Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 840: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (103)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng looked at her face indifferently because of her approach, her eyes lightly swept across her chest, and her eyes narrowed slowly: "False?"

Feng Ling was wearing a white suspender skirt. She put it on before. When she wore this skirt again, she found that the gully on the chest was too obvious. At first glance, she knew it was not fake, so she added a tight-fitting inside. The sling is slightly obscured, but the range from top to bottom is still very real. Looking at it is not like adding a pair of silicone to a flat chest.

She smiled: "Boss, do you want to poke with your hand to see if it feels really real?"

Li Nanheng glanced at her face, looking at her eyes with no timidity or even real glowing eyes. She looked away expressionlessly, did not touch it, and only threw the electronic car key she had just thrown back to her. Li: "Go back to the base."

The man is tall and tall, the tone is heavy, and because the "girl" in front of him looks very thin and petite, this visual contrast is even more impressive.

Feng Ling put the key in his hand, playing it casually, and his voice was low. Almost only the person standing in front of him could hear: "I have made such a big sacrifice, and I am dressed here in this way, boss. Do you want to rush back to the base like a waste in public? Obviously everyone knows that if I go to this time, I can make the problem a lot easier, and it ’s better to make a fortune, who said that I really wear If you get into the bar like this, you will die? "

Li Nanheng didn't move, but just stood like this, looking at the "girl" in front of him.

A group of people waited beside, feeling that the boss's look at the "Girl Seal" seemed to be more, but it seemed to have been restraining and suppressing it. When they looked at the gossip in particular, they found that Li Bo's expression was It's still cold except for the cold, there is nothing that they do for nothing ...

"Aren't you going back?" Li Nanheng looked at her firm face and asked coldly, "Knowing what kind of encounter you will face after wearing this kind of mix in that kind of bar?"

Feng Ling paused, his eyes flickered slightly: "Anyway, I am a man, what else can I face? Be flexible."

Li Nanheng heard that the icy eyes suddenly burst into a terrifying flame: "Without perfect confidence, you don't have to go, and you will be dragged by everyone if you go. It is better not to go."

"I will not drag anyone down. Once I find that the situation is unfavorable, I will find a way to protect myself as soon as possible, of course, if I cannot protect myself ..." Feng Ling stared at his eyes: "I know the rules of the XI base, and I would rather die You wo n’t be humiliated, even if they all die together, they wo n’t be crushed by your hands and become a burden to you. The boss can rest assured. ”

It was too determined to see her lip, Li Nanheng looked at her face with light makeup and lips with a light pink lipstick, which seemed to be more and more pink. She stretched out her hands and pinched her chin directly. Looking at her face, she slowly uttered a word, almost biting the words: "You look like this now, thankfully there is a man in my bones, otherwise I will let you taste it ..."

He didn't finish talking, and paused when he saw Feng Ling's white shoulders exposed in a suspender skirt.

Feng Ling didn't understand what his deep eyes meant: "Taste what?"

What to try?

Of course, let Feng Ling taste the consequences of defying orders? It was a man that corporal punished him to cry on the training ground, a woman ... naturally it made her cry in bed.

Li Nanheng kept his face blank without expression. He didn't continue what he said just now, but only said indifferently: "Today's mission can only succeed, not fail, and there is no need to all go together. Everyone must return to the base safely."

When I saw him, she was allowed to go with her, Feng Ling suddenly smiled, raised her hand and went straight to the standard XI base salute: "Received!"

Looking at the "girl" in front of me, she was so cute and pretty, and with some free and easy spirits that other women did not have. She looked at the smile on the face of "girl" like a flower, but Li Nanheng's eyes suddenly noticed those people around him Wolf-like tiger eyes.

In a blink of an eye, the eyes of the elites in the base were staring at Feng Ling's figure and slick shoulders. He suddenly looked at her lightly: "Your uniform is in the car? Take it down, Put it on. "

It was a cold and commanding tone.

"I didn't bring a uniform, didn't I dress as a woman? In order to be more realistic and not to cause the enemy's suspicion, I didn't even have a gun in my body. How could I bring the uniform out?"

Li Nanheng's eyes cooled down a little bit, and he suddenly took off the black uniform coat of his body, put it behind her forcibly, and then seemed to only use the strength of helping her to put her jacket into her arms. Once closed, Feng Ling was not very comfortable in wearing high heels. The person took a step forward. The whole person leaned into his arms uncontrollably. The tip of his nose hit his strong chest across the black T-shirt. The man's body was light. The clear scent mixed with the unique mint scent of tobacco instantly lingered in her nose.

Feng Ling remained motionless, feeling the strength of the man helping her to put on her clothes, and the breath he was breathing above her head, with the words Xiao Xu said constantly echoing in his ear.

You really can't tell Li Bo's thoughts on you? Which member of the base did he care so much about? The boss really takes you seriously. To put it plainly, the boss just likes you ...

Boss likes you ...

Feng Ling's eyes couldn't help but look upwards. At this moment, Li Nanheng helped her to pull up the zipper of this incredible wide uniform, and pushed her directly forward, coldly: "Up car."

The car that Feng Ling drove was not suitable for driving to the mission site, and could only follow their car or helicopter.

She quickly turned back to her, nodded her head, and turned directly to the next one, Li Nanheng's black Hummer.

The base elites who were still standing around with gossips, immediately received the expression in the eyes of Li Nanheng, and immediately took back the expressions of the gossips. They were all ready to go and quickly boarded the helicopter and set off.

In the car.

"Boss, is it too obvious to wear such a goal?" Feng Ling was sitting in the co-pilot seat, probably because of wearing a skirt. She couldn't sit as casually as usual, sitting with her legs next to each other. Looks more like a little girl.

Li Nanheng glanced at her lightly: "After taking off at the task site, who bought the skirt for you? So exposed? So much to expose as a woman?"

Feng Ling: "... Maybe it looks more realistic."

She has no intention of betraying Xiao Xu.

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