Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 883: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (146)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

"Does this really work?" She didn't particularly believe what he said.

Li Nanheng glanced at her coldly: "My own wrist, can I still endure it forever? It tells you how to do it. What so much nonsense?"

Feng Ling: "Oh."

That's right, he can't let his wrists really be so useless.

She hurried to get a hot towel to cover him, and then asked Dabin for the auto-heating knee pad that he didn't know where it was from.

Really don't say, this knee brace can really get hot in your hand. Feng Ling researched for a while before seeing that there is a hidden button inside which contains the battery. No wonder it can get hot.

After taking it back, wrap the towel around Li Nanheng's wrist like this, and then wrap the self-heating knee pads around the towel. Make sure that the towel will always maintain a suitable temperature. Not only can the wrist be warmed, but because it is wrapped like this Tie's tie is a bit tight, and his wrist can be fixed to prevent secondary injuries due to the ligament pulling.


It was because Li Nanheng ’s wrist was really not bad, and although the fat of three fats was saved, she had a bad cold, could n’t afford bed, and was sick all day, with a fever and cough, and got into two tents. People are very busy, especially when it is time to eat, they all come out to help each other, and they are trying to make porridge and doing other light things.

Li Nanheng is not as troublesome as San Fat. Although his right hand is injured, Feng Ling takes the initiative to come over every meal time, or he can directly give him a spoon to make it more convenient for him to eat. Either he just helped him put the dishes in the bowl in front of him.

At first Li Nanheng said that she was not needed, but after using it smoothly, she didn't even need a spoon, and waited for her to feed directly.

Feng Ling watched that his wrist really hurt until he couldn't move. Although he didn't think it was appropriate, he still fed it. When he was a twenties kid, he fed it.

In this way, Li Nanheng needed her to help her even when she was wearing a coat and taking off her coat. In a day, almost everything except Feng went to the toilet to let Feng Ling help.

Once again at night, Li Nanheng did not take a bath because of a wrist injury last night, and apparently he still cannot wash tonight.

Feng Ling just went to the tent next door to see the three fat, the three fat's fever has faded, but the person is very weak, soaked in such cold water for a long time, and then frightened, it is estimated that he will get sick Several other brothers were there to take care of them day and night, making sure there were no major problems there, and Feng Ling returned to the tent over there.

As soon as I returned, I saw Li Nanheng unbutton his clothes with one hand and walked to the bathroom wearing only a close-fitting T-shirt.

Feng Ling looked at his back in confusion, and called out, "Boss, what are you going to do in the bathroom? You are not convenient to take a bath now."

"Can't you wash your head without a shower?"

Li Nanheng has always had a cleansing habit. It can be tolerated without bathing for a day or two, but it is not suitable to not wash his hair.

Feng Ling followed the door of the bathroom and watched as he buried his head in the sink next to the simple bathroom. He unscrewed the faucet of the temporarily-made water pipe with one hand and watered his hair with one hand.

"You just wash like this?"

"if not?"

Because of bending down, his voice was lowered by two points, with a larynx, and a touch of dullness.

He closed his eyes, bent over in front of the sink, and looked a bit strenuous, but insisted on washing.

Feng Ling looked for a while.

Li Nanheng was pouring water on his head, and Feng Ling's footsteps came from his ear.

The next second, suddenly a pair of hands came out of the water, pulled away his uninjured hand, and took some warm water to shower his hair.

He made a movement, and then turned to look at her in such a bent posture.

Feng Ling's voice was extremely natural: "It's inconvenient for you, let me do it."

Li Nanheng didn't say anything. The hand that was supposed to wash his hair paused in the air, and slowly landed on the washstand, placed on it, and didn't move.

Although Feng Lingping's skill is flexible at all times, don't look at her being thinner than other people, but she is definitely a violent person in training, but at this moment, her movements are very light, she poured water on his hair, then Kneaded again.

Seeing that his hair was almost wet, he turned off the tap and went to get the shampoo.

"Boss, my shampoo is not as good as when you were at the base, don't you mind?"

He paused and closed his eyes without forgetting a sentence: "I used it when I bathed here the night before yesterday. Do you think I'm someone who minds this kind of thing?"

Feng Ling rolled her eyes in a direction that he couldn't see. Of course, she didn't know if he was such a person, but who usually has such a clean habit, who knows whether he will be very disgusted with other people's bath products.

She said nothing, squeezed out the shampoo, rubbed bubbles in the palm, and wiped his hair.

Simple and narrow in this tent in the bathroom, dim lights.

The tall and tall man stooped, as if a tough guy had bowed Chen Chen in front of her, and she stood beside him, carefully washing his hair, light and slow, slightly jerky. .

However, he has been doing his best to help him wash his hair, and does not like to wash him too uncomfortable Feng Ling, at all I do not know how Li Nanheng was tortured and psychologically challenged at this time.

The man closed his eyes and lost his vision, and all the senses in the whole body became sharper in the darkness.

He leaned down on the washstand, feeling her soft hand rubbing gently between his hair, occasionally scratching, painless and itchy, but it seemed to ignite something in silence.

Her fingertips fell to her ears, as if with a small flame.

She pressed her scalp and every time it made him feel numb all over.

She unscrewed the faucet, and started to pour water on his head again, and asked, "Is the water temperature right? Is it hot?"

The water temperature is very suitable. The temperature is warm and not hot at all.

But the water slipped into the hair, and the neck began to burn.

Feng Ling rubbed his hands back and forth between his hair, brushed his fingers gently against the foam in his ears, and managed the stubble above his neck.

Li Nanheng stood there calmly, as if someone had lit a flame in his chest, and then he couldn't go out.

Wash it like this for a while, until the foam on his hair and neck is cleaned, Feng Ling took a towel and wiped his hair: "Okay!"

Li Nanheng raised his head, but did not straighten his waist, still supporting his hands on the table, and said gently: "Water is flowing into the clothes, would you mind helping me to wipe my body again?"

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