Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 884: : Wind chimes in the south and Hengmu in the north (147)

Biquge, the fastest update is not as warm as the latest chapter of your affection!

When Feng Ling heard it, he looked directly at it and looked carefully, and sure enough, he saw water stains on the chest of his T-shirt.

The posture of bending and shampooing just now, plus that she has been pouring water for him, may not notice any water flowing down his neck into the clothes on his chest.

Feng Ling undoubtedly has it: "Sorry I didn't pay much attention just now, I will help you wipe it."

Li Nanheng then stood up, and when he straightened up, his eyes fell directly on her face.

Feng Ling took it seriously and took a dry towel next to him to wipe the clothes on his chest, then looked at the water stains on it, and said sorry, "Take it off and wash it, don't you still have Change your clothes? I'll get them for you, and you'll change them first. "

The man stood there without moving, only moved his mouth: "Well, you help me take it off."

Feng Ling paused with her towel in her hands. If it wasn't for his wrists that couldn't move, she would have doubted whether he was deliberately blackmailing her.

"Do not forget, I will do it myself." Without waiting for her response, Li Nanheng would push her away without any expression.

"You don't move, let me do it." Feng Ling had no choice but to put the towel down, and stretched out his hand to pull the man's clothes from his belt, and then stood in front of him, the whole person was almost in his arms, Hugging him with both hands, roll his clothes up and roll them up, then close his eyes, and simply lift his clothes up and down.

Until he helped him take off his clothes from the top of his head and watched the man just shuffle his hair just because he had just washed his hair, her eyes were dull, and then she turned sharply and walked out.

Going to get his laundry change is still the close-fitting T-shirt he usually wears inside, but this one is dark gray. I usually see him wearing more black, and occasionally I have seen him wearing a white vest. The reason he rarely enters his room is that he has not seen him wear other colors very often.

Feng Ling went in with his clothes in and saw the man standing there waiting for her with a naked upper body, as if waiting for her to wait was taken for granted.

When she walked in, she just wanted to pass the clothes directly to him, and saw what was entangled in the man's wrist. In the end, she helped him put on the clothes.

The action of putting on clothes is opposite to the action of **** just now, one is to lift upwards and the other is to gently pull downwards, but basically it is almost in the arms of men.

After finally putting his clothes on to help him, Feng Ling was about to pull back, but the man in front of him didn't know when he started to look down at her. When she was about to step back, she suddenly took a step forward, She stepped back subconsciously, and the man stepped forward until she leaned back into the corner of the cubicle door against the partition.

The moment of retreat, the scene that happened in his room that night made Feng Ling feel tense and eager to avoid it, but the man bowed down at this moment as if to kiss her, she turned away immediately. The face, the man's lips just rubbed lightly in her ears.

Li Nanheng looked down at her other movement, and looked at her deeply, but did not continue with other movements.

She raised her hand, thinking about it or pushing it to his waist: "Boss, if you are not stable, I will help you out."

She lowered her head as she spoke, pretending not to see the thick dark color in his eyes, and raised her hand to make a gesture to help him.

The man looked down at her expression. For a moment, he really wanted to kiss him, but considering that his wrist was injured, he still needed her to take care of him for a while. If he really annoyed her, if he was angry again, Raising a gun, it is estimated that he may not be able to move her hand at this moment and a half. After all, one hand is still no better than two hands, even if Feng Ling is thinner, her physical strength is all trained by him. Yes, she has the strength, he knows well.

He straightened up and didn't continue to press her downwards. He helped him out when Feng Ling got empty. He suddenly remembered when he was near the bed. He just couldn't help himself with his wrists, and he didn't hurt his leg. She What help?

She yanked her hands back, raised her eyes and saw the man sitting at the bed looking at her with a smile.

Feng Ling immediately and quickly opened his eyes: "Boss, you take a break first, I, I will go and see the three fat ..."

"Did you just go to see it? Would you like to see it again?"

"Ah, I just went to see ..."

Seeing that she was standing beside the bed and didn't know what to do next, Li Nanheng didn't say more, raised her uninjured hand and twitched his own hair, and then said lightly: "Remember last time I was At the entrance of the infirmary, did you see how Wen Leqing helped me massage? "

Feng Ling recalled: "Probably remember."

It seems that it is mainly a simple blood-removing action. It should not be too heavy or light, and gently press and rub at the location of the ligament strain.

"Then try it," the man said, raising his hand.

Feng Ling: "You want me to help you massage?"

Li Nanheng raised an eyebrow: "This will speed up the improvement, otherwise when you want to feed me like this forever, help me wash my hair and change clothes? When will I continue to do this, I'm afraid I will even need you to go to the toilet tomorrow. . "

Feng Ling walked over for a moment of silence, helped him to untie everything on his wrist, and watched the man's slightly pale white wrist because of the heat for a day, no potion or doctor, just as simple as that Hot compress does not know if it will work, but it looks like he is not in a hurry and is not worried. She doesn't say much. She just raised her hand, but it was still a little rusty at first. Press it on his wrist for a while. .

At first Li Nanheng seemed to have some pain, but he didn't say anything, only she pressed it. After pressing for ten minutes, Feng Ling found the regularity and massage direction. Although the expression on his face was not obvious, it was painful and comfortable. It can still be seen to some extent, according to his comfortable rules.

Li Nanheng watched her keep rubbing his hand on his wrist. After a while, she suddenly lifted the other hand and dragged her to the side: "Sit down."

"I'm helping you press ..."

"Sit down and press!"

This sitting position is really too close, Feng Ling twisted his waist slightly, and continued to help him carefully rub, while rubbing his head and looking at him from time to time to determine that he is really quite Only rest assured.

The man held her hair by the angle of sitting next to her like this, and suddenly said, "Have you not cut your hair in a while?"

Feng Ling's hair really hasn't been cut for a long time. There were too many things a while ago. I haven't taken the time to cut it. Now this length has exceeded the length under the ear. It is indeed a bit long.

"Um." She responded, raising her hand and squeezing her hair back.

It was just a habitual movement. The man looked at her snow-white cheeks and white and soft ears exposed because her hair was opened, her eyes were dark.


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