Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 857: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (120)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Feng Ling rested in the base for two days, and indeed did not see Li Nanheng for two days.

Boss Li said she didn't want to see her within two days, but she didn't keep herself in her residence for so long. She also went to the cafeteria and the infirmary halfway. She had seen Dr. Wen's sister, but the only one she hadn't seen was Li Nanheng .

When I saw the red car, I subconsciously thought that Dr. Wen's sister should be a young girl like Qin Shuke.

The result was a 24-year-old Bai Jing quiet and very intelligent and calm woman, who had graduated with a doctorate from a medical university in France. I heard that she had been admitted to the largest hospital in Los Angeles. It was a rare vacation for a few days. Visit her here at the base. Brother, by the way, because her brother is unwell recently and went out to see a doctor, she replaced her in the infirmary for a few days.

It was because Feng Ling went to the infirmary to get medicine in the past two days, so she had two contacts with this Miss Wen, and she felt like a very good woman.

But last time in the cafeteria, when several members of the base mentioned Dr. Wen's sister, it was as if gossip was flashing. What happened?

Is there such a gossip about such a beautiful and gentle female doctor?

On the second night of Feng Ling's rest, there were tasks to be performed in the base as usual. Although it was a small task, I heard that Li Boss had also gone. The reason why everyone mentioned that Li Boss also went, because He was wounded.

The injury on his arm a few days ago was not good.

The mission lasted a total of three hours. Several members of the terrorist base in the city of Los Angeles were uniformed, and two were killed on the spot. It was said that the person who shot was Li Nanheng.

These were all Feng Ling heard from A K's mouth. After all, she hadn't seen the boss for two days, and even the lights in the next room didn't light up.

A group of people flew back to the base on the helicopter dispatched from the XI base.

Feng Ling looked at the plane over the base from the balcony until the moment the plane landed, holding the handrail on the balcony, and there was an inexplicable impulse in her heart.

Li Li's arm was injured because of her, but from the moment he was injured to the present she has remained indifferent. Now he went out with the injury, and even if it was just a skin trauma, it hurt the flesh. Any action would pull If it comes to the wound, it won't heal well.

After Li Nanheng almost got out of the cabin, he immediately wanted to rush back to his apartment to change clothes. When he walked downstairs, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Feng Ling on the balcony for a moment.

She wore the short-sleeved T-shirt that she usually wears only when she was sleeping, and she washed her hair very cleanly. It seemed to be obedient. I can see that these two days should be a good rest, and her face is very good. The condition is also very good.

It was just that her eyes were a little straight and she didn't know what she was thinking.

He looked at her for a moment, did not speak, gave up his plan to return to his place of residence, and turned to leave.

Feng Ling saw that he was gone, and turned back sharply. He turned around and ran out quickly. He ran downstairs and ran behind him, then quickly ran around him, because he ran too fast and breathed slightly. It took only a few seconds to recover, and he returned to normal. He stood straight and looked at the tall man in front of him, and the temperature in his eyes did not have much temperature.


Li Nanheng looked at her and asked in a low voice: "Who allowed you to dress like this in the base and just run out?"

It is the tone of exhortation.


As if I hadn't experienced any life or death in the three hours of emergency support missions just now, but I could only see that my mood was not very pleasing.

Feng Ling yanked the hem of his white T-shirt: "Boss, I just want to see the injury on your arm. If it's not good, I ..."

"Good or bad, it has nothing to do with you, go back."

Feng Ling's eyes had already looked at his arm at this time. Although he was wearing a uniform, he felt that the posture of his arm was not easy to put on. He should still be hurting, or the wound that has not healed well in the first place. Cracked again.

She was about to speak. Han Jin came over at this time and asked, "Boss, are you okay? Listen to San Fat, they said that they were very dangerous just now. Those people kidnapped a lot of people there. You rushed in to save people. He was more or less injured. "

Li Nanhengdan answered, "It's all right."

Han Jin looked at him again: "No injuries?"

"The movements of the arms are not flexible. When the hostages are rescued, the movements are too strong. It is estimated that the wrist ligament is strained. It will be no big deal to go to the infirmary later."

"Ligament strain is not a trivial matter. Hurry up and see what's wrong."

A dialogue ended like this, Li Nanheng left without saying anything to Feng Ling.

Han Jin also glanced at Feng Ling and reminded: "Isn't there a system in the base? It's not allowed to wear too casually outside the place of residence. Why do you come out wearing this body?"

"I'll go back and change immediately. Is the previous injury on the boss' arm so serious? That's why the arm is not flexible? I'll follow you to the infirmary?" Feng Ling said.

"No, the boss himself will be fine. Ms. Wen is more careful than Dr. Wen, and it is more reliable to help her change the dressing. Don't worry about it."

It seemed as if everything was calm.

Feng Ling looked at the direction in which Li Nanheng and Han Jin were leaving. After looking at it for a while, she thought that she still needed to go there. After all, the injury was caused by her.

Go back to your apartment, pick up your jacket and pants, put on your clothes and rush to the infirmary.



Li Nanheng was sitting on a chair with his arms on the table.

The woman in the white skirt put on a white coat outside, and bent down to check his wrists and arms carefully.

After a long while, the woman came to the conclusion: "I ’ve applied a ligament to my wrist. I can't apply too much force for half a month. I have to take a good rest, otherwise it is easy to leave sequelae. It ’s very unfavorable, so be sure to remember my words for half a month, do n’t try hard. ”

Li Nanheng frowned: "It is impossible for half a month."

The woman glared at him: "If you want this hand to be abolished in the future, you can't even hold the gun, then you can do it!"

"Not a week?"

"How can there be any bargaining?" The woman's face was inconceivable: "What was the extent of the injury on your arm at that time, you don't know? You have been hiding it so that no one can see it. Go deeper and see the bones directly. You should n’t go on a mission today, and do n’t listen to the doctor! ”

Li Nanheng was silent for a moment, compromising: "Well, don't do anything for the time being, but in some cases, let's talk about it later."

"You have such a bad temper that you can't pull back a few cows, from childhood to most ..."

As soon as Feng Ling walked outside the infirmary door, she heard the woman's voice inside.

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