Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 854: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (117)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Li Nanheng left, leaving her to practice alone.

But if he went back to sleep, he could only fall asleep, only he knew.

Just after the early morning of the next day, it was already bright. Qiao Fei had just arrived near the training ground, and suddenly heard Tam and Lin Peng and A K hurriedly saying something in it. He suddenly heard Feng Ling's name, and suddenly Walked in.

However, she did not expect to see Li Feng lying on the ground, soaking wet. She was not so awake. She was supported by A.K. and her head rested on A.K ’s shoulder. She was called by A.K. A few sounds opened his eyes slightly.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Fei suddenly felt a little stunned, walked over quickly, pushed Tam and Lin Peng away, stepped forward and leaned directly to hold Feng Ling, raised his hand and pressed firmly among the people under her nose. For a while, until Feng Ling frowned, her eyes opened a little, raised her hand and patted her face: "Feng Ling? Can you hear me? How are you?"

"It's okay." Her voice was hoarse, but she was supporting her strength, trying to push them away, but still pressed by Joe Fei firmly on her shoulder.

"Go to the infirmary?"

"No need to."

"It's all like this, don't you go to the infirmary yet, do you think you've hit the iron?" Ah K was beside him anxiously: "Hurry up, we'll take you there first ..."

Feng Ling was about to shake her head. Suddenly, a familiar glance came over. She raised her eyes and saw the figure of Li Bo standing at the gate of the training ground.

Qiao Fei looked at Feng Ling while turning his head subconsciously. At this moment, they felt that their boss was almost in a state of freezing death.

Especially after Feng Ling's entire person was taken over by Qiao Fei.

Seeing that Feng Ling was the culprit of this kind, Qiao Fei didn't care that he was the boss, and he would hold Feng Ling with a cold face.

Ah K, a few of them took a step back, and didn't know what happened, but the eyes of Li Bo's eyes were even colder!

"Vice instructor Qiao, I can go by myself." Feng Ling didn't go to see Li Nanheng, but in the end he pushed Qiao Fei's arm away a bit. In the base, he just trained for one night, not to mention that everyone is a man. It was unjustifiable to be held up.

"Are you sure you can go now?" Qiao Fei's eyes were clearly displeased. "When is it still impossible?"

"It's okay, I'm used to it. In the past few years, in order to expand my physical fitness, I didn't suffer a lot, just sleep well."

What else did Qiao Fei want to say, Feng Ling had pulled his arm out of his hand, and then turned around, struggling towards the door with some difficulty and some hesitation, and when she reached Li Nanheng, she raised her eyes to see him: " Boss, if you watched the monitoring on the training ground after you went back last night, you should know that I have n’t stopped in the following hours, I ’ve been practicing, I ’m not lazy, I ’ve broken through this physical level again once."

Li Nanheng was there, holding his fingers fiercely. He wanted to take a deep breath, but found that there were too many people here, and he couldn't even take a deep breath. He only said sternly: "Since it's so powerful, it's morning exercise right away. It ’s time, why not go with the morning exercise of the sniper team? "

"Boss!" Ah K was startled.

"Boss, if you continue to practice like this, it will be fatal. Feng Ling had just been on the mission the day before yesterday, and she hasn't slept for two consecutive nights!" Qiao Fei suddenly exasperated, and his voice was extremely dissatisfied: "You want her Die on the training ground? "

Li Nanheng looked at his eyes and remained calm, but pale, standing in front of Feng Ling. After looking for a moment, he said in a voice that only she could hear: "I ask you again, Feng Ling, you think you are honest People? "

Feng Ling didn't raise her eyes, just looked at the man's black neckline and said calmly, "I am."

Li Nanheng looked at her sweaty cheeks and messy hair, and suddenly smiled, still the only voice she could hear: "Very good."

Feng Lingming heard that he was laughing, but her back was cold, then she raised her eyes and looked at him again, but heard the man's next indifferent voice: "Go back to sleep, and don't let me see you again within two days."

Ah K has approached at this moment. Although Li Nanheng's voice is very low, Ah still hears it. He immediately rushed forward to help Feng Ling and said, "Thank you, boss. This means that you are allowed to rest for two days. Sleep for two days, you don't have to come out to train anymore! "

Feng Ling's mouth was very dry and her throat was very astringent. She paused and looked up at Li Nanheng. She wanted to say thank you, but Li Nanheng looked away from her face and left with a cold face. Thank you I have no intention of listening.

After Li Nanheng's figure walked far away from the training ground, Feng Ling was completely softened, and A quickly helped her to stabilize: "Feng Ling? How are you?"

Feng Ling shook his head: "It's okay, I'll go back by myself. You should train in the morning."

"Train a P." Qiao Fei said ugly: "K, you send her back first, I'll talk to the boss."

"No need to talk." Feng Ling turned to look at Qiao Fei: "It's my own problem, no need to talk."

Qiao Feijun frowned, came over, and looked down at her: "What the **** is going on?"

Feng Ling said faintly: "It's really my problem anyway, there is no need to talk about it, and don't go to the boss because of my affairs to ignite the fire. Isn't this already given me two days off? I just sleep for two days. . "

"Yes, I think when the boss is obviously not able to provoke, brother Qiao, don't step in." Tam also said.

Qiao Fei frowned, waved his hand impatiently, and signaled A K to send Feng Ling back quickly, A K nodded and helped Feng Ling walk out of the sniper training ground.

When returning to the residence, Feng Ling suspected that she was sweating on her body, and refused to sit on the bed. A had to help her sit down on the chair by the window, and saw that her hands and feet were too weak to seem to be destroyed. Frowning: "I'll go to the infirmary to get you some medicine after I return from morning training."

"No, let me take a two-day break. How could I really sleep here for two days? I'll sleep for a while. If I feel uncomfortable when I get up in the afternoon, I will go to the infirmary to get medicine." , And pushed him again: "Go to training, don't delay because of me."

"You are now ..."

"I'm sitting here, so what can I do?" Feng Ling urged again: "Go."

A K had to stand up.

Last night was really the longest night for Feng Ling, but fortunately it was already bright, she turned to look out the window and suddenly glanced at a red car parked in the parking lot inside the distant base, remembering yesterday When I heard it in the cafeteria, I subconsciously asked, "Whose car is that?"


(Three more ~)

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