Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 848: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (111)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

As she spoke, her eyes fell straight down, and she saw the man holding his arm behind his back, and a hole in his sleeve.

"It's okay, let's go first." As if Li Nanheng could not feel the pain, he pushed Feng Ling fiercely to the elite crowd of the base with another uninjured arm, turned around and kicked off the approaching one. People, raising their hands is another shot.

Feng Ling quickly found his reason, and he didn't care much. He went in with the people in the base to subdue the batch of terrors, sub-substances, and because the wig on his head was too much annoying, he pulled the wig directly and attacked the enemy. Someone slammed his face fiercely, and then took advantage of the invisible opportunity of the opponent to attack forward, while holding a bullet, and firing directly in the direction of David.

This shot was right in the back of David. David forced to turn around with pain, but at the same time he turned around, Li Nanheng on the other side also shot at him. This shot hit his shoulder directly, then Li Nanheng was another The gun hit David's wrist with the gun.

Feng Ling stepped forward at the same time, opened the person at hand, raised his gun and hit both David's legs. She and Li Nanheng didn't reach David's key, he was this group of terrors. It is best to take a breath and take it back to the army for trial.

David fell to the ground, his arms and legs were already dripping with blood, and his body was convulsing. He kept twitching, and suddenly he would bite his tongue. Li Nanheng hit the person attacking with one hand, because he couldn't pull out, Feng Ling winked at him directly, Feng Ling nodded, grabbed David's chin directly, grabbed a plastic bag wrapped in tissue on the **** coffee table, and put it in his mouth. Then, he froze fiercely in his abdomen, and David stared at the short hair on her head, then stared at the skirt on her, unbelievable, as if not sure whether she was a man or a woman , Obviously a woman, but how can it be short hair.

Feng Ling only gave him a cold look and lifted the person up and threw it at the base.


This hotel is run by a terrorist group. After the accident in the box, all of the terrorist group members rushed in or rushed away, all of them were pressed by the base people on the spot, even None of the flies in the bar could escape.

After solving all the problems, Feng Ling looked at Li Nanheng's direction from afar, knowing that he had injured his arm when he just saved himself, but now it is not the time to care about the injury. She stood in the place and considered for a moment, then looked outside and parked I asked for a car key with a member of the base, and drove back to the base directly.

She had to go back first, because the skirt on her body had been torn a lot in the recent fight. The skirt was too thin. If she returned by car with Li Bo, it would be easy to detect that something was wrong with her. For example, she is not a silicone fake chest at all ...

Looking through the rearview mirror, seeing that the bar was getting farther and farther away from her, she continued to step on the throttle and left quickly.

Five minutes after Feng Ling left, Li Nanheng came out of the box, remembered something, glanced at the people around him, but did not see the figure in a white dress, but only the long short hair that fell on the box floor.

"Where has Feng Ling gone?" He asked coldly.

The members of the base standing in the corridor looked out and replied, "Boss, Feng Ling said that he was not comfortable in that suit. Since there is no problem here, she will return to the base first."

Li Nanheng was about to pause with his hand from his pocket and raised his head unconsciously. He also looked at the direction outside the bar and glanced at the speeding cars and pedestrians outside the bar.

He didn't speak immediately, and his long fingers took out a cigarette, lit it, put it to his mouth, lowered his eyes again, exhaled a white mist, and said indifferently, "Hurry back to the base?"

"It is estimated that a big man was wearing a woman's clothes. He was unbearable during the mission. After the mission was over, he was really dressed in awkwardness before he went back in a hurry." The members of the base immediately smiled: "But speaking of Feng Ling that I ’m almost convinced that he is a real girl.

Real girl?

The man suddenly remembered how he felt when he pressed Feng Ling on the wall outside the bathroom door and kissed.

The soft and real feel is not like a pair of fake chests at all, but even a little familiar.

As if the night he drank too much and broke into A's room, what he had touched ... faintly uncertain whether it was a dream mirror or a real touch.

But he was awake just now, and naturally knew whether the men he encountered were dreams or true.

the man? woman?

At this moment, Li Nanheng's eyes had shed a slight cold light.


The operation, which could have been completed overnight, was successfully completed in the middle of the night, and members of the base quickly rushed back to the base.

Only Li Nanheng suffered a minor injury on his arm. At that time, the bullet swept across the side of the arm. Although it was not penetrated, he rubbed it **** the side of the arm, leaving a blood stain more than one centimeter deep. He simply wiped it with gauze. Although he didn't take it seriously after returning to the base, he was persuaded by the base members to go to the base medical room to disinfect and bandage.

The car did not stop after entering the base. As it passed downstairs of their residence, Yu Guang from the corner of Li Nanheng's eyes glanced at the lights in Fengling's room. The car drove quickly and went straight to the direction of the infirmary.

After treating the wound in the infirmary, about half an hour later, Li Nanheng went directly to his residence.

Feng Ling took a bath after returning, and habitually did a balance training before going to bed. Then he was panting to open the window to ventilate. Just then, he heard the door knocking.

She glanced at her, and turned to look at the knocked door. At the same time, she glanced at a few things in the trash can next to her and walked directly to open the door.

The moment he opened the door, the **** smell of the man was not diminished. Feng Ling, who had washed off his **** blood and wore a large white T-shirt, looked at only wrapping a circle of gauze on his arm. The clothes on his body were still unchanged. Even so, the man wasn't a little bit embarrassed, but **** and heartbreaking.

"Boss." Feng Ling said respectfully without any fluctuations.

Li Nanheng looked at her with deep eyes, glimpsing that she still had a slightly red and swollen lips. His eyes were deep, he didn't speak, and he took a step forward.

Feng Ling paused, subconsciously removed his hand on the door panel, stepped back, and kept the original proper distance.

The man looked at her coldly like this, and took a step closer, and she took a step back.

Stepping into the room step by step, the man stood still, looked down at the guy who was shorter than himself, glanced at the white T-shirt on her, and said in a stern voice: "Take off your clothes . "

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