Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 856: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (119)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Seeing Feng Rong's rare and obedient look, Qiao Fei really had a desire to directly pick up chopsticks to feed her.

But he is not unaware of Feng Lingping's personality in his daily life. It is estimated that the appearance of him is just a moment.

He looked at her with a smile: "Eat first, eat well and talk vigorously."

Feng Ling then looked at him again and asked, "What did you say?"

Qiao Fei glanced at the door that had been closed automatically, and then looked at her again: "What happened to Li Li and you? According to what he said yesterday ... Did he know your secret?"

Feng Ling paused with a small fork in his hand. "I don't know."

"What is not clear? Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, like when I found out that the evidence is conclusive, how could it be unclear?"

Feng Ling didn't explain, just lowered her head and continued to eat.

I do n’t want to mention it when she sees her. She has always been such a person. She never tells her too much about others. People have an inexplicable appeal, whether it is a man or a girl. Inexplicably, she always wanted to get closer to her.

Qiao Fei sat directly beside her, raised her hand and directly held Feng Ling's wrist, and when Feng Ling was subconsciously about to withdraw her hand, she clenched her tightly: "Don't move."

"What?" Feng Ling has been awake for a long time. Even if she is not as indifferent and sharp as usual, but her hands are suddenly held like this, she still wants to pull out instinctively.

"You have regarded yourself as a man since you were a child. You have never been male or female in your concept, have you?" Qiao Fei held her hand, looked into her eyes, and asked seriously.

Feng Ling looked at him for a moment, without nodding and shaking his head.

Not to mention that there is no such difference in the concept, but she has never felt the need to figure out what it takes to be a man and a woman.

"So even if I like you, you can't feel it?"

Feng Ling's expression was stunned, but the next moment she stunned her hand.

Looking at the palm that was vacant for a moment, Qiao Fei's eyes looked at her again, and then she looked at her again.

Feng Ling lowered the fork in his hand: "Vice Instructor Qiao, I ..."

"The four of them are often called Brother Qiao, and only one of the five is you, a deputy instructor and a deputy crying all day long." Qiao Fei looked at her: "I know you can't accept it for the time being, and have no other meaning, just thinking Let me tell you, don't evade my goodness to you too much. This is just because a man likes and appreciates a girl very straightforwardly. I also have no purpose. I like you and want to take care of you, just like that. "

Feng Ling raised his hand and randomly pulled his hair: "I grew up accustomed to myself and didn't need to be taken care of. Thank you for the kindness of Deputy Instructor Qiao, but this is not unacceptable, but the one between men and women Things have never been under my consideration, nor have they been under my endogenous planning. "

Qiao Fei laughed immediately, raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "Do you think you will be at the XI base all your life? Do you have to go out and marry someday? Just like I am still in the XI base now, that ’s because of me. I was too weak when I was young. My parents wanted me to be stronger, and later I wanted me to become stronger and stronger. So I sent me here to exercise, but after a few years, I still have to go home. It ’s inheritance. Family business, marriage, and children. Men and women are things that you must do step by step. This is not something you consider or consider. Just like I never considered what woman I would like, but suddenly I like you. Now, who could have expected this? "

Feng Ling didn't know what to say, but took another sip of milk. After thinking about it, he said, "Is there a training program for tomorrow that I must participate in? If not, I will take another day off, and if I do, I will have it earlier. In the past, don't delay everyone's training. "

"I'm telling you something serious, don't leave me alone." Qiao Fei frowned, looking at her with some serious eyes.

"I mean serious business." Feng Ling put down his glass: "In this XI base, training, tasks, systems, rules, shouldn't it be the most serious business?"

Qiao Fei stared at her face, looked at it for a while, then suddenly smiled: "Are you reminding me of breaking the rules and regulations of the base?"

Feng Ling smiled faintly: "It is true that the rules and regulations of the base do not allow love before leaving the base. After all, many tasks involve life and death, and members in each base cannot leave too much concern and Sorry, otherwise you will only be distracted and fearless.

Qiao Fei chuckled: "Stupid girl, I didn't say I would fall in love, how old are you, seventeen years old, you can be an adult after another year, and I don't need to rush to eat tender grass at this time."

Feng Ling: "..."

"What's more, I can leave the base in three more years. I just like it for the time being. I can take care of you as long as I can take care of you in the base. After I leave the base, no rules or regulations can control me. I like which woman I like. Which woman, I want you to wait for me, understand? "

Feng Ling: "... Deputy Instructor Qiao, although I don't quite understand, but the condition of the relationship between men and women should be established on the condition that both sides like each other, right?"

Qiao Fei's eyelids jumped, and Feng Ling continued: "But I don't feel that way to you ..."

Qiao Fei: "........."

Feng Ling looked directly at him, and said a little embarrassedly, "Am I too direct?"

Qiao Fei raised his hand and stroked his forehead, then raised the other hand as if he wanted to pat her shoulder, but hesitated again, put it back, patted it on his thigh, rubbed his teeth Said: "It's okay, it's good to be straightforward. You have been a man for a long time, and your temper is better than twitching. I'm not in a hurry, let's take it slowly."

Speaking of this, he put his hand on his forehead, looked at her with a smile, and whispered, "Take your time, I have patience. The following years in the base will always make you find the day. "

"Don't take your time, I didn't ..."

"Well, let's leave this topic for the moment." Qiao Fei raised her hand to signal her to shut up, not wanting to listen to her next words: "Eat first."

Feng Ling still wanted to talk, but Qiao Fei picked up his mobile phone and glanced at this time: "I just answered a phone call before I came, and I have to go to the base meeting room when something happens. You eat first, I am not in a hurry to let you accept , I'm not in a hurry, so you don't have to rush to veto first, I can tell clearly that you are now a man, and I will always treat you as a man, OK? "


"Okay, no need to say, I'm leaving." Qiao Fei gave her another look that shut her up, then turned around with her mobile phone and left.

Feng Ling: "..."

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