Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 862: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (125)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

As soon as the A and K were sent away, Feng Ling was going to pick up things on the training ground before returning to his residence. In the distance, he saw Han Jin passing by.

She said hello to Han Jin and wanted to turn around and bypass directly, but when she saw her, Han Jin asked directly: "Hey? Feng Ling, didn't you go out?"

"Teacher Han." Feng Ling nodded to him. "I'm not interested in too busy occasions, so I didn't go."

Han Jin smiled: "That's right, the injury on the boss' arm will need to be changed later. You go to the infirmary to help him get the medicine back. I will take the team of guys out directly, which will also save time. "

"Is the boss's arm still okay?" Feng Ling asked, seeing that Han Jin didn't reflect it, and added: "I mean, doesn't Miss Wen help him massage the medicine every day? This should be fine quickly……"

Han Jin raised an eyebrow: "How can I massage and apply medicine every day? The boss hasn't visited the infirmary more than three times since he was injured. There are two times when we worry about his wound infection and urged him to go. These two days, Xiao Xu and I went to get the medicine. The boss changed the medicine in the room by himself. Besides, the boss couldn't do with Miss Wen ... "

When the words came to his lips, he suddenly stopped the car.

Take a closer look at Feng Ling, who seems to have no fluctuations in his eyes, and think about it. The Feng Ling has been in the base for many years. It is a type that does not ask much about anything and is not interested in anyone. It seems that there is no such thing as love.

But seeing her like this, it's rare to be able to hear more about a person's affairs, and when the boss went to the infirmary that night, Feng Ling seemed to follow.

Suddenly, Han Jin sighed, "Hey, what are you talking about?"

Feng Ling originally thought that he just said that the boss's injury was not good, but unexpectedly changed the tone again: "how?"

"Hey, I don't know how to tell you."

"Speak straight." Feng Ling looked at him and could hear something obvious.

Han Jin shook his head and sighed: "In fact, Miss Wen is really good, but the eldest brother seems to have an unresolved marriage contract at home. Secondly, she has not shown much interest in Miss Wen, but she is just the sister of Dr. Wenwen. Or a friend treats it. The current state of Miss Wen is that she is deliberately flowering and ruthless, and it is strange to think about it. "

Feng Ling looked up at him: "Isn't Li Li like Miss Wen?"

Han Jin made persistent efforts: "Yeah, we also think that the boss should like her. This is a good saying, women chase the men's veil, Li Tie's tenderness, should be melted by Miss Wen's fingernails sooner or later. I think Miss Wen is also very patient, knowing that Li Li doesn't like to make the relationship between friends too complicated, so she has been quietly staying with her from the perspective of friends, and I think she will continue so persistently, maybe Sooner or later, she will become Mrs. Li. "

Feng Ling turned her face blankly and looked at the things in the training ground next to her, without saying a word.

Han Jin clutched her shoulder seriously: "Feng Ling, I told you, do n’t tell the boss Ms. Wen just now, do n’t ask when you go to the infirmary to get medicine, give When the boss is on the medicine, you talk quietly and don't try to get rid of the relationship that is about to approach, okay? "

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense." Feng Ling whispered.

"Then you must pay attention, we are all waiting for Miss Wen to be Mrs. Li." Han Jin seemed to be a little excited. "There are not many people who can be patient with the boss. Miss Wen is one of them. This kind of good destiny should really let them cherish it, right? "

"Yes." Feng Ling's tone remained calm. "The boss is really very cold to people, and really patient to Miss Wen. Unlike us, he usually shouted at him, and he didn't reflect anything ..."

Han Jin saw her attitude of not getting into the oil and salt. She was anxious, and patted her thigh: "Ah, that's not the case. Don't say that the boss is usually impatient with other people. It seems that the boss has not rushed for so many years Go up and kill someone for the bullet! "

Feng Ling looked up.

Han Jin smiled, and God mysteriously reached her ear: "In fact, sometimes patience is equal to politeness, and politeness is alienation. Alienation does not matter. In fact, the boss's attitude towards internal and external behavior has always been very obvious. It's just that there is an elm cricket in our base and it has never been opened. "

Feng Ling heard it, but didn't look at him like that: "Where's the elm cricket?"

Han Jin: "..."


Suddenly I understand what the boss is mad at every day.

If this guy is a woman, maybe throwing it directly on the bed will solve it.

But now even if you want to throw it to bed, there seem to be other more important issues to be solved.

For example, the question of who the two men go to is ...

"By the way, I found that the boss seems to have looked particularly disgusting to you recently. Would you like to relax the relationship with the boss?" Han Jin asked again.

Feng Ling raised his eyes: "I think."

"I have a few bottles of wine in my room that have been treasured for a few years. Usually, drinking is not allowed in the base, so I have kept it until now." He said, and handed her the keys to his residence: "You fill him two bottles tonight Wine and see if we can resolve the contradiction. "

"Why do you drink alcohol to resolve contradictions?"

"You do n’t understand. The atmosphere between men needs to be in the conversation. When you are awake, you do n’t even want to put a fart. When you drink too much, you know what the boss is thinking. You listen to me. Take it and go to the cafeteria for a few dishes. "

"Boss probably won't accept the wine and vegetables I send."

"Whether he accepts it or not, it ’s your heart that you send it, and it ’s him who does n’t accept it, it ’s better than always staying so stale, and training you like a machine every day, right?” Han Jin said, cheering. She patted her on the shoulder like: "Trust me, as long as you are able to get drunk with the boss, you can solve many doubts in your heart!"


"But what! But have to lie tired every night on the training ground like a cow? Give you a chance, you can go, the boss who has been drinking too much can escape your palm?"

Feng Ling: "..."

How inexplicable it feels Han Jin's words have another meaning.

But she didn't understand what it meant, just looked at him a little puzzled.

Seeing Feng Ling's half-knowing look, Han Jin zoomed in again.

"Come, I'll give you another trick."

"Isn't it very successful that you wore women's clothing for the mission last time? You change to another women's clothing and go to the boss, and the boss will definitely be disappointed when he sees you."

"... what am I doing in women's clothing?"

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