Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 833: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (96)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Take a look at the contents. There are no women in the base, all are a group of rough men, and there are no secretaries or assistants around me. These exchange documents usually require a careful person with a strict mouth and a strict adherence to the system. To organize, you first meet the category of strict mouth and strong self-control ability, and second, you are very careful and meticulous in everything you do, and live close to me. If there is anything you want to organize, it is convenient. The task is left to you. "The man retracted his gaze from the computer screen and looked at the boy sitting at the table.

Feng Ling looked for a while and found that most of them are not particularly secret files, but there are some secrets in the D drive of the computer. Each such file requires a password, which means that the boss Li must tell him himself The password can only be opened later, so no important secrets of the base are involved.

She nodded: "Yes, except for training and tasks, as long as I have enough time, I can do it."

"Don't ask me why I specifically asked you to come and sort this out?" The man glanced up at her face.

"Since the boss called me over and the computer password was told to me, it means that you have decided to use me after some consideration. Now that it is confirmed, you also say that my mouth is more rigid, and I do n’t need to ask why . "

"I still have one less advantage of you. Your acceptance ability is really good." Li Nanheng's voice was very weak, but with an absolute command: "No matter what confidential documents you see, you must be tight-lipped and able to do it. ? "

Feng Ling left the computer keyboard with both hands, stood up, turned around and faced the man who was more than one head taller than himself: "Employment is unquestionable, don't use it, as long as the boss can trust it, I can do it."

Feng Ling got up and didn't expect the old convention to stand so close to her. After saying this, she closed her mouth directly, but stood there wondering whether she should step back.

The room was extremely quiet after her remarks!

Li Nanheng looked at the boy who turned around when he stood up. The two stood very close. When Feng Ling was talking, the scent of scent and the smell of mint in his mouth that had just been bathed and brushed brushed his neck. At that moment, his eyes flashed an unknown dark color.

For about four or five seconds, Feng Ling moved away and blocked her chair, then backed away a certain distance.

"Boss, do you have any other things to explain?" Feng Ling said, pointing to the time on the wall: "I have to do balance training in the bedroom at night. I just returned to the base and wanted to recover little by little. , If the balance training at night is not enough, I am afraid that the full-day training tomorrow will not persist. "

Li Nanheng looked sideways: "I have enough space here, you can do balance training here, and I can also see how you feel about balance now."

Feng Ling looked at the training cushion next to her. Considering that the balance training posture that can be done by one person in the residence usually, she just bent her arms on the ground and insisted on the balance action for one hour. It should not When I was found, I did n’t refuse. I walked over to pick up the training cushion and directly spread it to the ground. Then I took off my shoes habitually and prone straight down. I kept my body balanced, my head was raised, and my elbows and toes were fulcrum points. , Standard body posture, and strong balance and long-lasting ability, she is still confident about this.

Li Nanheng glanced at her bare pair of white tender and incredible feet, and then moved her eyes to her thin back that was motionless while doing balance training, walked over, and watched beside her as she kept holding this. action.

Feng Ling now wears a pair of loose black pants and an equally loose white T-shirt. This is what she usually wears when she sleeps, but because of this prone posture, the loose clothes hang down and can be clear. It can be seen that Feng Ling's waist and back are different from men's slenderness, especially when the teenager comes just after taking a shower, the hair is half-dry, and there are a few strands hanging down the cheek and forehead.

Li Nanheng was standing aside, with long legs, a long face, and no words. His eyes were as deep as a deep pond, and his fingertips slid over the black mobile phone that he had just picked up. Suddenly, he was lying directly on the ground. Back view of a teenager took a picture.

His cell phone was silent, and there was no sound when taking photos. Feng Ling was seriously doing balance support training, and he didn't look back.

One was doing training, the other was standing aside and watching. About half an hour later, Feng Ling suddenly paused to stand up and looked back at the tall man: "Boss, my training here will affect You rest, I'll go back to my own room to continue. "

This kind of balance training is simple, but no matter how many young people practice, as long as more than ten minutes, they will sweat all over, Feng Ling is no exception. Obviously just after taking a bath, there is obviously some fine sweat on his face, There was also sweat around the fair neck and collarbone.

"It really affected my rest, let's go back." The few words without temperature immediately made Feng Ling feel freed, turned and walked out of his room directly.

Until the door was closed and closed outside, Li Nanheng looked at the cushion on the ground again and closed his eyes. In his mind, there was a scene of juvenile white toes bending slightly on the cushion because he was too hard, and juvenile slender Back, and ...

A certain kind of feeling began to curl up from the lower abdomen, hot, Li Nanheng suddenly opened his eyes, staring ugly at his pants. Crotch.

Damn, but it was the guy Feng Ling who did a very ordinary balance support movement in his room. He was ashamedly hard ...

At this moment, Nan Heng looked at the disobedient little brother in his lower body. Not only did he not fade away, he even looked up gradually because of an image in his mind, and his eyes were cold and intense, like the deep sea at night. The danger is low.

He is a man, definitely a straight steel man!

But he TMD was **** a man. ? ?

Suddenly the door was closed again, and Feng Ling walked in again, without looking at his eyes, staring at the shoes left by her all the way, saying "Boss, I forgot my shoes Here it is. "Quickly ran over to put on, and then quickly turned around and ran out.

Nan Heng watched Feng Ling lightly with a pair of white tender feet running in and putting on shoes again, watching Feng Ling's back disappear quickly in front of the door, and the door was closed with a bang ...

He was black-faced and looked at the lower body that was standing up again. The temperatureless look directly looked at the direction of the doorway, and turned and walked over—

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