Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 855: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (118)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

A K only glanced out, and he dismissed it: "It's Dr. Wen's sister's car."

Feng Ling picked up A K's hand and filled her glass with one hand, and her clear eyes closed, and she did not continue to look outside.

"Really don't need me to accompany you to the infirmary?"

"No, you go to train."

Seeing that Feng Ling is sweaty, I guess I have to take a bath. She has quirks for so many years. She does n’t like someone in her room before and after bathing. A K does n’t doubt it, anyway. There are many quirks.

"Okay, then you call me if you have any questions. Let me tell Brother Qiao and let him allow me to bring my mobile phone with me when I train today."


The door opened and closed, and A's figure had already walked far away.

There was no one in the room, and Feng Ling finally exhaled slowly and slowly, exposing the exhaustion and discomfort of the whole body. Some hard people wanted to stand up, but had back pain, especially on the arm. He frowned, and finally got up, and after taking a few sips of water, he walked into the bathroom slowly and somewhat.

Every day in the base is constantly training and sweating, bathing is as essential as three meals a day.

Only this time, Feng Ling was washing for a long time. I usually stood in the bathroom and took a shower. Now this is really no energy. I took a stool and put it in there, rinsed, and did n’t want to go out after washing. Let the water of moderate temperature stay on your head.

I don't know how long it took to wash. I probably got up and went out after feeling a little dizzy.

She didn't eat anything last night and didn't eat anything in the morning. After taking such a long hot bath, she didn't faint in it, which is considered to be her physical fitness and physique.

After drying her body, she took a hard time to pick up the white bra wrapped around her body, and she looked at herself in the mirror, from the muddy chest. The ditch was rounded to the chest wrapped in a brutal shape, fingers. After hesitating for a long time, I finally stuffed the last piece of the breast wrap into the concealed button, and then picked up the loose T-shirt I wore daily and put it on my body.

After sweating for a day and night, I quickly felt like I was born again after taking a shower, clean and unobstructed.

Even if she hadn't eaten for more than ten hours, Feng Ling didn't feel a bit hungry. She lay directly on the bed, picked up her mobile phone, and looked at it for a while. This time she completely lost the feeling of insomnia, and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

She slept until more than three o'clock in the afternoon, she was awakened by a sound of cell phone vibration, turned over, picked up the phone next to the pillow and stuck it to her ear, and said dumbly and confused: "Hey?"

"Feng Ling, how's it going? Have you eaten? Have you been to the infirmary?"

She slept a little, and it took me a long time to reflect that the person on the phone was talking to herself. Then she opened her eyes again, glanced over at the number of the caller ID on the phone, and then stuck the phone to her ear, dumb. He said, "Vice Instructor Qiao, I'm fine. What time is it? I should sleep for a long time, it's much better."

"It's more than three in the afternoon."

"Oh, I've slept from morning to now." Feng Ling sat up in bed directly after hearing the time, raised her hands and rubbed her slightly messy short hair, and then turned to look out of the evening sky: "Today Is your training over? Is there any training for sniper rifles that I need to pass by? Wait for me, I'll be right there. "

"No, there is no sniper training today, you rest."

"Oh." Feng Ling slid a little, rubbing her hair again, sitting there holding her cell phone with her eyes closed, half asleep and awake didn't seem to hear the phone too clearly. Something, only to cope a little like: "Um ... OK ... Umm ..."

After a few promises in this way, she heard that the other party hung up the phone, and then she fell straight down again, covering her quilt and continuing to sleep.

This time I had just slept for about half an hour, and the door was knocked suddenly.

Feng Ling opened her eyes suddenly, thinking that she had fallen asleep until the next morning. She looked out of the window with a little confusion. She recovered after ten seconds, and then turned to look after only a few clicks. The door didn't ring again, lifted the quilt and walked over. When I opened the door, I saw Qiao Fei holding an insulated lunch box and a cut fruit plate, and at the same time I brought a bottle of milk I didn't know where to buy it.

The door opened and saw that Feng Ling was a little confused and even her hair was a little messy. Qiao Fei inexplicably felt a little cute and raised her eyebrows: "What are you doing? Here is the meal for you Let it go, I'll go in. "

Feng Ling still nodded with a grimace, and stepped back, until Qiao Fei entered the door and put all the items she brought on the table beside her bed, and then motioned her eyes to her to eat. Pestle stayed there and laughed: "Not awake yet? Come over for dinner."

Feng Ling finally came back to Weier: "Ah, what you said to me on the phone, Assistant Teacher Qiao, was it to bring me food?"

Qiao Fei looked at her as if she were looking at a patient with severe amnesia: "Otherwise do you think? Shouldn't you be sleepy just now, so don't hear me?"

Feng Ling suddenly embarrassed her lips, she did not hear clearly, if she knew he meant to bring food to her, she would definitely refuse.

After all, this floor is the area where Li's boss lives. Qiao Fei comes up like this, and it's still so good to her, who has just been punished last night. Li's boss will probably be angry with him again.

But since it has already been delivered, there is no need to say anything more. She walked directly over and had not sat down at the table. Qiao Fei directly opened the glass bottle containing milk and handed it to her: "You arrived last night I guess I have n’t eaten anything now, and I do n’t feel well in my stomach. Drink it first, and then warm it up. ”

"Okay, thank you, Assistant Instructor Qiao." Feng Ling took it, nodded to him, and sat around the other side of the table.

Qiao Fei glanced at her again. Feng Ling who had just woke up was not as indifferent to avoiding people as usual, but the face of Meng Meng was not awake, she was lazy and cute, and it was rare. Easy to get close to.

He smiled and helped her open the lunch box, and opened the fruit plate next to it with a safety film, and handed her a fork and spoon: "Eat."

Feng Ling drank the milk and looked up at him, took what he had handed over, but it was really too tired, he slept a bit, and for a while, he could n’t get back to God. It was exactly what he said. What she did, after drinking milk obediently, she fork a banana and put it in her mouth.

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