Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 860: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (123)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

This was called Feng Ling even more silent.

She looked up at Wen Leqing, the doctor's sister was really good enough to describe it with generosity, elegance, sympathy, and beauty.

What she didn't understand was, when did she and Li boss need another person to explain and siege for her, and even another person to ease the deadlock in the middle.

She doesn't like the deadlock now, but she really doesn't know how to break it.

The light in the infirmary pours down from above and shines on Wen Leqing's spotless white skirt.

The two of them are one black and one white, and they are exactly two.

Wen Leqing wears a fitted dress, with a white doctor-like white gown like an angel on the outside. Her long hair is meticulously pulled behind her head, her eyebrows are curved, her lips are shiny, and her lips are full and beautiful. Flowers.

But what about her?

Feng Ling drew her hands around her waist and touched her because she was in a hurry. She was n’t wearing a neat uniform. He had the same size and color uniform in her cabinet, and she wore it when she slept. The various white or black T-shirts are the same as the other men in the base, except that the clothes are pants, and there is no waist at all.

Even his own hair was short and pathetic.

Plain facing the sky.


Feng Ling had never felt anything bad about being a man before, but at this moment standing in front of such a perfect woman, she really felt a little embarrassed.

Li Li was obviously injured because of her, but in the end she needed to come to this female doctor to bandage the wound, and she could relax so much in front of Miss Wen.

Thousands of words came out of Feng Ling's mouth. I wanted to say something. I really wanted to say that Li Bo is really good. As long as Li Bo is really attentive, how can it be cold, but he also has The gentle side.

None of them knew.

When Li Nanheng dragged her out of the bathroom and pressed her down on the wall to kiss her, she seemed to be overbearing and forcibly pressed her, but actually blocked her all over her, and did not allow outsiders to glance over. Violation.

When Li Nanheng dragged her into the arms with the gunshot of the box, how tightly her hand was on her back.

No one knows this kind of tenderness.

All of a sudden, some scenes came to mind.

Those words stayed for a long time in the mouth, but Feng Ling finally turned around and turned to the back of Li Nanheng sitting there and said, "Boss, your injury must be treated with a doctor, then I will go back first."

She turned and walked quickly away.

Feng Ling hurriedly walked out of the infirmary, but did not know that after she left, when she went around the building and ran to the training field, Li Nanheng's gaze swept directly to the window.

Wen Leqing came back and was about to pull up his wrist again and continue to press and rub, but the man avoided his hand expressionlessly, and frowned when she was about to pull him again, obviously impatient.

Wen Leqing raised his eyebrows because he suddenly changed his face: "What are you doing? The medicinal oil in your hand has not been cleaned yet!"

Li Nanheng sat there without a word, and fixedly looked at the people who hurried away from the training ground over there.

The black uniform she wore today is not the one with a zipper, but a button style. The front button buckle was skewed, causing the entire row of buttons to be misplaced, but the clothes were placed underneath, and it would not really matter if you did not look closely.

Her hair was obviously messy and she was anxious to get over when she was wearing clothes.

As she walked quickly, she raised her hand to pick up a bit of messy hair, and did not continue to speed up her pace until the hair clinged to her forehead.

Wen Leqing also looked back and saw Feng Ling had gone far away, and then smiled again: "I'm getting tired of the men in your base, so Feng Ling looks a bit interesting. "

"What does she mean?" The man looked out of the window, his voice indifferent.

Wen Leqing hooked her lips: "When I first met Feng Ling, I always suspected that he was a woman, but later discovered that it wasn't, but if she was really a girl, it would be very beautiful. It is a pity that a boy is long So beautiful, how do you marry a daughter-in-law in the future? It should be very critical, after all, it would be difficult to find something more beautiful than himself ... "

Li Nanheng Lengheng: "How did you find out she wasn't?"

Wen Leqing turned to look at him again, and after a few seconds he reflected the meaning of this sentence, saying, "Of course not, Qiao Fei came over to help her get the medicine two days ago, Qiao Fei said that Feng Lien even raised his arm He had no strength. It was the medicine he forced to apply to Feng Ling. This medicine had to be applied to the limbs and the chest and back. Feng Ling was really a woman. How could Qiao Fei give it like this? Does he apply medicine? "

Li Nanheng raised his eyes, and slowly looked down at Wen Leqing from the bottom up: "Qiao Fei?"

"Yeah, Qiao Fei's parents are also close friends with our writers. I have always been very familiar with him. What does he always say? He also said that Feng Ling's dry body is not as long as training in the base. No wonder Feng Ling did n’t dare show it to others. She was so thin that she was embarrassed to see people. She did n’t have any muscle at all. She also said that she suspected that Feng Ling might be born with this kind of physique. He could not grow much muscle for many years. "Wen Leqing said as he whispered in front of Li Nanheng and said," Qiao Fei also said that I didn't expect Feng Ling, such a thin and small physique, to fight against Li, the boss. Occasionally, it is difficult to distinguish the middle and the middle, at least for a dozen rounds, but the small body has a large explosive power, which made him particularly curious about Feng Ling before. "

Wen Leqing added: "I just touched Feng Ling's hand and it really felt so white and tender ... A man is beautiful and white enough to make women jealous. Did you say that God made him miscarry? "

Wen Leqing originally wanted to say something, but seeing Li Nanheng's eyes looked out of the window again, his eyes remained unchanged for a long time.

Obviously Feng Ling has gone, what is he still watching?

Wen Leqing didn't say more, but when he was tired, he pulled his hand over and forced it under his hands, and then picked up a small bottle of medicinal oil and poured it on his wrist. Rub it.

Li Nanheng looked at the night out of the window with a serious look. The figure was no longer visible on the training ground in the night.

Is it something wrong with his senses? Or is that pair of silicone really so realistic?

If it is really a man ...

Li Nanheng Qingjun's face couldn't see the slightest smile, and he even wondered if he really bent accidentally ...

Think again about Feng Ling's expression that he wanted to say but didn't open his mouth. The expression of grievance but forbearance was obvious. He just felt a sore chest.

Damn, if he does n’t like women, if he really bends, will the old men in Li ’s family hang themselves collectively?

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