Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 834: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (97)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling had just stepped out of the door wearing shoes, and suddenly heard the footsteps approaching in this direction from the door. The inexplicably subconsciously felt like he was burning behind, and he could not help but step back to his room.

As a result, I heard a very simple sound of a lock coming from the door behind me: "click--"

Feng Ling's footsteps, he could not help looking back at Li Bo's door, did she hear the sound just now? Boss suddenly locked the door?

What did she do to make the boss lock the door in such a horrible moment?

When Feng Ling was stunned and wondered what was happening, Nan Heng had entered the bathroom with a dark face, slammed on the bathroom door, twisted the flowers, and rushed directly on the rainy night in early autumn. Got a cold shower.

It wasn't until the coldness was washed out that he came out with a look of coldness.

I was about to get a cigarette, and my eyes suddenly fell on the soft cushion that hadn't been collected on the ground, and I walked down, looking down to put the soft cushion away. However, the soft cushion still seemed to have a faint taste of someone. It is a kind of incredibly scent that does not know how to describe it. It is usually covered by the smell of shower gel.

Mom. A man, can he have a body fragrance?

Li Nanheng glanced at the cushion on the ground again, rolled it up and tossed it aside, and then looked down at the little brother who looked a little faint, but turned his lips coldly, took a box of cigarettes, turned directly, opened the window and walked to On the balcony.

The XI base in the night was quiet. The slogans and training shots that usually sounded in various training grounds had disappeared at this time. The quiet seemed to be able to hear the chirping tweets in the mountains and the jungle not far away.


Three months have passed since Feng Ling was last hospitalized due to injury, and the weather has already entered winter. During training, members of the base still wear the same black uniforms as summer, only on the knees and A thick layer of knee pads was added to the elbow joint to avoid frostbite, but because of the large amount of physical exercise during training, even the weather below a few degrees is sweating and sweating all year round. The monthly exercise allows each member to have a very good physical fitness and easily not catch a cold.

Including Feng Ling, except for the cruise ship explosion, she was basically not ill, and she has been training in the three months after returning to the base, and she has progressed for three months. Now she and A K There are three other people who have successfully obtained the sniper guns arranged for them in the base, and have successfully learned some basic knowledge about how to control the sniper rifles.

Qiao Fei can see that Feng Ling really has to conceal her own gender to the end. From the beginning, she still had some special care for her, and later, Feng Ling's obvious statement, gradually stopped her. It is listed as special, but during each sniper gun training, the other four people are taught to stand behind the handlebars and even straighten their waist to teach. In Feng Ling, however, they must maintain a proper distance slightly. Feel free to grab and hold.

It's a girl after all ...

Although she likes it very much, Feng Ling's temperament is too cold, and she has always shown her own attitude. Even if Qiao Fei is tempted, she has no chance to take a step closer to her.

What's more important is that Boss Li also often inspects by his side, and a casual look can freeze people to death.


At 5:30 in the afternoon, there were several gunshots on the training ground in the ice and snow. Feng Ling was the last one to shoot a target with a sniper rifle at a distance of 300 meters, but it was also the only one of the five to be so far away. Focus on the center circle below the distance.

When she saw that she had hit the bull's eye 300 meters away, Ak couldn't believe the fact that she had dropped the sniper rifle in her hand and looked at Feng Ling. One year after getting the sniper rifle, it is not necessarily that you can hit the bull's eye at a distance of 300 meters. How long do you take the gun? This is to kill the four of us with training results! "

Feng Ling lowered his gun and glanced down at the bull's eye in the distance: "It happened coincidentally, and another shot would be distorted."

"Mum. Wait for the sniper rifle to be tested next month if I can have such a lucky coincidence, so the boss will not have to hate me once every time I see me!" Tam grinned. , And then glanced at Feng Ling's grim expression again: "How on earth did you find the sight? This is 300 meters, not 100 meters!"

"That is, when we first got the sniper rifle, people such as Li Li said that we must keep our minds and not be rushed, because every ten meters away after one hundred meters is a very difficult level. As a result, your 300 meters actually hit the bull's-eye with ease. This sniper team simply left you alone, and the four of us went back to the team to play melee! ”A K laughed and walked directly towards Feng Ling. In the past, I raised my hand and patted her on the shoulder: "Come, shoot me again. Anyway, the boss is in a meeting today. I'm not here. I will temporarily worship you as a master and teach me how to do this. Easily find the right one? "

Feng Ling gave him a white look and warned him to take his hands away with his eyes, but A had been too familiar with her for so many years, not only did not let go, but instead leaned directly on her shoulder for half a body. On the side, she gestured with her eyes to fire another shot: "Hurry up, how many of you guys are watching."

While talking, Ak's hand was simply ringed behind Feng Ling's neck, holding her neck directly and leaning over to say, "Your kid is so thin, I really doubt how you can hold the sniper gun when shooting Explosive. "

Feng Ling was about to speak. Suddenly, a force came from behind him. A brother who was holding her seemed to be dragged away by her, and her eyes turned violently. I wondered when I came over. Qiao Fei, hesitantly asked: "Vice instructor Joe?"

Qiao Fei glanced at him: "What did you just do?"

Ak remembered for a long time and didn't know where he was doing well. He wanted to be thrown away by the deputy instructor so vigorously, and only looked at the other three others who had the same aggressive look, and then looked as if they were standing in the situation. His face was always an indifferent Feng Ling. He coughed and looked back, "Jo, Joe, I'm not doing anything ..."

On weekdays, Qiao Fei is relatively approachable. Except for the occasion of training, everyone likes to call him Qiao, A.K. has always been confused by the second monk and shouted Qiao Fei. As a result, Qiao Fei's face has not softened. In a slightly warning tone, he said: "Less embracing in the team, and today there are people in the base, don't affect the image of the sniper team."

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