniforms, turned to look at the lights on the balcony next door, deep eyes brought out a little light.

After Feng Ling took a bath, she dressed her clothes directly in the bathroom, opened the unlocked bathroom door, and walked back to the bed with her wet hair.

The pile of gifts from Mayor Ritterde's wife and his family in her bed had not been cleaned up yet. She put down her hands on her head and was about to collect them. Suddenly I heard another one on the mobile phone. SMS alert tone.

She thought it was from Qiao Fei, so she didn't rush to look at it. It was more than ten minutes after putting the things on the bed on the table and the cabinet, so she picked up the phone.

Turn on the phone and see that the three words of boss Li directly hit her eyes, and at the same time there were only two words cold on the screen: [Come here. ]

Feng Ling raised his eyes and turned to look outwards, seeing the lights on the balcony next door, thought about it, put down the phone, turned around and walked out. After reaching the next door, he raised his hand and knocked on the door twice, about a few seconds later. The door was opened directly, the man's slender figure stood in the door, his sharp eyes glanced at her from head to toe, and the tone was cold: "Why so long?"

"I was just packing what Mr. Ritterde's family had sent me before I had time to look at the cell phone."

"Interested in those gifts?" Li Nanheng said, long legs widened and turned in, Feng Ling looked at the man's back and followed.

She didn't answer his last question, but said, "Boss, is it something you asked me to come over?"

The window on Li Nanheng's balcony was open. On the solid wood table next to the balcony, a thin laptop was placed, and the man pointed at the computer: "Let you see something."

When Feng Ling heard this, he walked over directly. When he walked to the table, his shoulders suddenly sank. The man's powerful palm pressed directly on her shoulder, letting her sit down at the table, and raised her head in surprise. When looking at him, the man only pointed at the computer with his chin: "On, password 9632."

Feng Ling did what he said. After turning on the computer, I saw that the computer desktop was clean and tidy. From the names of several folders, it should be seen that some of the documents in the base were usually in English with the military.

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