Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 861: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (124)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!


After the training, Qiao Fei asked everyone to go back and change clothes. With a team of three fat birthdays, the sniper team and the team will have a dinner tonight.

I didn't expect that the three fat people who had been right with Feng Ling in the first team everywhere could take advantage of their birthday to give them a rare vacation and have a good life. As soon as I got down the horizontal bar, I ran back to my residence quickly, and I cleaned myself up.

The reason is that today's dinner will be accompanied by Dr. Wen's sister, a woman rarely appeared in the base for so long, and it is said that Dr. Wen's sister also brought two internship female students, there are three women in this one A single bachelor who couldn't find a mother mosquito in the base should not be so excited.

After changing clothes, Tam asked: "Ah, yes, isn't Li's arm injured? Is he still going?"

Qiao Fei said: "I just called and asked, he said he would not go, let us go and have a good time."

Ah K immediately cheered up beside him, and after the cheer, he did not forget to pretend to say, "Boss is not going? What can we do? Without him, we will lose the backbone!"

Tam: "That is, even drinking is unhappy."

Lin Cheng: "Without the cold gaze of Li Bo, I may not be able to control myself, oops ..."

Lei Peng: "If the boss isn't there, I'm very itchy, not even one who cares about me."

Qiao Fei laughed and patted one of them: "What are you pretending to, and no one cares about you?"

"That is, anyway, there are three sisters today, right? Although Miss Wen has a leg with our boss, aren't there two other interns who haven't graduated yet? I heard that female college students who study medicine can have a good temper I'm irritable. I just like this little pepper. I don't want to make a girl if the boss is here. He glances at me and I immediately persuades. "Lin Cheng laughed.

"That is, without the boss, there is no control, no fear of being scolded."

Without Li Boss, no one told them to drink less, and no one reminded them that if there was a task at night?

No one said that alcohol training is the most important thing in physical training, and it is strictly advised that there is a maximum of three bottles per person and no more.

The boss is not here tonight, which means that there is wine to drink, meat to eat meat, and some women to soak.

Feng Ling was hesitant for a moment, and secretly told Qiao Fei, "Vice instructor Qiao, I will not go tonight."

Qiao Fei glanced at her, and next to him, Ak suddenly struck Feng Ling's shoulder and said, "What are you not going to do? Do you want to stay at the base to accompany the boss?"

Ak was originally ridiculed, but Qiao Fei heard it and looked directly at Feng Ling. Feng Ling said indifferently: "I have not been very comfortable with this too lively occasion. The last time I welcomed the boss back, I have been tossed by you Then, I will never cooperate with any other ghost idea this time. Then, I will scan the house for a long time? And I do n’t drink much, so I might as well stay in the base for three more hours. "

"Come on, you want to accompany the boss and say it straight. Anyway, the boss said that he would definitely not go if he didn't go tonight." Brother A and K looked at her shoulders.

Feng Ling didn't explain much, only "um" said.

Qiao Fei: "... really not going?"

"Don't go," Feng Ling said, turning around and holding her, Ak said, "Yes, I have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

"You said that Miss Wen and Li Li have a leg ..."

Ak suddenly looked at her with the expression "It's not easy to seal Xiaoling, you're okay," "What's wrong? Are you jealous?"

Feng Ling gave him a white look: "Don't guess, I haven't paid much attention to Dr. Wen and his sister in the base in recent years. I'm not very clear about their situation in the base. Also, what you just said, Boss and Miss Wen, what is going on? "

Ak raised an eyebrow: "What else can happen? The little thing between men and women is fraught."

It was because Feng Ling didn't understand the matter between man and woman at all, so he asked.

This Ah K, now he will deliberately sell off.

When Feng Ling saw him so intentionally, he simply stopped asking: "Let's go, I'll go back."

"Hey, what are you going to do, you haven't finished talking yet." A K stretched out his hand and grabbed her by the shoulder again to bring back the person. He lowered his head to her ear and said, "Li's family is in the American Chinese community. You should have heard of the status, so in the United States, as long as the family is in good condition and has some influence in the high society, there are usually some contacts with Li's family, including our associate instructor Qiao's home. They are also known to me. I listen It is said that Ms. Wen and our boss Li were in the same kindergarten when they were very young, and later they grew up together, but our boss came to the base very early, and Ms. Wen should only be regarded as a small child, and they should be kept occasionally in these years. Contact, and Miss Wen often comes to the base because of her brother's relationship, she and our boss are very familiar. "

Ak looked at Feng Ling calmly and could not see any emotional expression: "But something happened the year before you came to the base, and I didn't come to the base too long. The secret entrance behind the XI base was Terrorist sub-submerged into the bombing. Ms. Wen was right in the base at the time, was injured, and was unconscious for several days. The boss stayed so persistent for a few days. Until Ms. Wen woke up, he did not go back to rest. Therefore, the brothers in our base all think that there should be a deep feeling between the boss and Miss Wen, but in fact we have not seen anything between the boss and Miss Wen, just because the boss is usually indifferent to others, but I can keep Miss Wen for a few days, and it should be similar to what everyone guessed ... "

"But it's been almost four years since this happened, and the time is really fast, let alone me. Even Feng Ling has been here for more than three years." AK smiled at her and said, "You will live again I ’m going to be eighteen years old in ten months. At that time, our brothers in the base will do a good job for you! ”

"No, there aren't a few people in this base who are in their teens or twenties. Which one did it big on their birthday? It's not necessary to be so high-profile, I'll go back first."

"It's a high-profile fart. Look at the grandson of San Fat. I heard that Dr. Wen was going to bring two interns with him. He was excited to do it on the day of his birthday. That fat man can do it, let's Where's the home Feng Lingcha? I won't need you to pay for it, my brothers will help you! "

Feng Ling gave him a white look: "Let ’s go, hurry up and go to your sister, it seems that there is no three fat guests, you have the opportunity to meet the intern brought by Miss Wen."

Having said that, she patted her directly on A K's shoulder, pushed people away, turned and left.

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