Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 870: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (133)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

She turned back directly, without looking away this time, looking directly at him without any emotion.

Li Nanheng looked at her attitude and narrowed her eyes: "Want to leave the base?"

Seeing the man as if nothing had happened last night, even as if all the expressions he deserves, Feng Ling's hand hung on his side was clenched again.

But after all, she is a man, can't be too coquettish, nor can she be too indulgent. Since last night, I really wanted to shoot him with a shot. Hope can only be held back.

"Boss, please let me leave for a while." Feng Ling said calmly after a moment of silence, "I need some time alone."

"Do you need to be alone or do you need to avoid my time?"

Feng Ling's manicured nails stabbed in the palm of his hand fiercely, and his calm eyes reduced a lot at this moment, and he just looked at him coldly: "I don't want to say more, but you are even in charge of the XI base, Being the boss here doesn't mean I can just let you go ... "

"I like you. There is nothing to hide or shame on such things." Li Nanheng interrupted her directly.

Feng Ling's expression was stagnant. Suddenly, because of his frankness and inexplicability, he couldn't even let out the whole night's anger, but just looked at him in disbelief: "Boss, I'm a man ..."

"There is no difference between a man and a woman. The main point is that Lao Tzu is his mother. It is up to you to accept or not. It is my thing to accept or not. It is my business to like or not." Li Nanheng didn't hide it, and even calmly Sincerely people can't avoid it for a moment: "Don't forget, last night you took the initiative to come to your door."

Feng Ling froze for a moment, and frowned immediately: "I'll give you wine!"

"The purpose of delivering wine is not to drunk me, to utter some words from my mouth?"

Feng Ling: "..."

There is a bit of coolness in the eyes of men, and a bit of irony: "Even if you really drank me, the only thing you can put it out is that I have fancyed you, and since you want to know, I do Better to tell you while you are sober. "

Feng Ling: "Boss, don't make this joke."

"My physiological response last night should not look like a joke. What do you think I did in the bathroom last night?"

Feng Ling: "..."

She's not a man, how could she know what he was doing!

"The XI base is completely militarized. Everyone here is equal to the military. People. The most important rule of the base is honesty." The man looked at the teenager who was a head shorter than himself and looked down. She stood upright with her face down: "Since you can't control your heart, there is no need to lie. I'm not putting words here to persecute you, but I'm telling you clearly that Lao Tzu's like is right. Like the Eight Classics, you don't have to hide like this. If you don't like it, you just reject it. What do you do? "

This man spoke too calmly, as if he did nothing wrong.

Feng Ling suddenly raised his eyes to see him, and saw the place on the man's lips that had been bitten by her, and instantly pretended to be calm, as if he had overturned the Wuwei bottle, all feelings came out.

But Zuo Siwei thinks that although he is calm, it does not mean that he is not overbearing. If she really likes what he said, if she does n’t like it, or she can reject it without any preparation, then she struggled last night. To what extent? Didn't he let her go?

But it can't be said that she hasn't let go of her, although it's really a lot for her, even ... even her palms are still hot ...

But it did seem to have done nothing that should not be done, at least not even unbuttoning the clothes.

Feng Ling couldn't believe her originally calm heart would be so unpredictable because of a few words from a person. From the anger that almost collapsed last night to the huge contradiction at this moment, she had no idea what it was it is good.

"Look up." The man looked at her.

Feng Ling raised his eyes and looked directly at him.

With four eyes facing each other, the man stared at her eyes for a moment, then looked at the gun under her feet again, and said his voice with no temperature: "However, it's impossible for you to violate the rules of the base training ground in public."

Feng Ling knew what the consequences of what she had just done would have, and she didn't have too many thoughts in her heart. She just felt that no matter what, it would be good to let her leave the base temporarily, go out and relax, or do something else. .

After all, something in her single concept of life seemed to be disrupted, and she was in a mess now.

"The Continental Divide in Montana, USA, is called the Rogers Pass, which is currently very cold compared to the entire United States. It has experienced cold waves all year round. The U.S. military intends to build a transportation corridor there, but with Montana The area adjacent to the state is where many Mafia elements are resident. The road construction team sent by the military is likely to be ambushed. A group of people need to be stationed in the past for at least three months until the transportation corridor is successfully completed. You can leave. "

"However, if these mafia will strike them, it is not certain. After all, the completion of such a transportation channel will have a great impact on the interests of one group of people and have no effect on the interests of another group of people. Are there any interests involved, so long-term presence for more than three months is too wasteful of manpower and fighting power, and will not send the elite team of the base for the time being. Your skills are relatively best in your own hands, go to each team to pick a few The newcomer goes with you. "

Feng Ling, like every time he accepts the task, has no objection: "OK."

Looking at her expression that was acceptable no matter where she went, no matter what the task, Li Nanheng gave her a light glance again: "That is the coldest place in the United States. Can you eat it?"

"I should have no problem with my physical fitness. I also did cold training for half a year in the base in the previous two years, and my physical fitness and cold resistance were ok." Feng Ling's official expression: "Please be assured."

It's really the calm and indifferent Feng Ling who doesn't talk about feelings.

"Go pick a few reliable people yourself. As long as you determine the number of places, let Han Jin directly arrange the list and notify."

"it is good."

"Two days later, we set off directly."

"it is good."

"Prepare all cold-proof clothing before you go. If you need to talk directly to the person in charge of the base, they will prepare it according to your requirements."

"it is good."

"Nothing to say?"

Feng Ling has always been adequately prepared for upcoming tasks and challenges, including psychological preparations. Anyway, the result of the event was her own. She had nothing to ask for, and only looked up at him: "Thank you, boss. "

Li Nanheng looked at her like this for a long while, and determined that she really didn't even ask for a word, squinting.

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