Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 852: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (115)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

That car is red and I haven't seen it in the base, and it doesn't seem to be a car in the base.

She only glanced outwards and didn't have much energy to pay too much attention. She picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Beside it, several members of the base who were having lunch in sugar were whispering, "Dr. Wen's sister is here again?"

Then the other brothers didn't say anything, just smiled at the car that had gone away at the same time, and then winked at each other one after another, as if there were any gossip.

Feng Ling glanced in their direction.

Dr. Wen is a resident doctor in the base's infirmary. At the time, she was fainted and injured by a leg. The man who helped her check it was Dr. Wen. He is a male doctor in his thirties who can look into the XI base and stay there. None of the people is a casual person. I heard that Dr. Wen's family is related to the US military. The district has some relations, and there are some siblings in the family. However, she rarely goes to the infirmary. The bases are also men. Things rarely come and go, so she doesn't know much.

Feng Ling lowered her head and devoted herself to eating, because she had a hunch, such a strong training should not stop in the short term.

After eating, I left the cafeteria directly. I didn't feel any change in the base because the doctor's sister came to visit, and went directly to the training ground.

There is not much training time this afternoon, and you can go directly to your residence after two hours.

Who knew Feng Ling was about to go back, she was notified and asked her to return to the training ground to continue practicing.

This notification was a call from another preparatory instructor of the sniper team. Qiao Fei did n’t know, Li Nanheng did n’t come in person, and after Feng Ling took the call, she knew that her hunch was right, but she did n’t quite understand herself. Where did you offend Li Bo?

When I returned to the training ground, I saw Li Boss standing there.

Once upon a time, the devil training once again appeared.

This time Feng Ling was mentally prepared. She stood behind the man: "Boss."

Li Nanheng looked back and gave her a slight glance: "Um."

It felt as if she was greeting a **** of death, and she knew that she knew it well, and didn't even need to explain the sentence, just a very bland greeting.

"Boss, I know that I am not in good shape this morning, and the new movements are not very good." In order to avoid being unable to find the steps, Feng Ling said directly, "Thank you Boss for wasting his time to do it alone for me training."

There was no change on Li Nanheng's face, and a faint whisper: "Um." Turned around and gave her the position in the middle of the field.

When he turned around again, the man glanced at the clothes she hadn't changed.

After understanding his eyes, Feng Ling explained: "I guess that because of my poor performance today, the boss should call me out, anyway, I will sweat the same, there is no need to change clothes and come back."

On the one hand, she smelled of sweat. It should not smell as close as she did when wearing women's clothing yesterday. The boss should be very disgusted and not too close. Second, because of this premonition, she was too lazy to go. Changing clothes is so good, at least because the boss's cleanliness can keep a proper distance.

No matter what he guessed, the farther away he is now, the better.

It seemed as if she understood her purpose at a glance. Li Nanheng was standing slender on the side of the training ground, her legs were standing still, her left hand was in her trousers pocket, her body was wearing a black uniform, her deep eyes fell on her cautiously and calmly. Face.

"First do an hour of body balance, then do a hundred push-ups, and then continue with other physical items after completion." Li Nanheng said, black military boots relentlessly stepped on the white line on the side of the training ground and retreated to the side of the bench next to it. .

The scorching sun was blooming in the afternoon. Feng Ling had just gone through a disguise and thrilling in the bar yesterday. He didn't sleep all night and went through a morning training session. At this moment, I'm not sure if my physical strength can last for an hour. His limbs are balanced, but when he sees the boss's expression, he still does it silently.

Seeing the young man saying nothing, as usual, sulking, as always, lying on the training ground directly in the middle of the training field, Li Nanheng's eyes were slightly cold, and he looked down from the lying position to his arms half-stretched. Teenager.

Han Jin and Xiao Xu passed by outside the sniper training ground at this time. When they saw someone inside, they glanced subconsciously in this direction.

Lying down? what's the situation? Why did the boss train Feng Ling again?

Yesterday, it was n’t just that I had killed with Terror. Terror. After completing the dangerous tasks under normal circumstances, members of the base should have at least two or three days of vacation. Trained?

Li Nanheng suddenly took off the black uniform behind him, and threw it on the bench with his eyes swept towards the outside.

Xiao Xu and Han Jin, who were talking about it, were quiet immediately!

Feng Ling also raised his head and glanced in their direction.

With a "snap", there was a flicker of light on the silver lighter in Li Nanheng's hand, and the man lit the cigarette with no wave: "Look? Continue."

His voice was very weak, but with an absolute command tone, he threw another word to the two people outside. Even so far, they could only see the mouth shape, but they could also see that Li Bo was faint at this time. It was cold and ruthless: "Go away."

Han Jin and Xiao Xu immediately walked away quickly, but from time to time they looked back at Feng Ling who was undergoing strong training.

"Did he not sacrifice himself as a woman to help the boss on a mission yesterday? Is there something wrong in the middle? Why was it good before, but when we came back, we were targeted by our cold boss? Hey, how did I suddenly feel Feng Ling is the worst miserable in our base, pitiful. "Xiao Xu whispered after walking away.

Han Jin chuckled: "Where is it miserable?"

"Isn't Feng Ling's quest bonus not in his own hands? He was stopped by the boss? And the vacation should be given after the end of the mission, and the boss didn't give him. He even forcibly joined the devil training. It's like squeezing. Feng Ling died yesterday ... "

"I know the bonus, the boss has been helping her to collect it, and in the past few years all the bonus money has been sealed, has been sent by the boss to buy a small apartment in her own name in Los Angeles, the boss is not short of money, How could she swallow her money, but she did n’t know how to spend it, the boss helped her temporarily. ”Han Jin said,“ As for the vacation, Feng Ling was sleeping in the base when she was on vacation. She There is no relatives or friends, nor does she go out and walk around like others, she does not need to take a vacation, so the base will add this vacation leave to the bonus, it is estimated that it will not take long, the boss can Help her buy a second apartment. "

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