Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 863: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (126)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Han Jin blinked at him, looked at her with a look of "all in nothing", cheered for her at last, and then walked away.

Feng Ling: "..."


Late at night, a large part of the team and the other four sniping all went out.

The first team and the sniper team's training ground and the building where they lived were closest to each other. At this moment, the surroundings were clean and empty.

Feng Ling took Han Jin's key and went to him to get a few bottles of wine. Then, as he said, he went to the base's cafeteria and asked people to cook a few dishes, and then all walked back.

However, she did not change the women's clothing. After all, this was completely unnecessary, and the ones Xiao Xu bought her last time had been thrown away and destroyed, and she did not have any female clothes and supplies in her room.

When I returned to my apartment with these things, there was no one in the hallway, and there was a feeling of empty space for a while. Only the moonlight at night was poured in from outside, and the place was white.

Feng Ling stepped on Yuehui to the floor where she and Li Nanheng lived.

She didn't really want to follow Han Jin's instructions.

But the last time Li Bo helped her to block the bullet, she really realized that the so-called high-risk missions were really different from those she had taken before. Most of these newcomers were still in contact with the base. Some gangs of criminals or gangs of mixed gangsters, although guns and explosives are essential, are relatively easy to deal with. As long as they reflect agility, a little IQ, and the cooperation of teammates, usually there will be no problem.

But the last time since she entered the base, she faced terror and terror directly for the first time, and it is said that the group of terrors and terrors was not too difficult to do, it was just a wave of branching out. .

In other words, in the base, now and in the future, there will only be more dangerous tasks. The so-called sacrifices in other populations seem to be getting closer to her.

Before, she had planned all the possibilities in the base, but she did not expect that when she was in danger, the old general assembly rushed to protect her in her arms.

Even if she was forced to do one night of training on the training ground that night, even though she was so tired that she was about to faint, she kept thinking in her mind.

If Li Bo hadn't rushed to protect her at that time, would the injured person be her? The David pointed his muzzle directly at her head. If she couldn't avoid it, she might be a lone soul now.

And if the boss was holding her to avoid the bullet, if the bullet was not just hitting his arm, but hitting his back or other key points, if the boss had an accident to save her, then it should be another scene.

What if her and the boss's lives were left in the bar that day?

Feng Ling has never been afraid of anything, but after that day, a kind of fear that she didn't understand very well kept entangled her heart, and she often felt out of breath when she woke up, repeatedly in her mind It was the scene where Li Nanheng pressed her tightly in her arms.

It was already eight o'clock at night.

Feng Ling, wearing a black uniform, stood at the stairs of this floor and walked back and forth for nearly a few minutes. She looked at the closed door from time to time from time to time. When she came out, she was paying attention to the balcony next door. Lights, make sure the boss should be inside now.

She took the bag in her hand and took a deep breath.

It's been several days.

Boss Li didn't listen to her, and was even very fierce. He rarely passed by in the base and didn't even look at her.

Not to mention whether he was responsible for the injury to his arm, but he couldn't keep it that way.

Feng Ling recalled what happened before the boss was angry with her that day, the scene that happened in the bar, and the scene that forced her to undress when she came back, and he asked her again and again if she thought she was honest person.

This freezing point made Feng Ling's whole person feel in a constant state, and she had to break the freezing point earlier, otherwise she could not keep a good state in the base.

Thinking of this, she stepped on the sound-activated lamp and walked to Li Nanheng's door.

In the empty corridor, the light above his head lights every time he walks.

Dim in one place.

She stood at the door, seeing the bright light coming out of the door slit, secretly wondering what the boss was doing inside, then took a deep breath, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Three bangs, especially in the quiet corridor.

There was a man's voice in the room: "Who?"

Low, indifferent, and diffuse, like the endless sea surface at night, cold and deep can not be seen to the end.

Feng Ling's hand clutching the bag was tight. "It's me."

There was silence for a while, and then footsteps approached the door and paused at the door.

Li Nanheng asked lightly, "What are you doing?"

"..." and asked directly without opening the door? Feng Ling clutched the bag and bluntly said: "The instructor Han just gave me a few bottles of wine just before leaving. I'm not drinking alone. Anyway, when I live with the boss, I come to the boss to drink.

The people in the room went silent, and this silence made Feng Ling shiver inexplicably outside the door.

A moment later, the door opened.

The bright light inside poured out, and Feng Ling outside the door looked up at the man inside.

Li Nanheng was fine tonight, and he didn't go out to drink with them. Obviously I didn't need to see anyone at night. He was wearing a white jersey in the room. Below was a pair of black shorts. His hair was wet and water droplets dripped on his shoulder on.

"Boss was just taking a bath?" Feng Ling asked subconsciously.

No wonder she didn't hear the sound in his room when she was in the corridor just now, it turned out to be in the bathroom.

Li Nanheng didn't answer, and glanced at the bag in her hand: "What wine to drink? Who allows you to drink in the base? Want to drink and go out with them directly, the base clearly stipulates that drinking is not allowed."

Feng Ling mentioned what he had in his hand: "It was given to me by the Han instructor. You also know that my alcohol is not good. You gave it to me, and I could n’t get used to it, so I brought it to you. I will leave it with you. If you leave it, whether it is left or it will be dumped, I will never stop it! "

Li Nanheng looked down at her, "What did Han Jin do for you? He has kept the wine for so many years. I didn't want to ask him for a bottle, but I gave it all to you today?"

Feng Ling: "..."

What else is going on?

Then she really doesn't know.

But when I went to Han Jin's room just now, I really saw a lot in the cupboard. She only took four of them, and then put all the others neatly and came out directly. .

You can't directly say that instructor Han asked her to come over and get drunk ...

"Boss, let me make it first, the dishes are getting cold." Feng Ling said as he raised his hand to push him, patted his hand on his chest and walked inward.

The man just wore such a vest just after taking a bath. The vest was very thin, and the solid feel of her hands made her heart tremble, and she took her hands back as if it was hot, and walked in quickly.


(Qing Qing: Bad smile ~ Long night, should something happen ...)

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