Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 849: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (112)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling thought he had heard it wrong, his expression was stagnant, and he stared at the man in front of him: "Ah?"

Li Nanheng had no intention to talk to her nonsense: "Let you take off your clothes, understand?"

Feng Ling: "... why?"

"I went to an orphanage in Los Angeles a few years ago, the year you came to the base, and found a child dressed as a man in it, but I didn't see my face at that time, and I still don't know if she is Who. "Speaking of which, Li Nanheng's eyes fell lightly on her, and her eyes fell directly to her chest without warning.

Even if the man was full of blood and embarrassment, it did not affect his identity and the supreme aura.

Every word has absolute deterrence and courage that people must obey.

Feng Ling heard that he suddenly mentioned the incident. Although he was not sure, he felt that Li Bo was beginning to doubt her.

Previously, there was no evidence, I was not sure, and I was not so obsessed with digging out something that seemed to have nothing to do with him, but at this moment, Li Li obviously didn't have anything to let her go or give her a chance meaning.

He must know the truth.

"Boss means, I thought I was the one in the orphanage you met?" Feng Ling looked at him calmly: "How did you find out that she was dressed in men's clothes? Is it possible that you gave someone's clothes? Cut it off? Or is it like now, forcing me to take off my clothes to verify my body? "

Feng Ling's face was neither red nor breathless, as if the person in her mouth was not her, and did not even have any feelings and signs, but asked him: "Still, the boss thinks that the entire base includes the perception of all the instructors who have contacted me. The degrees are very low. I have lived together in the base for so many years, and it is not even clear whether I am a man or not? I need your boss to come and force me to take off my clothes to prove myself? "

"Just asking you to take off your clothes, it ’s a man who takes it off, but it ’s too deliberate.” Li Nanheng slowly mentioned her usual behavior: “Who did you take a bath with in the base? Public in the base Have you been to the bath? You have been training for a long time in the summer. You guys are so hot that you ca n’t take off your shirts. You ’re sweating on the training ground with your upper body naked. Only you are neatly dressed without a belt. Untied, coupled with your height and many performances, I, as the head of the base, is qualified to figure this out. This is not excessive. "

Feng Ling heard the words, and immediately laughed: "Boss, you should know that there is a habit in this world called exposure, and I am the opposite. When there is exposure, there are people like me who are too cautious about self-defense. Or you could explain it like this ... "

Feng Ling's eyes now looked at the trash can beside the bed, and said lightly: "When I was a kid, I wandered around because I had no father and mother, probably because I was born like a girl, my skin was white and thin. In the street, I was not bullied by those American homeless men. I was even dragged into the alley by a few homeless men and stripped of my clothes to be humiliated on the street. Therefore, I was overshadowed by my personality, and I was wary of anyone. I hate contact with people, and I also hate **** in front of others. "

Li Nanheng heard her explanation, her eyes looked at her deeply, she didn't speak, but turned her head because of her gaze and looked at the trash can beside her bed.

I saw in the trash can the white dress Feng Ling wore when he was on mission today. The skirt was stained with a lot of dirty blood. He was piled up there, and there were a pair of high heels and flesh-colored stockings. There is also a pair of silicone flesh-colored fake breasts.

Seeing the pair of silicone things with his own eyes, Li Nanheng's hand stuck in his trouser pocket was slack.

Feng Ling stood in front of him, watching his boss' eyes lighten down.

She raised her arms expressionlessly, and made anyone to undress casually: "If the boss must watch, like you said, everyone is a man, and he won't lose a piece of meat at a glance. . "

The room became extremely quiet because of Feng Ling's words. Li Nanheng's gaze moved away from the trash can, and she gave a slight glance at her, and then looked at her wide T-shirt and open arms, looking Looking at her flat chest, her eyes became much colder instantly, and her deep voice showed an irresistible coldness: "In your eyes, your boss is a disregard for your psychological shadow instead of watching you undressed. State, or someone who can give up the goal because of an explanation and a past sentence? Or, do you think I would believe your reason? "

Feng Ling's eyes were calm: "The boss is the boss, and the base gave me a place to stay. If the boss must be truer than this, of course I won't refuse. As for whether you believe or not, that's your business."

Her eyes were firm and there was no shift.

For her, it is no longer important for Li to know whether she is male or female. What is important is the degree of trust he has in himself.

Having worked together for so long, it wasn't one or two times since birth. Gender was not important to her. What about men and women?

At first, she didn't want to be kicked out of the base because she was a woman. Of course, this is also the reason, but when Xiao Xu said that Li Bo liked her, Feng Ling's heart hadn't calmed down.

If he insisted on being the one who revealed the secret, she might not refuse.

Some are just calm.

When the words fell, her arms still stretched out, without any change, staring at him flatly, fearlessly: "Is the boss coming to take off?"

What a savvy person is Li Nanheng?

The suspicions already existed at this moment seemed to remind him that there was something wrong with Feng Ling.

Whether she was too restrained in the usual way, or the touch of the touch he had touched, if it wasn't clear whether a man or a woman could tell, then he would have been alive for more than two decades.

But Feng Ling's eyes were too calm.

The truth is at hand.

Li Nanheng's gaze turned away at this moment, glanced at her bed and all the furnishings in the room where she lived, each step was very simple, there were a few books on the table, the bed was a neat and clean bed, and the cabinet Most of them are black or white T-shirts and uniforms, without any feminine things.

Maybe it's too cruel to reveal the truth with your own hands. People need trust, but they need honesty.

Li Nanheng looked at her again with a cold look: "I only give this one a chance, who are you, a man or a woman, to be honest."

Feng Ling did not hesitate: "Feng Ling, male."

The air in the room seemed to freeze in such an instant, without moving.

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