Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 871: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (134)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

Han Jin received the list brought by Feng Ling, glanced at the name above, and sighed: "Feng Ling's idea is similar to mine. These are usually excellent in the team, but they always want to be opportunistic. Personally, I really need to go out to that kind of place to exercise well, so that I can cherish my life in the base. This Ling usually doesn't like to say anything, but she really has an idea. "

Xiao Xu, who sent the list, sat directly on the chair next to him, and glanced at the list in his hand again: "My boss is very curious how the boss will let Feng Ling go to the Rogers Pass, there is no place in front of the village and no shop, There is not even an electronic device. It is estimated that there will always be no signal on the cell phone. The U.S. military is unwilling to send people to station in that kind of place. There are really people who freeze to death and no one knows why he would seal it. Send it over. "

"Who knows, you dare to ask?" Han Jin glanced at him.

Xiao Xu's mouth trembled: "I don't want to go. The boss Li has been in low pressure for the past two days. I walked close to him and felt cold enough one meter away, but I heard that the sniper team was there. It seems something happened between Ling and the boss. "

Han Jin raised an eyebrow: "You mean that Feng Ling pointed his gun at Li Bo?"

Xiao Xu patted his thigh: "Yes, that's the thing. The kids on the sniper team have very tight mouths and don't talk to people other than their team members, but Lin Cheng and Tam talked while eating in the base cafeteria. A few words about this, I heard it by the side, it seems to be the case, but I also asked more.

Han Jin raised an eyebrow, dropped the list in his hand, and smiled again.

It seems that when Feng Ling was asked to get some food and drinks for Li's boss that night, something really happened. I just didn't know what was going on and it would suddenly be so big.

How old Li's alcohol is, Han Jin is very clear.

Therefore, it should be impossible for Feng Ling to sink him easily.

But judging from the current situation, that night ... shouldn't the boss just put Feng Ling on the spot?

But when you think of Feng Ling in the base these two days, he walks in a very stable posture, not as if ... by what or what ... it should not be possible ...

Alas, I clearly want to promote the relaxation of the relationship between them, and stop being so stalemate. As a result, I don't even know what happened now. This is really itchy, but I have nowhere to ask.

Feng Ling's mouth was so strict that he couldn't ask anything. If Li Bo ... unless he wanted to die, how could he dare to ask.

The boys of the sniper team probably don't know what happened when they were away that night.

Ah, there was a delicious melon in front of me, but I couldn't eat it quickly. I was so panicked ...


"Feng Ling, you can think about it. The conditions in the place like Rogers Pass are very difficult. You may not even be able to return after you go." Qiao Fei pulled Feng Ling directly outside after waking up in the morning, wrinkling. Mei Mei looked at her with a serious look: "While you can discuss with the boss before you leave, you haven't said how much training will be delayed in the sniper team in the past three months. That is the kind of place in case of frostbite. There may be It's been a long time since I could pick up a sniper rifle. "

"Deputy Instructor Joe, this matter has already been settled, and there is no room for change, and this is the punishment I received after making my own mistakes, and I am not qualified to request a change."

"If you don't want to go, I can talk to the boss directly. Even if he presses me in the base and shows the relationship between Qiao's and Li's outside, he can still give me some face." Qiao Fei looked at her "Don't be impulsive, you can't go there, there's a possibility that there will be no return."

"Everyone is a member of the base. Why can others go, but I can't go?" Feng Ling asked, "Isn't the base always treated equally? When it comes to danger, the boss Li can top it regardless of his life, my base. Members, should it still be the one who has been hiding in the base and protected? "

Qiao Fei was helpless: "You should be my selfishness, anyway, I don't want you to go to that kind of place."

"Deputy instructor Qiao, you have relationships outside the base, family background, backing, and connections, but I have nothing. I only have a home like XI base. Now the base has a task to send me out. I There is no intention to retreat, please ask Deputy Instructor Qiao not to force your selfishness on me. "Feng Ling said, taking a step back directly:" Thank you for your attention, I have a sense of proportion. "

Qiao Fei's expression was stagnant. Looking at her apparently alienated expression, she knew that what she said just now because of her urgency really sounded too selfish. Feng Ling, a person who has never been selfish in the base, may be hard to accept Such selfishness.

I don't want her to take risks, and I don't want her to have an accident. This kind of selfishness, she can only blow her teeth and swallow them.

He even wanted to request a replacement, even if he wanted to replace Feng Ling, and he would go to Rogers Pass.

Ke Fengling's attitude is obvious, she really intends to go in person.

He sighed: "If you have to go, the sniper team should take your situation into consideration and temporarily transfer everyone back to the team. After all, the five of you have been trained, and you may have to wait for you to return to continue Training, I'm fine during this period, I can apply to accompany you to Rogers Pass. "

"The list has been submitted, and I will leave tomorrow. Deputy Instructor Qiao does not need to accompany me. People like me who have nothing to worry about, even if there is no return, like you, you have high hopes at home and even ready at any time. The people who left the base and returned to inherit the family business have too many people behind you to trust you, and you really ca n’t go. "

"Feng Ling." Qiao Fei sighed: "I really don't worry."

"I will take care of myself." Feng Ling nodded to him, not planning to say more, and re-entered the training ground without looking back.

This is the last day of training before she set off for Rogers Pass. She still took her as seriously as usual, and returned to her home in the evening to start packing things to take away tomorrow.

Each member of this trip will be issued two large-capacity suitcases. The most basic thing is to put some thick quilts and cold-proof clothes inside, including various cold-proof medicines, etc. Stuffed with two suitcases.

Feng Ling usually does n’t need much, and I heard that the electronic communication over there is not very convenient. The mobile phone also needs to recover the signal within a certain period of time. The network is not available, so there is no need to bring a computer, just a mobile phone. It's enough.

Travel is simple, the task is priority, as long as it is warm enough.

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