Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 851: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (114)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Qiao Feitun lived and was about to speak, but Li Nanheng didn't turn his head back. People had already passed by.

Feng Ling was sitting in a chair and resting, thinking about closing her eyes for a while, but as soon as she closed it, she felt that there seemed to be a lot of pressure in front of her. She suddenly opened her eyes and raised her eyes to see that she lost sleep. Night people.

Li Nanheng put one hand in his trousers pocket, his eyes were down, his eyes were dark, and his healthy complexion was much whiter in such bright sunlight. He looked like a blood-sucking aristocrat who appeared in the sun, especially when he stood backlit. The indifferent and lazy breath is even more prominent: "Isn't I saying that I can pass the physical fitness? How long does it take for morning training to get tired and need to sit here and sleep?"

When Feng Ling heard him, the fatigue in his eyes disappeared instantly, and he didn't want to mention that he didn't sleep well last night. He only said, "Instructor Qiao said let me rest, and I will sit here for a while, taking advantage of the limited Time to replenish myself. "

Li Nanheng looked slightly cold: "Get up."

Feng Ling stood up.

"Continue to practice."

Feng Ling glanced at the other four people who were resting, then looked at the empty training ground: "Vice instructor Qiao said ..."

"Qiao Fei is the boss, or am I the boss?" The moment the man heard her say the words "Associate Instructor Qiao", her eyes shot cold with no temperature.

Feng Ling felt that the hot air above his head seemed to be cold at this moment. He looked up at him, but the man turned his eyes away and did not fall on her, but apparently, he just let her continue to practice this. This command is valid.

Feng Ling was silent for a moment, without further comment, turned around and returned to the middle of the training ground alone to continue to perform actions.

Qiao Fei turned around and just went back to get the bottle of mineral water. When he turned his head, he saw Feng Ling, who was suddenly doing training again. He was surprised and asked a long distance: "I didn't say that I had to rest for half an hour? Are you alone?" What do you practice? "

Feng Ling didn't answer. Qiao Fei felt something was wrong, and then suddenly saw Li Bo standing with her arms around his chest and expressionlessly standing not far from her watching her practice.

At this time, Tam came to Ah K and whispered, "What's going on? Feng Ling is offending the boss?"

Ak didn't understand, looked in the direction of Feng Ling, and then looked at Li Bo, who was clearly engraved with the words "Don't mess with me today," and booed: "I don't know."

He certainly didn't know.

I clearly remember that the boss was very good at Feng Ling, but today it seems to be particularly targeted.

Alas, K suddenly didn't understand the relationship between this man and him.

After all, it was the boss' presence, and obviously it was the boss's order. Qiao Fei didn't say anything. He just walked over and looked at him and said, "Don't practice anymore, let's drink saliva."

While talking, he turned to give the other four bottles of water to the other four, and then passed it to Li Bo, thinking about finally lending a chance to Feng Ling, and let her rest for a while.

As a result, when the mineral water bottle was handed to Li Nanheng, Li Old Dalian did not look at the water bottle, nor did he have any action to take over.

Qiao Fei raised an eyebrow, knowing his temper, and he didn't feel embarrassed. He retracted the water, played it twice in his hands, and blinked: "Feng Ling, drink water."

Feng Ling's eyes glanced at him. Before he lowered his arms, he suddenly heard Li Nanheng said, "Continue."

Feng Ling exhaled.

OK, she continues.

When I saw the boss, I did n’t know whether to take explosives or not. His face was cold and frosty, and Feng Ling was not in a good state, but he also said with a temper, and said nothing when he was tired and hot. Continue to practice.

Until the rest time passed half an hour later, Feng Ling was still not allowed to stop when the other four returned to the venue.

The morning passed, it was almost eleven o'clock, and I practiced for a few hours. Others had a rest in the middle for a while, but Feng Ling, who was in the worst condition, did not even take a rest, and persisted until this time.

Qiao Fei didn't say much at first, but when he saw the scorching sun, he couldn't help but turned around and walked to the side of Li Nanheng and said, "Boss, it's almost noon. Let them all rest for a while, or go for lunch right away. If it's summer, it won't be too ... "

"When you are the XI base is a resort? Rest when you are tired, eat when you are hungry, do you need to arrange them to go to a hot spring after sweating?" Li Guiheng, Li Nanheng's face seemed to be broken in the hot sun, leaving only It feels uneasy and the pressure of chills on the back.

"But Feng Ling ..."

"What's so special about him, especially that you need to take care of it so special?" Li Nanheng's eyes fell on his face, his voice sounded like a breeze, and his voice was low. Only Qiao Fei could hear: "Still, what do you know?"

Obviously, his voice was very low, but when Qiao Fei looked into him, he was very cold.

what do you know?

"Boss, it's very basic to care about the members of the sniper team, I ..."

Li Nanheng smiled suddenly, but his eyes were cold: "I have warned you more than once, put away your excessive concern, XI base does not need waste."

"Feng Ling has performed very well in various tasks, large and small, and her physical fitness is better than when she first entered the base. I do n’t know how much, how could it be waste? She is even better than many newcomers in the base who have entered the same period. Even better! I should have emphasized this not only on my own! "

Qiao Fei stepped forward in front of Li Nanheng when he turned expressionlessly: "And what did you just say, what do I know? What does it mean that Feng Ling has nothing to sue? Or is there something for me? Something you do n’t know needs the boss to mention me? ”

Li Nanheng pushed his shoulders indifferently. "You better not know."

After that, he turned and walked out of the training ground.

Qiao Fei calmly looked at his back, pressed his temper, and asked: "Let them go to the cafeteria to rest before twelve o'clock, OK?"

The man didn't reply, and his back was cold like snow in the mountains, and his steps had gone far.

Qiao Fei looked away, then turned to look at Feng Ling who was still training, and sighed.

what happened?

Shouldn't this girl be discovered by the boss ...


Half an hour later, at twelve, Qiao Fei made them go to rest on time, and then went to the cafeteria for lunch.

After arriving at the base cafeteria, Feng Ling buzzed in her head because she didn't sleep well last night plus a strong morning training. Qiao Fei saw that she was not even in a good condition when she took the dinner plate, so she sat down first. He helped her to dinner.

It wasn't long before she brought her full plate of dishes to her and Feng Ling just raised her eyes and said thank you. The light in the corner of her eyes suddenly saw a car passing by outside the cafeteria.


(Don't worry, don't worry, the pace outside Fan must be faster than the text ~)

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