Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 850: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (113)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling can clearly feel the changes around her, especially the cold air from the man in front of her.

Looking at Feng Ling's still calm and calm expression, Li Nanheng smiled, his thin lips were cold, and his teeth grinded: "Men?"

Feng Ling stared at him without blinking: "Boss, do you want me to be a woman?"

"No." He stared blankly at her face, and said lightly, "I just need an honest person."

Feng Ling's throat seemed to be blocking him for a moment, and when he raised his eyes to understand what he meant through his eyes, the man turned away and said coldly, "Be a man, remember yourself It's a man. "

After that, the man went straight without looking back.

Feng Ling stood still, watching the door closed automatically.

How she felt, Li Li seemed to know.

But how could she be so sure of her gender?

Is there something wrong with her today?

She had just touched the pair of silicone fake breasts, and it felt soft and flexible. In fact, it was not much different from the real one. Even if there was a difference, it would not be possible to completely distinguish the difference under such circumstances.

But his eyes just now ...

Late at night, Feng Ling lay on the bed. She should have fallen asleep, but she had rare insomnia. In her mind, she repeatedly echoed the sentence of Li Nanheng: "I only need an honest person."

Even in the terror bar, Li Nanheng rushed into the crowd and held the person who was almost shot in his arms, quickly turned around to block the bullet for her, remembering the white gauze on his arm .

After closing her eyes for about half an hour, she suddenly opened her eyes again, and it turned out that it was too late, and the whole XI base was completely silent.

But she couldn't sleep.

In her mind, those voices and scenes kept repeating. She turned upside down, picked up the cushions for balance training, and fell directly on the ground. She persisted for about fifteen minutes, and her sweat had leaked from her forehead. Take a deep breath for two breaths, and then just sit on the cushion directly, staring at the night sky outside the balcony.

Balance training is very easy to sweat. After only fifteen minutes of training, she was already wet and sticky on her body. She looked outside until her neck was a little stiff. She got up and went into the bathroom to plan a simple rinse.

After washing, I did n’t rush to wrap the breast wrap, just stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the bathroom, and looked at the trace of the mirror. The young girl, staring at herself, still felt a bit numb lips, Looking down, she looked at her dense body, and her body seemed to be well coordinated. She didn't understand what kind of figure was considered a good figure in a girl. She only knew that when she wore women's clothes last time and today, she seemed really good. Good-looking, even good-looking, no matter whether it is long or short hair, it does not affect that kind of strong and almost concealable girly feeling.

Is it because of this, has Li Nanheng no longer believed in her rhetoric?

Did she really reveal her secrets so easily?

But depending on his attitude, I don't know what happened.

Do you really know? Or is it just guessing?

Feng Ling doesn't understand a lot of human accidents, even what he likes.

She has never had a sense of gender since she was a child. She has been a man for a long time, and never thought of being a woman. She does not seem to have any other meaning in being a woman.

So when Li Nanheng asked her, she still answered the man.

However, Li Heng's eyes turned and left, and the cold stabbing made her feel uneasy now. She didn't know what it was like.

All she knew was that she had insomnia.


the next day.

In the base's routine training, in the sniper training ground, five people stood in a row and were doing physical development.

Qiao Fei watched them move one by one, demanding that everyone must meet the standard within one hour.

It was raining yesterday, but today it was sunny, probably the last hot weather when it was just autumn.

Under the sun, Li Nanheng's figure appeared in the training ground. On weekdays, Li Li occasionally came to watch their training. Everyone was accustomed to it. He just shouted "Boss" in unison and continued to take action seriously.

Feng Ling's eyes stared in the direction of Li Nanheng. The man's eyes did not fall on her, but stood there indifferently, watching them train, without speaking.

The black uniform was very loose, and he could not see anything on his arm, but Feng Ling knew that the gauze on his arm should be entangled inside and covered by clothes.

I do n’t know if the injury was serious or not. She returned early last night and did n’t go to the infirmary with her. She could only see Li ’s face on the surface. It did n’t seem wrong, but it was n’t too deep. The sound of flesh was clear in her ears ...

She stared at the man's arm. When Qiao Fei asked them to do the second action, her rare action was slowed down, and Qiao Fei's eyes suddenly looked at her: "Feng Ling?"

Feng Ling turned back, stood up suddenly, turned with a stern expression, and continued with the others, his eyes did not look in that direction anymore.

Qiao Fei rolled his eyes in the direction of Li Nanheng, seeing that the boss Li looked as usual, thought about it, didn't say anything, stepped forward and continued to take them to do the action, when Feng Ling behind him, raised his hand and stretched her arms up Raising and whispering, "Why is your face so bad? You are in a bad shape today."

Feng Ling's serious look remained unchanged, and he whispered, "I didn't sleep well last night."

Qiao Fei glanced at her again, and it turned out that he had a little dark circles, not very heavy. It can be seen that Feng Ling, who never stays up late, should have really not slept last night.

Seeing her listless expression and strong training, Qiao Fei turned and walked towards the others. About ten minutes later, she said, "OK, rest for half an hour, and continue after half an hour."

Ak looked strangely: "Don't you say that you must reach the standard posture within one hour? How long does it take for morning training today to rest? Is it a New Year or is there any good thing? When is the training schedule in the base so humane?"

Qiao Fei gave him a sideways glance: "You don't want to rest and you can continue to practice. I will check your results in an hour."

A K immediately lowered his stretched arm: "No, rest when you rest. Brother Qiao, you can't regret it!"

Qiao Fei glanced at him again, and then looked at Feng Ling's direction. After seeing that she was about to rest, she immediately lowered her arm, turned around, and walked to the bench on which she usually sat to rest.

Rarely when Feng Ling was in a bad condition in the base and on the training ground, Qiao Fei was about to walk over, but his foot was lifted, and he was suddenly blocked by the tall and tall figure next to him.

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