Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 839: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (102)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling didn't know what was in this bag. Xiao Xu asked her to come out so mysteriously and gave it to her intentionally.

I only weighed the bag in my hand, opened it and glanced in. After seeing the contents inside, I immediately closed the bag with a little fever on my face, and then glanced at Xiao Xu's far away. Back, carrying the bag and turned upstairs.

Back in the room, she glanced again at the bag in her hand and dumped everything inside to the bed.

A white dress with a stylish and beautiful design, and also a suspender skirt. There is also a circle of white translucent lace that looks particularly cute under the skirt. More importantly, there is a set of **** colored women's inner clothing. Look at this inner . The cup of the clothing is at least the size of the C cup. It will not be too exaggerated to wear on her body, but it will not be too small to be suspicious.

and also……

A pair of flesh-colored things that look soft and incredible silicone ...

In simple terms, I was afraid that she would not look like a woman after putting on clothes, or that she would put in two exaggerated water balloons like last time, so I bought her a pair of silicone fake breasts!

Where did Xiao Xu go to buy these things?

This pair of fake **** feels soft and elastic like a real one ...

Feng Ling picked up the pair of fake **** and took a look, and squeezed it in her hands twice, which made her blush almost.

There was a box that did not fall out of the bag. She took the box out and opened it. She saw that there were a pair of high heels inside, and the flesh-colored stockings looked very sexual.

It consists of a wavy black wig with a slightly curly length and waist. The hair looks soft and natural, not fake at all.

There seems to be something at the bottom of the box. Feng Ling touched it with her hands. As a result, she took out a lipstick from a thin layer of paper below, a small box of three-color eye shadows and mascara ...

Looking at all the things laying on the bed at the moment, Feng Ling: "..."

Can buy back so many things, the small permit is really a capitalist.


The next day.

The tall black Hummer galloped in the area where several helicopters were parked, parked in the middle.

Li Nanheng stepped out of the car and began to arrange the way of action one by one at night. He picked up the walkie-talkie and told other people who were temporarily unable to come out of the helicopter.

As soon as preparation was completed, waiting to find out the number of people before preparing to leave, suddenly, a black off-road vehicle that members of the XI base could drive in an emergency situation galloped in the other direction, and then wore a black uniform and black The man in the military boots stopped steadily one meter away.

Li Nanheng looked at the car that was suddenly parked next to him. There was a protective layer on the window, and he could not see the people inside. He only had a pair of eyes deeply, and did not immediately speak. Looking at the door that was opened at this time.

The moment the Feng Ling walked out of the car, the base elites around them opened their eyes unbelievably, only to see a pair of slender legs wearing slenderness. Feeling little high heels appeared in the sight of everyone, sight Slowly upward, I saw a young girl with slender figure, long hair and waist, wearing a white dress that looked pure and sexual. Feeling so, she stood directly at the door.

The body of this girl is unfamiliar to everyone, but the face with light makeup and even a thin layer of lipstick is a face that shocks everyone-is it Feng Ling? !! !! !!

Feng Ling was dressed as a young girl. When she got out of the car and closed the door, she seduced another handsomeness. She threw the car key into Li Nanheng's arms and caught the electronics instinctively in the man. At the moment of the car key, he smiled at him: "Boss, this kind of action that only requires four or two can move thousands of pounds. If I don't come, is it too wasteful of the base elites' fighting power?"

About five seconds have passed.

Li Nanheng finally uttered a few words: "Who asked you to come over?"

Feng Ling smiled: "Yesterday I heard clearly in the conference room. The best strategy for this operation is to find someone to dress up as a woman and mix in those horrible horror bars. It ’s really difficult for men to put on women ’s clothing, but as one of the members of the base, I can use my place, I ca n’t blame it, and I ask the boss not to use the reason that I am a newcomer Just let me go back, I ’m a base person, and death is also the soul of the base. Becoming a turtle in the back is not my style of Feng Ling. It ’s not the first time I wear it, but this time it ’s more stuffed. Nothing about silicone fake breasts. "

After speaking, Feng Ling also deliberately closed his waist, while raising his hand to make two strokes on his chest.

Xiao Xu bought her the pair of fake breasts. She didn't need them at all. She only needed to unfasten the breast wrap, which was inside the C cup. The clothes were just right on her body.

But in order to avoid being too realistic and causing suspicion, she still raised her hand in front of her chest and just rubbed it like this, and squeezed it again: "Don't say it, now the silicone is more real than it really is ... "

Isn't it more true than it really is?

A group of elites standing near the base looked at Feng Ling's chest rubbing action, and it became too dry for an instant. This is too true ... And this figure proportion ... Feng Ling must be a man?

Li Nanheng also heard what she said about the silica gel, and watched her move: "Even if you would rather sacrifice your face for the base and be a woman, I do n’t seem to assign you a task. Who gave it to you? The courage is not to follow the command line of the superior, and to take the initiative to act on their own when they are out of the mission? "

The man was completely superior at the moment, cold without any temperature.

Feng Ling approached him until the man approached him, and the girl ... or the teenager ... if the scent of the body spread into the man's nose again, he would hold her calmly. With such a close look, at such a close distance, I can't see where she looks fake, but only a black thin hair clip on her hair is betrayed by her. I can see that the long hair is The others are really horrible.

"Boss Li, you also know that when I was hospitalized some time ago, I had read all the rules and regulations in the base, and I knew the cost of acting without permission, but now, the task is ahead, after all of us return to life safely, The boss will plead guilty again, and I will take it all, and I will never find any reason for myself. "

Feng Ling stood in front of the man and hooked her pink lips.

She was standing very close to him, her voice was clear and clean, as if dressed like this, her voice sounded almost like a girl, making her whole body soft.

Li Nanheng looked at her face indifferently because of her approaching, her light glanced casually across her chest, squinting her eyes slowly—


(Ah, ah, at my turtle speed, it really will have to kiss the drama tomorrow ... babies!)

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